
For the powerful force that Zheng He broke out at this moment, and this powerful force from Zheng He directly entered the body of the Six Dao Immortals and began to carry out crazy destruction.

As the powerful power of this Dao began to enter the body of the Six Dao Immortals and began to carry out one destruction after another, the Six Dao Immortals, whose strength itself was inferior to Zheng He, faced this powerful force from Zheng He, and the Six Dao Immortals at this moment instantly felt what was called real despair.

Especially when the power in Zheng He's body began to destroy all the internal organs of the Six Dao Immortals, even if the strength reached their level, the internal organs were not particularly important to them.

But it can't be said that there are no internal organs!

So when the internal organs in the body of the Six Dao Immortals began to suffer from Zheng He's destruction, even the Six Dao Immortals at this moment could not ignore it.

"Stop, you damn thing!"

I saw a trace of deep fear flashing in the eyes of the six immortals at this moment.

It's a pity that in the face of the fear of the Six Dao Immortals, the current Zheng He continued to start transporting the True Yuan power in his body to the Six Dao Immortals opposite him through one fist and one palm.


As the power from Zheng He began to appear in the body of the Six Dao Immortals, the Six Dao Immortals at this moment also began to discover that his body should have been defeated, and a trace of unprecedented ruthlessness flashed in his eyes.

"Since you don't let me go, then I won't let you have a good time!"

I saw a trace of unprecedented anger flashing in the eyes of the Six Dao Immortals.

For the Six Dao Immortals at this moment, since the guy from the Ming Empire opposite him didn't intend to let him go at all, then he definitely couldn't let go of the guy opposite him now.

While the strength he has now is still in this realm, what he needs to do now is to burst out all the power he has in his body, so that the guy from the Ming Empire on the other side understands that even if his strength is not as good as the other party, his revenge can also make the other party feel pain.


At this moment, when the Six Dao Immortals continued to be crushed by Zheng He, the Six Dao Immortals also began to gradually condense all the power they possessed in their bodies.

"Boom la la !!"

Facing the six immortals, the power in the body at this moment began to converge continuously, and Zhenghe, who was pressing the six immortals to the ground and rubbing them, also changed his face in an instant.


Zheng He looked at the six immortals in his field of vision with a serious gaze.

"You're going to fucking blow yourself up!"

Zheng He looked at the Six Dao Immortals in front of him with a hint of seriousness.

At the same time, Zheng He also saw Zhu Houzhao riding on the fire unicorn behind him.

"No, you must not be allowed to hurt Your Majesty. "

Zheng He's eyes flashed with a hint of seriousness.

"Self-destructing, right, then I'll let you experience the power you have when you blow yourself up. "

In an instant, I saw that Zheng He also began to gather all the power he had.

However, compared to the self-explosion that the Six Dao Immortals are about to have, Zheng He will not just choose to give up his life like the Six Dao Immortals, he has only just set foot in this realm for a long time, he still has a lot of time to live, how could he choose to self-destruct?

He didn't see the scene of his Ming Empire dominating the entire Kyushu Continent, how could he choose to blow himself up?


At this moment, when the power possessed in the body of the Six Dao Immortals was about to converge to a peak, the Six Dao Immortals also looked at Zheng He in his field of vision with a trace of resentment, as well as Zhu Houzhao who was riding a fire qilin below.

"You guys from other worlds, I won't let you go even if I die!"

"Damn it!"

Facing the angry roar from the Six Dao Immortals, whether it was Zheng He, who was fighting against the Six Dao Immortals at the moment, or Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn below.

A hint of deep disdain flashed in each other's eyes.

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn, looked at the six immortals in his field of vision, Zhu Houzhao's eyes were so flat, and a trace of deep contempt could be faintly seen in that dull gaze.


"Don't let me go if you're a ghost?"

"You kind of really turned into a ghost and came to me. "

Zhu Houzhao looked at the Six Dao Immortals with a trace of disdain. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If this Six Dao Immortal has really become a ghost, then does he have the courage to come to him, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty?

There is no doubt that the other party did not have the courage to come to him, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Do you really think that the power of national fortune possessed by him, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, is a joke?

If the other party really becomes a ghost and comes to him, the Ming Emperor, then the power of national fortune from the Ming Empire can directly kill the other party.

So (Li Qianhao) Zhu Houzhao is quite looking forward to it, the place he wants to see has really become a ghost and came to him.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's ridicule and contempt at this moment, the Six Dao Immortals who were about to explode in the sky were still staring at Zhu Houzhao in his field of vision with an extremely angry gaze.

And at this moment, Zheng He has already gathered the power in his body.


"Then go out of the sky and blow yourself up!"

In an instant, Zheng He's figure appeared directly beside the Six Dao Immortals, and then directly gathered the power of the True Yuan in the chain to his right leg.

"Bang Bang Bang !!"

The Six Dao Immortals were directly kicked by Zheng He and flew into outer space.


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