"Your Majesty, I have strong enough strength to deal with that guy!"

At this moment, a confident voice came into Zhu Houzhao's ears.

For Zheng He at this moment, but when Zheng He sensed that breath at this moment, a trace of deep disdain flashed in Zheng He's eyes at this moment.

And listening to Zheng He's confident reply, Zhu Houzhao's eyes were filled with a hint of satisfaction.

"Very good, then it seems that the Six Dao Immortals will not be able to threaten the Ming Empire. "

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

"If that guy is really going to do it to us, then all you need to do is do it directly to that guy!"

"Don't let him do anything that hurts me!"

I saw Zhu Houzhao say with a serious word in his eyes.

Facing the serious words in Zhu Houzhao's eyes, Zheng He nodded slightly to show his understanding: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will definitely keep an eye on the guy who is hiding in the dark!"

Regarding Zheng He's reply at the moment 03, Zhu Houzhao nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, when the words between Zhu Houzhao and Zheng He fell, between the thousand-handed pillars beside them, a trace of silence flashed, and even a trace of strange eyes flashed in the direction of the ninja alliance in their field of vision.

"Madara, I didn't expect you to really make this choice, I'll definitely let you correct it later!"

"Peace must not be broken!"

The Thousand Hands Pillar said to himself with a firm voice in his heart.

At this moment, in the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar, the appearance of Madara Uchiha undoubtedly means that Madara Uchiha will stop this peaceful unification next.

Next, he's going to teach Madara Uchiha well!

He absolutely couldn't accept Madara Uchiha to prevent the emergence of this unity!

And with the aura of the scene at the climax of the peak at this moment, as the emperor of the Ming Empire, Zhu Houzhao also did not hesitate to order at this moment: "The whole army obeys the order!"

"Archer prepare!"

"Let these so-called ninjas experience the power from the Ming Empire!"

As soon as Zhu Houzhao's words fell, the soldiers in the mighty two legions directly took out their bows and arrows without hesitation, and then began to instill the power in their bodies directly into the bows and arrows in their hands.


As one soldier after another began to turn the power in his body into arrows and put it on the bow and arrow, the monstrous murderous aura also began to spread out in the bodies of many soldiers.


As the murderous aura began to spread out in the bodies of these many soldiers, the blood-red aura also began to condense above the heads of many soldiers.

In the face of this blood-red aura, it began to condense on the heads of many soldiers, and at the same time, I saw that the representatives of the two legions, Qinglong and Qilin, were directly condensed in the sky above the two legions at this moment.

"Roar, Roar, Roar, !!Roar, Roar, Roar, Roar, T

I saw that the green dragon and the unicorn condensed by the murderous aura began to roar in the sky.

While watching the Qilin and the green dragon condensed by the murderous aura roaring in the sky like this, the guys in this Hokage World are looking at the direction of the sky with an incredible gaze at the moment.

"This, this..."

"What kind of force is this?"

At this moment, Orochimaru and Tsunade looked at the two huge beasts that appeared in the sky with an incredible gaze.

For Orochimaru and Tsunade at this moment, they really felt unbelievable for a while.

Because the Qilin and the green dragon that appeared in the sky seemed a little incredible to the two of them.

At least they really haven't seen this kind of power.

"Is this from the alternative power that the Ming Empire has?"

Orochimaru's eyes flashed with a hint of deep thought to himself.

For the power that these soldiers burst out, Orochimaru had a deeper understanding at this moment.

If Orochimaru's attitude towards these soldiers before belonged to these soldiers, just some of the most ordinary guys, then at this moment, Orochimaru has a deeper understanding of the power that these soldiers have.

Not to mention anything else, the aura of the two alien beasts on the top of these soldiers' heads was enough to make Orochimaru tremble for a while. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The strength possessed by each soldier may seem weak, at least when a soldier looks like a very weak representative in Orochimaru, but the power of these 810 soldiers who seem to be very weak makes him tremble.

Even Orochimaru had a feeling that if he fought with this camp composed of ordinary soldiers, I was afraid that the one who would be defeated would belong to him at that time.

It sounds very incredible, but the sense of crisis that Orochimaru perceives among those soldiers is enough to mean that it is true.

If there is a real fight between the two of them, I am afraid that the guy who will die by then will most likely belong to him.

"It's really terrifying, this Ming Empire, even these forces composed of ordinary soldiers are so strong, I really don't know how terrifying the real power of the Ming Empire is. "

Regarding the emotion that Orochimaru had at this moment, Tsunade beside him looked at her grandfather and Zhu Houzhao with a trace of complexity, and at the same time looked at the two major armies of the Ming Empire, and didn't know what to say for a while.


A sigh came from Tsunade's mouth.


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