"Ah, are we really going to let the Nine-Tails go?"

In the face of Uzumaki Jiu Sinai's words, I saw that Bo Feng Shuimen at this moment subconsciously felt a little bad.

After all, the reason why they appeared here was purely because they wanted to prevent the Nine-Tails from going out.

They know better than anyone else the power of the Nine-Tails, after all, the Nine-Tails is not something that anyone can control, once the Nine-Tails are out of control, then this is definitely a fatal crisis for the original Konoha Village.

So for the current wave of Feng Shuimen, he subconsciously felt rejected for the situation that the nine tails were released like this.

However, in the face of Bo Feng Shuimen's rejection at the moment, the whirlpool Jiu Sinai beside him said in such a calm "Eighty-Nine-Seven": "Shuimen, have you been here for so long and your head has been stupid?"

"You need to figure it out!"

"The current Konoha Village no longer exists!"

"Konoha Village doesn't exist anymore!"

"Do you understand?!"

Uzumaki Kushina shouted at Bo Feng Shuimen in such an angry manner.

"Maybe the Nine-Tails are a very powerful existence in your eyes and me, but do you think the Nine-Tails are very powerful in front of the first Hokage and Madara Uchiha?"

I saw that at this moment, the whirlpool Jiu Sinai shouted loudly directly at the Bo Feng Shui Gate.

For Uzumaki Kushina at this moment, if the era in which Naruto Uzumaki lived was no different from the era they were in before, then this Nine-Tails really couldn't be released casually.

Because once this Nine-Tails is really released, then it will definitely be a fatal crisis for the entire Konoha Village.

The most important thing is that the reason why they are here is because they want to seal the Nine-Tails from escaping.

But the problem is that the existence that wants to release the Nine-Tails now belongs to the Thousand Hands Pillar and Uchiha Madara!

How could the Thousand Hand Pillars and Madara Uchiha not be able to defeat the Nine-Tails?

Although Uzumaki Kushina had not seen the scene of the Nine-Tails being hung by the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha with his own eyes, Uzumaki Kushina could also understand that the Nine-Tails, who looked very powerful in their eyes, were no different from ordinary kittens in front of the two strong men of the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha.

This is a fact that belongs to the entire ninja world, if the strength possessed by the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha is not strong enough, how can they pacify the entire Warring States Period?

It is precisely because the strength of the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Uchiha Madara is strong enough that they can directly pacify the entire Warring States Period, and even this tailed beast belongs to these two seniors and is directly captured.

No matter how strong the strength of the Nine-Tails is, is it possible that it can be compared to these two predecessors?

Although Uzumaki Kushina didn't know why the Thousand Hands Pillar came back from the dead, none of the will that the other party had meant that the other party was really alive.

In this case, then this Nine-Tails is no longer a so-called threat, and it is very likely that this Nine-Tails will become honest after going out, just like a real kitten.

So why not release the Nine-Tails?

Let the Nine-Tails out, she's going to meet her son.

She knew that she might never have this opportunity again next time, and that this was the only time she could communicate with her son.

After listening to Uzumaki Jiu Sinai's words, I saw that Bo Feng Shuimen opened his mouth like this at this moment, and he really didn't know what to say for a while.

What to say?

I don't know, Bo Feng Shuimen really doesn't know what to say.

But one thing is certain, that is, for the Nine-Tails, who looked very powerful to them, it seemed that they were really a very weak existence in front of these two adults.

That means that the concern he has is completely unnecessary.


"Well, you have a point0 ..."

After opening his mouth, Thousand Hands Pillar could only shake his head helplessly at this moment.

He wanted to refute it with some reasons, but unfortunately, Bo Feng Shuimen didn't know how to tell it at all.

Senju Tsuruma and Madara Uchiha already speak for themselves.

And maybe it's time for them to let go of this burden, and maybe they really need to meet their son.

For the Bo Feng Shui Gate, which had completely relaxed, the current Nine-Tails couldn't help but nod.

For the Nine-Tails in the cage, if he can really get out, even if he goes out, he still honestly doesn't dare to move, but at least he doesn't have to stay in such a place all the time!

This place is a nightmare for the Nine-Tails. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although it is not the first time that he has lived as a man, there has really never been a time when he has lost his freedom as now, and he has stayed in such a small place so honestly.

Now, he will soon be able to breathe the outside air again, which is really a big temptation for the Nine-Tails.

"Let's do 5.9. "

Madara Uchiha said lightly.

"No problem. "

The Thousand Hands Pillar replied calmly.


In an instant, when the power possessed by the Thousand Hands Pillar and Madara Uchiha at this moment erupted wildly again, this seemingly very solid cage was directly smashed into pieces under the impact of the power of these two people.

"Boom !!"

An earth-shattering explosion resounded directly in the cage.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

"I'm finally free!"

Nine-Tails roared.


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