
I saw that the unwilling roar from the Thunder Shadow directly echoed over the entire battlefield.

In the face of the unwilling roar from the Thunder Shadow echoed in the sky above the entire battlefield, the Ming Marshal Li Anguo and Li Chengan beside him waved away at the Thunder Shadow with their halberds in their hands.

In the face of the attack from these two marshals, the thunder shadow at this moment could only watch as this extremely powerful force directly hit him fiercely.


In an instant, when this incomparably powerful force hit the Thunder Shadow so fiercely, the Thunder Shadow at this moment was directly and completely knocked away by this incomparably powerful force.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Seven-Five-Zero" When the Thunder Shadow was completely knocked away directly, the Thunder Shadow at this moment flashed a trace of despair at the soldiers of the murderous Ming Empire, and most importantly, the surrender of the group of ninjas he had in Yunyin Village.

"Defeated, there is no more Yunyin Village. "

I saw that the thunder shadow at this moment flashed with a trace of despair, looking at the Ming Empire in his field of vision.

For Lei Ying at this moment, although he didn't know who the guy who blew himself up like this in the sky was, he also knew that that guy was a strong man who belonged to their side.

For the other party's self-detonation, the thunder shadow didn't feel anything.

But it's a pity that the current situation has made Thunder Shadow have to face a problem, that is, Madara Uchiha actually chose to surrender directly.

With the surrender of Madara Uchiha, that means that they are the last strong man in the ninja alliance to be defeated directly.

In the end, who are the guys left in the ninja alliance?

The guys who fought for the entire ninja alliance were left with only the shadows of their four villages in the end, although they were just the shadows of the villages, and the strength they possessed belonged to the most powerful existence, but it was a pity that the strength from the Ming Empire was even stronger than them, and these guys who fought with them were obviously shadow-level powerhouses of the same level as them.

In addition to these five shadow-level powerhouses, the Ming Empire also has the overwhelming soldiers with no end in sight, as well as the Uchiha Madara who defected to the Ming Empire, and most importantly, the Thousand Hands Pillar who fought with the Uchiha Madara.

When Madara Uchiha, who is a ninja world Shura, and the thousand-handed pillar of the god of the ninja world, become a part of the Ming Empire, what should he do to compete with the Ming Empire?

It seems that he doesn't have any strength to compete with the Ming Empire, right?

Since he has lost the power of this Ming Empire to contend with, the thunder shadow at this moment has naturally lost all his essence.

So in the face of the attack from Li Anguo and Li Chengan, the thunder shadow at this moment was directly and completely hit.

After being completely hit directly with the Thunder Shadow, and directly causing the Thunder Shadow to be seriously injured with just one move, the Thunder Shadow at this moment quietly looked at the situation on the battlefield with a desperate gaze.

"Brush, brush, brush..."

At this moment, when the Thunder Shadow looked at the situation on the battlefield with a trace of unprecedented despair, a figure appeared directly in front of the Thunder Shadow.

That was Marshal Li Cheng'an, who belonged to the Blue Dragon Legion.

At this moment, Li Chengan looked at the thunder shadow opposite him with a hint of contempt.

"I have to say, your guy's strength is still quite strong, if you join the Ming Empire, then you can't just become one of the marshals in the future. "

"It's a pity, but you chose to compete with the Ming Empire. "

I saw a trace of deep regret flashing in Li Chengan's eyes at this moment.

If the guy in front of him is really willing to choose to join the Ming Empire and become a member of the Ming Empire, then with the strength and character of the guy in front of him, then he can become the mainstay of the Ming Empire in the future!

At this point, he can say with certainty that the other party can really reach this level of what he calls the mainstay 0 ...

But it's a pity that the other party is an enemy belonging to the Ming Empire.

Listening to Li Cheng'an's words, a trace of unprecedented unwillingness flashed in Lei Ying's eyes: "No, I will never take refuge in your Ming Empire!"

"I will always belong to the shadow in Yunyin Village!"

A firm reply came into Li Chengan's ears.

For this firm reply at this moment, Li Chengan also lightly skimmed the thunder shadow in front of him, who was already seriously injured.

"Okay, since you've made this choice, I'll give you a ride. "

Li Chengan said as he raised the halberd in his hand.


In an instant, the extremely sharp halberd slashed directly through Thunder Shadow's head.

"Plop plop plop..." (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

A trace of unwillingness still flashed in the eyes of a head, and it fell directly from the body of the thunder shadow.

Now that this head has fallen, the shadow who is fighting with several other Ming marshals is also stunned for a moment.

And in the face of this momentary stunned kung fu, the Ming Marshal opposite him would not let go of such a good opportunity.


The incomparably powerful power erupted directly from its body, and then the extremely sharp halberd slashed directly through the body of the opposite figure.


"Puff puff..."

Bright red blood just began to rush out of their bodies.

"Plop plop..."


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