
In an instant, one scream after another of painful screams began to echo wildly on the battlefield.

One ninja after another, as they felt the pain coming from all over their bodies, their eyes were filled with a deep sense of horror and despair.

And in the face of the pain and despair that those ninjas had at the moment, the soldiers from the four great powers died directly and completely in the face of the attack from the Ming Empire.

That's right, if the ninjas from the four major villages would still scream in the face of the attack from the Ming Empire, then the soldiers from the four major countries would not even be able to scream directly.

It may sound a bit incredible, but it's a true portrayal of the entire battlefield.

There is no way, there is no doubt that the strength of the soldiers in the Ming Empire must be very powerful, so although the strength of the ninjas in these four villages is not comparable to the soldiers of the Ming Empire, they are also cultivators of the Eight Classics, right?!

Therefore, when they faced the attack from the Ming Empire, they naturally would not die so completely in the first place.

But the soldiers in those four countries are different.

667 Although they said that this is also a soldier who belongs to the eight classics, like the soldiers in the Ming Empire, they are all soldiers loyal to the country.

But there is one thing that is different, that is, the strength of these guys is completely different from that of the soldiers of the Ming Empire.

The power they possess is completely incomparable to that of the Ming Empire.

It can even be said that the difference in strength between the two sides is simply an earth-shaking difference, so when facing the attack from the Ming Empire, they will be directly hit hard, and even directly killed by the attack of the soldiers of the Ming Empire.

Facing the army from the Ming Empire, this is only the first round of attack (adcj), but at this moment, it directly inflicts an unprecedented heavy blow on the soldiers in the ninja alliance.

After the ninjas from the current ninja alliance army looked at the damage caused by the soldiers from the Ming Empire, a deep tremor flashed in the eyes of those ninjas.

"This, this..."

"Is this the power that comes from the Ming Empire?"

One after another, the ninjas raised their heads to look at the surrounding compatriots who had been severely injured and killed by the attack of the Ming Empire, and even those soldiers who were directly killed on the spot.

One ninja after another had a deeper understanding of the power possessed by the Ming Empire at this moment.

That is the power of the Ming Empire, which seems to be a bit exaggerated!

If they weren't blind, they saw that the attack they had didn't cause any special damage to the Ming Empire at all, but now the attack from the Ming Empire directly caused them heavy losses.

The appearance between the two sides really shocked all the ninjas, because it represented the difference in the power they possessed from each other.

Not to mention those ordinary ninjas, even the shadows of the four villages also had a deep heaviness in their eyes when they faced this scene with just the first round of attacks.

"Is this the great power that this Ming Empire has?"

"Is the power of this Ming Empire so powerful?"

The thunder shadow in Yunyin Village said so heavily.

Regarding the words spoken by the Thunder Shadow in Yunyin Village, the Earth Shadow beside him spoke with a heavy voice: "The power possessed by this Ming Empire is very strong, and I am afraid that we will most likely be cut in half next. "

"Are we going to get out of here now, or are we going to just choose to continue the attack?"

"But if we continue to attack, the end result is likely to be dead. "

Tsuchikage said with a tremor in his eyes.

For the words spoken by the Tsuchikage at this moment, the Wind Shadow and Mizukage beside him didn't know how to reply for a while, and at this moment, their eyes could only tell their current mood with a silence.

If they could, then they wanted to lead the ninjas in their various villages to kill the Ming Empire and turn them over, but the result was that the guys from the Ming Empire killed them instead.

This kind of ending really made them feel silent for a while.

For the silence they had at the moment, Madara Uchiha glanced at him so faintly.

"What you need to do next is to fight against those shadow-level powerhouses in the Ming Empire, and then I will fight against the top powerhouses in the Ming Empire, as for whether you can survive next, it depends on your own ability. "

I saw Madara Uchiha just say this, while looking at the Ming Empire in front of him with a calm look.

And in the face of the words from Madara Uchiha, the shadow of the four villages behind him could only nod helplessly at this moment and replied: "It seems that this can only be the case at the moment." "

"We have no way back, since there is no way back, then let's fight with all our might!"

Thunder Shadow spoke with a firm voice.

"Okay, then let's fight with your orders!"

The Wind Shadow beside him nodded in the same way. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"For the sake of the village, let's fight!"

When Madara Uchiha and the four shadows behind him all looked at the Ming Empire in front with a determined gaze, an incomparably powerful force erupted directly from its body.

"Boom !!"


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