At this moment, Madara Uchiha directly chose to join the Ming Empire, and Naruto Uzumaki's figure appeared directly beside Zhu Houzhao.

"Meet His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty. "

At the same time that Naruto Uzumaki's figure appeared next to Zhu Houzhao at this moment, both Senju Pillar and Madara Uchiha at this moment looked at Naruto Uzumaki tightly.

And in the face of the gaze from the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki couldn't help but tremble slightly at this moment.

"Ah, this, why are you just looking at me like that?"

"Me, what's going on?"

I saw Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, swallowing his saliva so deeply, looking at the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha at this moment.

For Naruto Uzumaki at this moment, he really didn't know why the two beings in front of him were staring at him so directly.

In the face of Naruto Uzumaki's words at this moment, Madara Uchiha didn't pay attention to Naruto Uzumaki, but Madara Uchiha just looked at the direction of Naruto Uzumaki's lower abdomen so closely.

"I didn't expect this fox to be alive, and the remaining half can still live unharmed, which means 03. "

Madara Uchiha said softly.

"Nine-Tails, this should still be okay. "

"After all, their form is a bit special. "

Listening to the words from Madara Uchiha, the Thousand Hands Pillar replied slightly.

In the face of this scene at this moment, Zhu Houzhao's eyes lit up instantly.

"Naruto Uzumaki, do you want to see your parents one last time?"

At this moment, I saw Zhu Houzhao at this moment looking at Naruto Uzumaki with a serious look in his eyes.

Facing Zhu Houzhao's words at this moment, Naruto Uzumaki, who originally came to Zhu Houzhao for something, had a trace of silence in his eyes at this moment.

But if you look closely, you will see the tremor in Naruto Uzumaki's eyes at this moment.

"Is this true?"

"Can I really see my parents for the last time?"

Naruto Uzumaki's eyes flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he said with a trembling expression.

Regarding the trembling that Naruto Uzumaki had at this moment, the current Zhu Houzhao replied directly: "That's right, do you want to see your parents for the last time?"

"Okay, I think!"

In an instant, Naruto Uzumaki replied directly without hesitation.

In the face of the reply from Naruto Uzumaki, Zhu Houzhao just looked directly at Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha: "Both, I'll leave this to you." "

"I'm sure you should be able to handle it. "

Zhu Houzhao said lightly.

He really couldn't solve the problem of this seal in Naruto Uzumaki's body, but that didn't mean that the two guys next to him couldn't.

Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha, these two guys are all Tenke-like beings who belong to the Nine-Tails in Naruto Uzumaki's body.

The most important thing is that the strength they possess is simply easy to solve the seal problem in Naruto Uzumaki's body, and there is nothing in the entire ninja world that these two guys can't solve.

After listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Uchiha Madara nodded slightly.

"No problem, I'll take care of this. "

For Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha at this moment, they could naturally see the anomaly in Naruto Uzumaki's body.

For this anomaly, in their opinion, this problem is simply an easy one, and it can't be easier.

Regarding this scene at this moment, Zheng He, who was beside Zhu Houzhao, flashed a trace of doubt at this moment and said, "Your Majesty, could it be the thing that this kid has in his body?"

At the same time, I saw that the current Zheng He just flashed a trace of curiosity at Naruto Uzumaki.

As for the thing that Naruto Uzumaki possessed in his body, Zheng He was probably able to understand something.

As for the thing that Naruto Uzumaki possessed, Zheng He only knew something, but he really didn't know it very well.

I can feel that there are some seals in Naruto Uzumaki's body, and the most important thing is that there seems to be something in Naruto Uzumaki's body, but what exactly is this thing?

I'm afraid that Senju Pillar and Uchiha Madara can be easily solved, but Zheng He's words are not necessarily. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, this guy does have something in the experience. "

Zhu Houzhao nodded and said.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's reply, Zheng He just looked at Naruto Uzumaki, and a trace of deep curiosity flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, don't move. "

Madara Uchiha looked at Naruto Uzumaki with a serious expression.

In the face of Madara Uchiha's solemn expression of 310 feelings, it was much easier to see the Thousand Hands Pillar beside him: "Take it easy, we are not bad people, and when the time comes, we will allow you to meet your parents for the last time." "

I saw that the current Thousand Hands Pillar opened his mouth so easily.

"I believe in you. "

Naruto Uzumaki nodded honestly.

For Madara Uchiha and Senju Pillars, that Uzumaki Naruto had seen it on the Hokage Rock, Naruto Uzumaki could naturally know that Senju Pillar was the original Hokage who belonged to their Konoha Village, as for Madara Uchiha?

Naruto Uzumaki also knew that the other party was following the original Hokage to establish the existence of the entire Konoha Village.

Maybe the current Konoha Village is gone, but the spirit that Konoha Village possesses has always remained in Naruto Uzumaki's heart.

So for Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki will still choose to believe it.


Soon, Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha began to transport Chakra directly into Naruto Uzumaki's body.


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