"I'm finally free!"

The Nine-Tails exclaimed so loudly.

"Roar, roar, roar!"

For the Nine-Tails at this moment, they began to shout loudly in the sealing space.

Also in the sealed space, Senju Pillar and Madara Uchiha looked at the shouting Nine-Tails with a hint of disgust.

"Be quiet!"

Madara Uchiha couldn't help but scold.

Facing the words from Madara Uchiha, I saw that the current Nine-Tails opened their mouths in such an instant.

"Oh oh oh, okay, okay. "

In an instant, Nine-Tails directly closed his mouth honestly, and then stayed in place like a kitten.

That's right, this Nine-Tails, who looks very arrogant, is so directly and honestly following Madara Uchiha's words at this moment.

There was no way, the Nine-Tails didn't dare to resist the orders of either of the two guys, Madara Uchiha and Senju Pillar.

Especially for Uchiha Madara, this guy from the Thousand Hands Pillar can still fool around, as long as he doesn't make a mistake, the Thousand Hands Pillar basically won't move him, but the Uchi 03 Wave Madara is different.

Madara Uchiha really saw that he would beat him directly if he didn't like him, so the Nine-Tails was particularly honest when facing Madara Uchiha.

Looking at the Nine-Tails, who was so extraordinarily honest just under a scolding, at this moment, Bo Feng Shuimen and Vortex Jiu Sinai showed a trace of emotion.

"Sure enough, it is worthy of belonging to the ninja world Shura, and it is so easy to make the Nine-Tails so honest. "

For the current Uchiha Madara's move to directly let the Nine-Tails teacher come down with just one scold, this really made Bo Feng Shuimen feel envious at this moment.

If he had such a prestige in the first place, he probably wouldn't have to die at all, right?

Who wants to die if they can live?

But it's a pity that the strength he has is completely helpless against the Nine-Tails, so in the end he can only honestly choose this kind of action that is no different from suicide.

Although the Nine-Tails were solved by him like this, why wasn't he himself also solved?

"Alright, don't scare this little fox. "

He spoke softly among the Thousand Hand Pillars on the side.

"Okay. "

Facing the words of the Thousand Hands Pillar, Madara Uchiha nodded lightly.

"Then I'll leave it to you here, as for how to communicate with your son, then it depends on how you parents act. "

I saw that Madara Uchiha at this moment was so faintly looking at the wave of Feng Shui Gate and Vortex Kushina in his field of vision.

As for the next sealing space, what to do?

Naturally, it's going to be handed over to these two guys who are parents, and I'll let Uzumaki not communicate with his parents properly later.

Listening to Madara Uchiha's words, Bo Feng Shuimen said with a hint of gratitude at this moment: "Thank you, thank you." "

Uzumaki Kushina, who was on the side, also said with a hint of gratitude: "Thank you." "

For Uzumaki Kushina at this moment, the current Uzumaki Kushina is not only grateful to Madara Uchiha and Senjutsu, but also full of unprecedented tension in her heart.

Next, they have to meet their son, who hasn't seen each other for more than ten years!

It can really make them nervous.

After all, the last time they saw their son was when their son was just born, and now this second time they met was actually their son who had grown up.

"I wonder if Naruto has eaten well, I don't know if he is in love?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

A trace of deep nervousness flashed in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes at this moment.

For the nervous gaze that flashed in Uzumaki Jiu Sinai's eyes, Bo Feng Shuimen beside him said with a wry smile at this moment: "Don't be nervous, you can see you later." "

"The more nervous you are, the more you don't know what to say when you face Naruto again. "

"Calm down. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At this moment, I saw that the wave Fengshui Gate at this moment just exhaled deeply and said.

Regarding the words spoken by the current wave Feng Shuimen, the whirlpool Jiu Sinai beside him couldn't help but speak: "You ruthless guy!"

"That's our son, I haven't seen him for so many years!"

"Don't you want to see it?!"

"Aren't you nervous?!"

In this regard, at this moment, the whirlpool Jiu Sinai couldn't help but speak to the Bo Feng Shui Gate.

Regarding the words spoken by the current Uzumaki Jiu Sinai, the waves at this moment couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I must have thought about this, but now we can't stay here so nervously, right?"

"Then let's get Naruto's spirit right in, I can't wait to see what Naruto looks like now. "

Bo Feng Shuimen just exhaled deeply and said.

Don't you want to meet Naruto?

That's impossible, and it's his son!

After so many years, he also misses it very much.

It's just that as a father, he didn't directly show his nostalgia directly and thoroughly.

Regarding the current appearance of the wave wind water gate and the whirlpool Kushina, at this moment, the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Uchiha Madara smiled softly.

"You can solve it yourself, and we'll leave first. "

I saw that at this moment, Senju Pillar and Madara Uchiha were talking, and their figures completely disappeared in place, and there was also the figure of the Nine-Tails who left with them.


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