With all the things in the main hall just like that, when the discussion began, after a while, all the little things had been discussed.

After all the little things were directly discussed, one after another civil and military officials closed their mouths so honestly at this moment.

For this group of civil and military officials at this moment, they have vaguely received that there are some big things to happen in the imperial court recently.

Not to mention anything else, at least by virtue of the fact that their Majesty has just mobilized the two major legions recently and doesn't know where to go, those are the two major legions that belong to the serious Eight Classics!

The Ming Empire only has five major legions today, but their majesty directly mobilized the two legions and don't know where to go.

While their Majesty had mobilized two legions and did not know where to go, their Majesty returned.

03 For the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, no matter how foolish they are, they can realize that their majesty is absolutely leading the army during the period of disappearance, and they don't know where to go.

Then the return of their Majesty this time, from the smiling face of their Majesty, you can know that there is absolutely no harm in this.

Since their majesty led the army without any accidents, it means that something big must happen next.

I saw that at this moment, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were all quietly waiting for their Majesty's next words.

Regarding the words spoken by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty at this moment, I saw that the current Zhu Houzhao was also looking at the silent hall so calmly, and Zhu Houzhao smiled so slightly in his eyes.

"Since you Aiqing don't have any problems, let me talk about it. "

At this moment, a serious gaze gradually appeared on Zhu Houzhao's face.

For the seriousness in Zhu Houzhao's eyes at this moment, seeing that the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty at this moment held their breath in such an instant.

"It's coming!"

One after another civil and military officials are looking at Zhu Houzhao so deeply at this moment.

Facing the gaze from the civil and military officials at this moment, Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a trace of calmness and said: "The strength of today's Ming Empire has completely surpassed the most powerful Great Qin and Great Yuan Empire. "

"Then it's time for the Ming Empire Festival to get out of the current turf. "

I saw Zhu Houzhao at this moment, with a serious look in his eyes, looking at the civil and military officials in his field of vision.

In the face of Zhu Houzhao's words, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty at this moment all looked at each other with an excited gaze.

All the guys saw a deep excitement in each other's eyes.

"The Ming Empire is going to unify the nations!"

At this moment, this is the idea that belongs to the minds of all officials.

The meaning expressed in Zhu Houzhao's current words can almost be regarded as being on the surface.

Among the eight empires in the Kyushu Continent today, the most powerful ones are the Great Qin Empire and the Great Yuan Empire.

At a time when the strength of the Great Qin Empire and the Great Yuan Empire was the strongest in the entire Kyushu Continent, no country could reach that level before that.

But at this moment, the power of the Ming Empire has surpassed those two empires, and when the power of the Ming Empire has surpassed those two empires, what does the Ming Empire need to do now?

There is no doubt that what the Ming Empire needs to do next is 100% to completely annihilate all empires!

The Ming Empire wants to dominate the entire Kyushu continent like the Great Zhou Dynasty thousands of years ago!

At this moment, when all the civil and military officials fell into an excited expression, Zhu Houzhao, who was sitting on the dragon chair at the moment, looked at all the guys with a smile.

For this group of guys to be so full of fighting spirit in such a short period of time, this is obviously very in line with the current idea that Zhu Houzhao has.

Although he is the most important existence in the entire Ming Empire, it can be said that he is just like Qin Shi Huang in his previous life, he is in the entire empire.

As long as he doesn't have any accidents, then there won't be any accidents in the entire Ming Empire.

But it doesn't mean that the agitated attitude of this group of guys is useless, if the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty are full of fighting spirit, then this is also a very good result for him.

Because this means that the 463 countries of the Ming Emperor can completely operate a more powerful force.

"From now on, the entire Ming Empire must prepare for the next battle of unification!"

"After the Ming Empire is also derelict in its duties, it needs to start counting the entire Kyushu Continent!"

At this moment, Zhu Houzhao said with a serious voice in his eyes.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's words at this moment, I saw that the current civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty replied with the same passionate words: "Obey, Your Majesty!"

"After retreating from the dynasty, the next army needs to start training soldiers, and at the same time, the problems of food and grass also need to be prepared, and the questions about some follow-up officials also need to be prepared early. "

"Next, the entire Ming Empire will serve the battle of unification!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhu Houzhao had a serious order in his tone.

"Obey !!"

For Zhu Houzhao's order at this moment, all the guys in the hall replied so respectfully: "Obey, Your Majesty!"



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