"Boom !!"

As the two little giant-like beings began to fight, I saw that many guys behind them also began to move forward.

The shadows from the four villages in the ninja alliance also began to gather the strength they possessed at this moment to move against the Ming army directly in front of them.

In the face of the actions possessed by the shadows from these four villages, the marshals of the five major legions from the Ming Empire were not to be outdone and directly attacked the opposite side.

"Trash, come on!"

"Let you try my powers!"

In an instant, I saw Li Anguo and Li Chengan directly holding halberds and attacking the shadow opposite them.

Behind him, the marshals of the other three legions also began to wave the halberd in his hand in front of him.


A terrifying burst of power began to erupt from the halberd.

For this terrifying force directly erupted from this halberd, the shadows opposite them instantly sensed an incomparably terrifying power in its halberd.

"It's not good, retreat!"

At this moment, when the faces of the guys one after another changed greatly, the current five generalissimos of the Ming Dynasty would not just choose to let them go.

"Boom !!"

Soon, unprecedented explosions began to resound throughout the battlefield.

As the earth-shattering explosions began to echo throughout the battlefield, the ordinary soldiers between the two sides also began to erupt wildly at this moment.

The soldiers from the Ming Empire were pressing the group of guys opposite them at the moment.

That's right, the soldiers from the Ming Empire, at this moment, there are countless soldiers from the ninja alliance who have lost their lives under every attack.

On the contrary, for the attack from the ninja alliance, the Ming Empire did not say that there was no damage, and the damage possessed by the soldiers of the Ming Empire compared to the damage they caused to the ninja alliance army, the damage possessed by the Ming Empire can only be described as insignificant.

The main reason is that the casualties of the soldiers of the Ming Empire are too small, and even this can be regarded as a small pitiful.

At the very least, the soldiers from the Ming Empire did not pay attention to the attack launched by the ninja alliance at all.


"Get rid of all these guys!"

The generals of the two major legions continued to mobilize their soldiers at this moment, and continued to attack the ninja alliance forces in front.

In the face of the attack of the soldiers in these two legions, the soldiers in the ninja alliance began to be continuously suppressed at this moment.

With the soldiers in the ninja world alliance being suppressed like this, at this moment, in a corner of the secret, as a big bosS Six Dao Immortal in the Hokage World, he looked at the battlefield in his field of vision with a heavy gaze.

"This, is the strength of this Ming Empire so powerful?"

At this moment, I saw that the Six Dao Immortals at this moment were just looking at the battlefield below with a painful and even desperate gaze.

Although the Six Dao Immortals can understand that the strength possessed by the Ming Empire is definitely not something they can compare, the strength possessed by the Ming Empire can be described as strong.

But the Six Dao Immortals really never thought that the strength they possessed in the ninja world would be so weak compared to the Ming Empire.

Maybe the strength of the soldiers in their ninja alliance seems to be very strong, at least in the eyes of the six immortals, the strength of their ninja alliance is still quite strong.

But I didn't expect the strength of the Ming Empire to be even stronger!

For the strength of the Ming Empire is so strong, the six immortals at this moment naturally feel a burst of pain0 ...

If nothing else, according to the next situation, the living force in the entire ninja world will be completely solved by the Ming Empire.

Once the ninja alliance below is completely eliminated by the Ming Empire, the entire ninja world will become the territory of this other world.

"No, I can't just watch this happen!"

"I've got to do it!"

At this moment, I saw the eyes of the Six Dao Immortals looking at Zhu Houzhao in his field of vision with a determined gaze.

For the Six Dao Immortals at this moment, since the strength of the Ming Empire is so strong, it seems that he can directly capture the emperor of the Ming Empire first!

As long as he can capture the emperor of the Ming Empire, then I believe that the group of guys in the Ming Empire should be afraid.

Otherwise, their emperor would probably die at his hands. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Do it!"

In an instant, a trace of deep firmness flashed in the eyes of the six immortals at this moment.

Although 3.1 had an existence of the same level as him beside the Ming Emperor, the Six Dao Immortals were still very confident in their own strength.

Since he has a strong confidence in the strength he possesses, the Six Dao Immortals directly choose to do it.


In an instant, the Six Dao Immortals hidden in the dark suddenly appeared directly in this piece of heaven and earth at this moment, and at the same time that the Six Dao Immortals directly appeared in this piece of heaven and earth, his figure rushed directly towards Zhu Houzhao.



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