"Madara Uchiha, are you willing to join the Ming Empire?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at the Uchiha Madara in his field of vision with a serious look in his eyes.

For Zhu Houzhao's inquiry at this moment, a trace of calm flashed in Madara Uchiha's eyes and he replied: "One thing, if I join the Ming Empire, then what can I get?"

At this moment, Madara Uchiha said without hesitation.

For Madara Uchiha at this moment, it is not impossible for him to join the Ming Empire, but the question is what can he gain if he joins the Ming Empire?

While listening to the words from Madara Uchiha, the thousand-handed pillar of "Four, Three, Seven" beside him just wanted to say something, but at this moment, Zhu Houzhao said so calmly: "What can you get by joining the Ming Empire?"

I saw Zhu Houzhao just smile.

"As for what you can get after joining the Ming Empire, then I will tell you clearly here. "

"As long as you join the Ming Empire, then the most basic thing is that you can see a wider world, instead of belonging to this so-called ninja world that has been cowering all the time. "

"Maybe the strength and status you have in this ninja world can be regarded as a really top-level existence, but with this power you have, you can be regarded as an extremely weak existence in the entire heavens and ten thousand worlds. "

"In the heavens and worlds, I don't know how many people can be completely killed by them just by just a glance at you, or even just a thought. "

"You are nothing in front of those characters, and even in front of those characters, you are a very weak existence that belongs to the Eight Classics. "

"You're not even an ant, and you're barely dusty. "

"Is that enough?"

Zhu Houzhao looked at Madara Uchiha with a hint of calmness.

For Zhu Houzhao at this moment, if he can successfully recruit Uchiha Madara, then it is also good news for the entire Ming Empire, because the strength that Uchiha Madara has is also in the realm of heaven and man in the Ming Empire.

A powerhouse in the realm of heaven and man is a truly top-level existence in the current Ming Empire, and even in the entire Kyushu Continent.

Then when the time comes, it will be completely good news for the entire Ming Empire to unify the entire Kyushu Continent.

So Zhu Houzhao is not sure whether he can recruit Uchiha Madara, because he doesn't know what Uchiha Madara's inner thoughts are, but he can only let Uchiha Madara understand as much as possible that as long as he joins the Ming Empire, then the heavens and all worlds will really be completely opened to Uchiha Madara to a certain extent.

If you want to become stronger, then join the Ming Empire!

This is Zhu Houzhao's promise to Madara Uchiha.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, before Madara Uchiha could reply, a look of anticipation flashed between the Thousand Hand Pillars beside Madara Uchiha: "Then can you be stronger than this senior at that time?"

I saw that the Thousand Hands Pillar was looking directly at Zheng He beside Zhu Houzhao.

For the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, what level does that relatively powerful existence belong to?

The thousand-handed pillar really didn't know what level of existence the other party belonged to, but as for the strong man, the only thing that could be thought of in the middle of the hand was the one next to his grandson-in-law who snatched it.

That's Zheng He!

Zheng He's strength is not a joke, at least in the Thousand Hands Pillar, it seems that Zheng He can completely beat him 0 ...

So if they join the Ming Empire like this, will they be able to be stronger than this strong man one day?

Regarding the words coming from the Thousand Hands Pillar at this moment, Madara Uchiha, who was beside the Thousand Hands Pillar, also looked at Zhu Houzhao with a hint of inquiry.

Regarding the expressions that these two guys had at the moment, Zhu Houzhao smiled softly: "About this matter." "

"I can only reply to you clearly, the existence next to me has lived for a hundred years, and his status in the Ming Empire belongs to the existence of the ancestor level. "

"As for the strength of the other party?"

"His strength is indeed the most powerful existence in the Ming Empire, and even in the world in which the Ming Empire is located, but it is not necessarily in the heavens and ten thousand worlds. "

"Among the heavens and ten thousand worlds, his strength can only be regarded as a larger ant at most. "

"You should be able to understand this, right?"

"As long as 3.9 you can join the Ming Empire, then you can successfully break through to the realm of the strong man beside me, and you can become even stronger at that time. "

"It depends on whether you really need to join the Ming Empire. "

Zhu Houzhao asked with a calm look in his eyes.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words at this moment, Madara Uchiha exhaled deeply and said, "Huhuhu..."

"Okay, I'll join the Ming Empire!"

At this moment, Madara Yu replied with such a deep mouth. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


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