"Bang Bang Bang !!"

In an instant, I saw Zheng He kick the body of the Six Dao Immortals directly in the direction of outer space.


When Zheng He kicked the body of the Six Dao Immortals directly towards outer space, even the Six Dao Immortals couldn't withstand this kick from Zheng He.


"You damn thing!"

When the Six Dao Immortals at this moment were directly kicked out by Zheng He, a trace of unprecedented anger flashed in the eyes of the Six Dao Immortals.

Obviously, just the act of directly kicking the Six Dao Immortals into outer space really disrupted the thoughts of the Six Dao Immortals.

Originally, according to the idea of the Six Dao Immortals, what he needed to do next should belong to the emperor of the Ming Empire and the guy who pushed his life with the power generated when he blew himself up.

But the result?

As a result, he was kicked directly into outer space at this moment!

Even if he really blew himself up like this next, even if the one he had next 420 had was very strong when he blew himself up, the question was whether he could cause harm to the emperor of the Ming Empire on the guy opposite him?

There is no doubt that it will not cause any harm at all!

So what did he blow himself up?

Then his self-detonation is purely useless!

"No, you damn it!"


In an instant, an unprecedented horror flashed in the eyes of the six immortals.

However, in the face of the flash of horror in the eyes of the Six Dao Immortals, the power in his body had reached a peak at this moment.


The next moment, I saw that the chakra in the body of the Six Dao Immortals was so directly and completely exploded in the sky.

"Boom, boom..."

As the chakra in the body of the Six Dao Immortals began to explode completely throughout the sky like this, all the guys in the entire ninja world looked at the scene they had in their field of vision with a heavy and unparalleled gaze.

Of course, the ordinary civilians didn't have any idea, they just felt a little surprised by the scene in the sky.

But it was different for the ninjas, but when the ninjas just looked directly at the sky, or at the scene in the sky, all the ninjas had an unprecedented silence in their eyes.

The ninjas who were still killing the soldiers of the Ming Empire on the battlefield flashed a trace of unprecedented confusion at this moment.

"Well, are we going to fight again?"

One ninja after another just looked at each other, and they all saw a look of deep confusion in each other's eyes.

If the most powerful existence used in their side was not completely solved by the guys of the Ming Empire, then they could still convince themselves in their hearts that they actually had the hope of winning.

But now?

The strong man in the Ming Empire directly killed the strong man in their ninja alliance army completely, and then the strong man in the Ming Empire is going to do something to them?

Then can they still defeat that guy from the Ming Empire?

No, no, no, they don't think that they can defeat the guy from the Ming Empire with their little strength, and the power possessed by the guy from the Ming Empire can be said to be unprecedented and terrifying.

Anyway, just by virtue of these ordinary guys, they can't defeat the strong man from the Ming Empire, since these ordinary guys can't defeat the strong man from the Ming Empire, then all they need to do now seems to be the only choice to surrender.


In an instant, one ordinary ninja after another began to put down their weapons and choose to surrender.

"We surrender, we surrender!"

One ninja after another just began to shout directly at the soldiers of the Ming Empire.

For the ninjas who chose to surrender on the battlefield, Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn at this moment, nodded slightly and said, "Those who surrender will not be killed!"

When Zhu Houzhao's words echoed throughout the battlefield, the Ming soldiers on the battlefield instantly looked at the group of ninjas they had in their field of vision with a look of regret.

Since it was their Majesty's order, they could only honestly choose to let go of these surrendered guys at this moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Those ninjas who did not surrender listened to the words from Zhu Houzhao, and a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes.

"We surrender too!"

In an instant, the ninja who was in an uproar chose to surrender directly and without hesitation.

If they didn't know the attitude of the Ming Empire towards them before, causing them to dare not choose to surrender casually, then it was different now.

When they learned of this attitude from the Ming Empire, they didn't hesitate at all.

In an instant, all the ninjas on the entire battlefield chose to surrender without hesitation.

In the face of this group of surrendered ninjas, the soldiers from the Ming Empire could only begin to detain all of them with no regrets in their hearts.

When the situation on the battlefield has developed to such a situation, it can be regarded as a completely determined result.

That is, the Ming Empire won this war!

The Ninja Alliance has been defeated!


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