And at this moment, the Ming Empire began to operate at the same time, and the spies of several other countries in the Ming Empire began to transmit what happened in the Ming Empire to the countries behind them.

In particular, the news that the Ming Emperor led these two armies and did not know where to go is the key news.

Although Zhu Houzhao did not cause any particularly big movements when he mobilized the Qilin Legion and the Blue Dragon Legion, the movements of these two legions have long been observed by spies from many countries.

After all, the changes possessed by the Ming Empire have been thoroughly presented in the field of vision of all the countries in the entire Kyushu Continent, and they naturally have to keep a close eye on the Ming Empire.

Outside of the five major legions in the Ming Empire, they don't know how many spies from many countries are watching, so the news that the two major legions of the Ming Empire have disappeared directly into their stations is naturally observed by the spies of several other countries.

Although they didn't know how the two legions disappeared, they knew that they were really transferred by their emperor.

Then the Qinglong and the Qilin Legion came back again without knowing what was going on, and it was obvious that something big had happened.

Moreover, after the Ming Empire returned with their emperor, the Ming Empire began to have unprecedented turmoil, and everything that the Ming Empire had began to operate continuously.

Although they didn't know what was going on in the Ming Empire, they directly began to pass on all the things they were currently making to the countries behind them.

And when the spies from one country after another began to pass the news they had discovered in the Ming Empire back to the empire behind them, the other seven emperors used in the entire Kyushu Continent were completely shocked by the movement of the Ming Empire.

When Li Shimin, the emperor from the Tang Empire, said this about the news that happened in the Ming Empire, Li Shimin couldn't help but say to Yuan Tiangang beside him: "Is this really the news that happened in the Ming Empire?"

I saw that Li Shimin couldn't help but say at this moment.

In the face of Li Shimin's words, Yuan Tiangang nodded silently.

Obviously, at this moment, Yuan Tiangang also knew that the next Ming Empire would definitely have a big move, but unfortunately, he really didn't know what this big move was.


Li Shimin just looked at the report in his hand, and a trace of unprecedented heaviness flashed in Li Shimin's eyes.

Regarding the news from the Ming Empire at this moment, Li Shimin instantly sensed that there would definitely be any major moves in the Ming Empire in the future, and even the Ming Empire was very likely to start a war or something.

Because the posture shown by the Ming Empire is already too obvious.

Not to mention the two major armies that have been mobilized, just relying on the grain and grass that is currently being mobilized in the Ming Empire is enough to represent everything.

According to the news he knew, there was no major crisis in the Ming Empire, since there was no major crisis in the Ming Empire, why did the Ming Empire mobilize food?

Coupled with the figures of the Qinglong and the Qilin Legion that disappeared in the Ming Empire before, this all means that the Ming Empire definitely has a big move, and it is even very likely that there will be a war.

"Who will the Ming Empire fight next?"

Li Shimin frowned slightly at this moment and said to himself.

Regarding the next moves, Li Shimin felt that he had to know in advance, and to prepare in advance, no one knew what the Ming Empire would do next, and the most important thing was that although the relationship between their Tang Empire and the Ming Empire was said to have cooperated once, this cooperation did not mean that there would be no infringement between their Tang Empire and the Ming Empire.

Once the Ming Empire directly chooses to invade their Tang Empire, even if their Tang Empire will be prepared at that time, all preparations will be ineffective in the face of the absolute strength possessed by the Ming Empire.

When the time comes, you still have to fight.

"'It's a big problem. "

Li Shimin's eyes were like this, and he said to himself with a heavy heart.

In the face of Li Shimin's heavy self-talk at this moment, the emperors of several other empires also knew about the current trends of the Ming Empire.

Regarding the current trend in the Ming Empire, the emperor of the Great Song Empire only looked at it calmly after learning about the movement of the Ming Empire, and then directly chose to ignore it.

"Keep dancing, keep singing!"

The Great Song Emperor said lightly.

Their Great Song Empire and the Great Ming Empire have just reached this marriage, so even if the Great Ming Empire has some ideas about their Great Song Empire, the current Great Ming Empire will definitely not do anything to their Great Song Empire.

So since this is the case, then what are they panicking about in the Great Song Empire?

They don't need to panic at all.

Since the Ming Empire will not fight against the Great Song Empire that will attack them next, all he needs to do now is what to do.

"Yes. "

Soon, bursts of melodious music began to resound in the hall.


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