"Plop plop..."

In an instant, one body after another, the bloodied bodies fell directly to the ground.

With one body after another surging blood falling directly to the ground, I saw that at this moment, the Marshal of the Ming Dynasty opposite him continued to hold the halberd and began to continue to attack the body that fell to the ground.


In the face of this extremely powerful attack, the shadow that had already fallen to the ground and was seriously injured could no longer withstand the attack from the Ming Empire.

"Boom, boom!"

In an instant, the shadows of the four villages in the Hokage world were completely dead at this moment.

And in the face of the fact that the shadows of the four villages were completely dead, those ninjas who had surrendered flashed a trace of the so-called complicated gaze at their bodies in their field of vision at this moment.

It was the body of the shadow that belonged to their village, and at this moment the shadow of their village died, this scene could be said to belong to an unprecedented earthquake in the hearts of this group of ninjas.

The earthquake shook all their pride. 03

At the same time, it also made this group of ninjas thoroughly understand a truth, that is, from now on, there is no such thing as the so-called village, and from now on they all belong to guys from the Ming Empire.

From then on, they had only one identity, that is, slaves from the Ming Empire.


The so-called sigh began to resound throughout the battlefield a while ago.

In the face of this, the so-called sigh began to sound throughout the battlefield, and a figure appeared in the distance.

At the same time that a figure appeared in the distance, the figure at this moment flashed a trace of deep emotion.

"The battle is finally over, and the next thing will be the unification of the entire ninja world. "

At this moment, a firm word with a hint of surprise came out of the mouth of this figure.

If you take a closer look, you can see that the identity of the other party belongs to Naruto Uzumaki.

At this moment, Naruto Uzumaki looked at the situation on the battlefield like this, Naruto Uzumaki really had a trace of deep joy.

For Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, with the end of the battle, the Ming Empire won the war, then the Ming Empire could naturally unify the entire ninja world, as long as the entire ninja world ushered in unification, wouldn't peace directly come to the entire ninja world?

For the end of the imminent arrival of peace, Naruto Uzumaki naturally felt a burst of surprise that he had never felt before.

Regarding the surprise that Naruto Uzumaki currently has, the Nine-Tails in Naruto Uzumaki's body flashed a trace of complicated gaze and looked in the direction of the sky.

"Alas, old man, why do you want to compete with the Ming Empire?"

"Now it's okay, you're gone. "

I saw that the nine-tails at this moment flashed a deep and complicated gaze.

For the Nine-Tails at this moment, he had already realized that something was wrong when he sensed the aura from the Six Immortals appearing on the battlefield.

Perhaps the strength of the Six Dao Immortals is very strong, but the Nine Tails can clearly understand that the strength of the Ming Empire is far greater than that of the Six Dao Immortals.

The strength of the Ming Empire can be described as terrifying.

Therefore, it is best not to provoke the Ming Empire, otherwise the outcome will be irresistible.

As a result, the Nine-Tails sensed that the breath from the Six Immortals exploded directly in the sky, and the Nine-Tails could naturally understand what this meant.

There is no doubt that the Six Dao Immortals died, and the Six Dao Immortals blew themselves up.

This may sound a bit incredible, but the Nine-Tails District can understand that the Six Dao Immortals really blew themselves up and died.

All of this was caused by the Six Dao Immortals' choice to fight against the Ming Empire.

"The Ming Empire. "

The Nine-Tails in Naruto Uzumaki's body fell into a deep emotion at this moment.

Faced with the emotion that the Nine-Tails possessed from this moment, the current Naruto Uzumaki directly began to share the joy he had directly into the chat group.

"Ladies and gentlemen, His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty has really completely unified our world. "

"All the power we have in this world has been directly and completely defeated by His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and then our world will usher in a real unification!"

"Peace is coming to our world!"

I saw that Naruto Uzumaki at this moment just spoke with a hint of joy. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For Naruto Uzumaki 827 at this moment, he really thinks that this is a joy that is very worth sharing.

So at this moment, the vortex command just started, and shared the current situation in the Hokage world directly to the chat group.

And after the people in the chat group listened to the words from Naruto Uzumaki, everyone in the chat group at this moment had a deeper understanding of the Ming Empire in Naruto Uzumaki's mouth.

"The Ming Empire actually solved a world so directly at once, is the strength of the Ming Empire so powerful?"

At this moment, everyone in the chat group flashed an incredible gaze.

Obviously, the fact that the Ming Empire directly destroyed all the resistance forces in the Hokage World directly made all the guys in the chat group see the strength of the Ming Empire.

"The Ming Empire, terrifying!"

One guy after another couldn't help but think in their hearts.


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