"Boom !!"

In an instant, as Madara Uchiha and the four shadows behind him burst out wildly with the power they possessed, a little giant-like existence appeared on the battlefield in an instant.

With the existence of a little giant that appeared on the battlefield, a loud voice sounded directly in the direction of the Ming Empire: "Immortal Law: The Technique of Transforming Buddha on the Top!"

In an instant, a large Buddha made of wood rose from the ground.

As the giant Buddha made of wood rose from the ground, the Buddha was directly opposed to the little giant-like Susanoo on the battlefield.

When Madara Uchiha's incarnation Susanoh looked at the big Buddha rising from the ground, Madara Uchiha's eyes carried an unprecedented seriousness.

"Pillars, I didn't expect you to be on the side of the Ming Empire!"

I saw that Madara Uchiha at this moment looked at the big Buddha opposite him with a serious gaze.

If anyone can make Madara Uchiha really regard him as an opponent, then there is only a thousand hands in the entire ninja world.

And now, at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar appeared in front of him.

Regarding the current words from Madara Uchiha, Senju Pillar just said with a serious voice: "Madara, you really disappointed me-!"

I saw that at this moment, the eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar looked at Madara Uchiha with a sad gaze.

Facing the painful eyes of the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, a trace of depression flashed in Madara Uchiha's heart.

"What are you talking about?"

"Pillars, you're going to stop me?"

Madara Uchiha stared closely at Senjutsu with a calm gaze.

Regarding Madara Uchiha's words, Senju Pillar took a deep breath and said, "It's not that I'm going to stop you, it's for peace, I have to stop you!"

Senju looked at Madara Uchiha deeply, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Maybe the friendship between him and Madara Uchiha is here, which is also recognized by the Thousand Hands Pillars, but compared to the friendship between him and Uchiha Madara, the peace that the Thousand Hands Pillars insist on in their hearts is also something that has never been forgotten.

He had never forgotten what he really thought, and his idea was to bring peace to him!

The most important thing is that the original Uchiha Madara also had the same idea as him, and now peace is about to come, but at this moment, Uchiha Madara wants to prevent peace from coming, which is absolutely unacceptable to him for holding hands and casting gold!


When the words of the Thousand Hands Pillar fell, Madara Uchiha at this moment looked deeply at the Thousand Hands Pillar in his field of vision.

"Between the pillars, between the pillars, I think it's better to act according to my method when it comes to peace. "

"As for this Ming Empire, you shouldn't join this Ming Empire. "

Madara Uchiha looked deeply at the soldiers of the Ming Empire, as well as the Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire qilin.

According to the news, an existence riding a fire unicorn is the emperor of the Ming Empire.

"But the foundation that this emperor of the Ming Empire has is really powerful!"

For the Ming Emperor who was riding the fire unicorn, a trace of deep jealousy flashed in the eyes of the current Uchiha Madara.

For the fire unicorn, the Uchiha Madara is still relatively familiar, after all, the form they have in some of their moves is the fire unicorn.

But when this fire unicorn really appeared in front of him, Madara Uchiha still felt that the strength of this fire unicorn seemed to be a little stronger than his gods.

"The Qilin, which has the same strength as me, this Ming Empire. "

Madara Uchiha's eyes flashed with a hint of jealousy that he had never seen before.

For Madara Uchiha at this moment, the current Zhu Houzhao mount, the Fire Qilin, really brought him a sense of crisis.

0 for flowers0

Facing this fire unicorn that could bring him a sense of crisis, Madara Uchiha at that moment naturally had a deep fear of this Ming Empire.

"It looks like things are getting a little harder. "

I saw Madara Uchiha looking at the Thousand Hands Pillar opposite him, and at the same time looking at the Fire Qilin, the mount under the crotch of Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty.

The two super shadow-level powerhouses will be his enemies next.

"Six Dao Immortals, Six Dao Immortals, you can live up to my expectations when the time comes. "

Madara Uchiha exhaled deeply inwardly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He only hoped that the Six Dao Immortals would be able to stand up, otherwise he might really not be able to solve the Ming Empire on the other side at that time.

"Pillars, don't say anything else, let's fight!"

"You know me well, what we need now. The only thing to do is to fight. "

At this moment, I saw that Madara Uchiha at this moment looked deeply at the Thousand Hands Pillar opposite him, with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

Facing the words from Madara Uchiha, the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment looked deeply at Madara Uchiha across from him.

"Okay, then come on!"

"Madara, let's fight!"

"Then let's see if you have the ability to defeat me!"

The Thousand Hands Pillar exhaled deeply and looked at Madara Uchiha across from him.


In an instant, an incomparably powerful life force erupted wildly from the body of the Thousand Hands Pillar in all directions.

In the face of the eruption between the Thousand Hand Pillars, Madara Uchiha was not to be outdone, and began to explode with his power.

"Boom !!"

The two little giant-like beings directly began to explode with each other's strength.


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