
Just when the figure of the Six Dao Immortals appeared in this piece of heaven and earth in an instant, and rushed directly towards Zhu Houzhao, Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on top of the fire qilin, instantly sensed an aura enveloping him.

Facing the shroud of this breath, Zhu Houzhao raised his head directly, and soon saw a figure flying directly in his direction at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Of course, this is a speed that is visible to the naked eye for him, but for those ordinary soldiers, the speed that the Six Dao Immortals currently possess is completely no different from teleportation.

As for Zhu Houzhao's ability to see through the Six Dao Immortals, this is purely a powerhouse who belongs to Zhu Houzhao and belongs to the Grandmaster realm of the Eight Classics, and may not be able to compare with the Six Dao Immortals in terms of strength, or even be completely unable to compete with the Six Dao Immortals.

Zhu Houzhao doesn't think there is any problem with this.

However, he has the power of the 03 Grandmaster realm, and he can still see through the trajectory of the actions of the six immortals.

However, regarding the situation that the Six Dao Immortals were rushing towards him and wanted to capture him directly, Zhu Houzhao just rode on top of the Fire Qilin without any movement.

Why did he move?

What is he afraid of?

It's not that he doesn't have an existence of the same level as the Six Dao Immortals.

"How daring!"

At the same time that Zhu Houzhao was calmly staring at the Six Dao Immortals with a calm gaze, Zheng He, who was beside Zhu Houzhao, was instantly furious at this moment.

For Zheng He, he naturally saw through this so-called Six Dao Immortals at a glance, and it was obvious that he wanted to directly capture the emperor beside him!

Then if this Six Dao Immortal really captured the emperor beside him like this, then Zheng He felt that he was really worthy of the attention of the emperors of the past dynasties.

The most important thing is that the current emperor is not bad for him, and how important the current emperor is to the Ming Empire, Zheng He knows better than anyone else.

The current emperor belongs to the existence that can allow the Ming Empire to unify the entire Kyushu Continent, and the most important thing is that not only can the Ming Empire unify the entire Kyushu Continent, but the Ming Empire can also directly fight outside the Kyushu Continent, such as the world they have now.

The Ming Empire has already hit the outside world, so at this time, the importance of Zhu Houzhao, the emperor, to the Ming Empire has been put on the surface.

Anyone in the entire Ming Empire can have problems, but only Zhu Houzhao can't have any accidents!

Because Zhu Houzhao has been bound to the establishment of the Ming Empire, or the Ming Empire is inseparable from Zhu Houzhao.

For the sake of the Ming Empire, for the cultivation of the previous emperors, he must not allow Zhu Houzhao to have any accidents.


In an instant, Zheng He's figure disappeared directly beside Zhu Houzhao, and with the disappearance of Zheng He's figure, Zheng He's figure appeared again at this moment, and it had already appeared in the sky at this moment, and directly caught the attack of the six immortals.


When Zheng He directly and fiercely intercepted the attack of the six immortals, the power possessed by each other directly began to explode throughout the sky.

"Boom, boom!"

As the power between each other began to erupt wildly throughout the sky, Madara Uchiha, who was below, suddenly raised his head at this moment.

"Six Dao Immortals, you've finally done it!"

At this moment, Madara Uchiha said to himself with a heavy breath in his heart.

Regarding the fact that the Six Dao Immortals were hidden in the dark, Madara Uchiha could still understand it somewhat.

Now, the Six Dao Immortals can finally do it.

It's just that at this moment, there is a strong man opposite the Six Dao Immortals who is not inferior to the Six Dao Immortals.

"This, is this the strength that belongs to this Ming Empire?"

"This can actually compete with the legendary Six Dao Immortals!"

I saw that Madara Uchiha's heart at this moment was instantly filled with an unprecedented solemnity.

You must know that it belongs to the Six Dao Immortals!

No matter how proud Madara Uchiha is, Madara Uchiha can understand that the power he has is completely inferior to that of the Six Immortals when compared to the Six Paths Immortals.

You must know that the power he possesses also belongs to the Six Dao Immortals to recover, and from this aspect, you can already see how strong the strength of the Six Dao Immortals is.

But the result?

Such a powerful Six Dao Immortal was directly blocked by a guy from the Ming Empire 770, how could this not make Madara Uchiha feel a little surprised?

For the surprise that Madara Uchiha had at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar, who was fighting with Madara Uchiha, showed a hint of a smile at this moment.

"Senior, defeat all the beings that hinder peace!"

I saw that at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar shouted directly and loudly to Zheng He in the sky.

For Zheng He, Qianshou Zhujian understood that the other party belonged to a senior in the Ming Empire, and the most important thing was the strength of the other party.

But the Thousand Hands Pillar really didn't expect that the other party's strength could actually compete with the legendary Six Dao Immortals.

This really made the Thousand Hands Pillar feel a little surprised, but the surprise is surprise.

For this guy who suddenly appeared to stop the peace, the Thousand Hands Pillar was angry, but fortunately, the senior in the Ming Empire stopped that guy.

Therefore, the Thousand Hands Pillar directly shouted loudly.

"Defeat that damn guy, come on, senior!"

I saw a loud shout between the pillars of a thousand hands.


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