"It looks like the Ming Empire is going to choose to do it. "

At the same time, I saw that Yang Guang, the emperor of the Great Sui Empire at this moment, said with a serious face.

For Yang Guang, the Great Sui Emperor at this moment, he believes that the current action of the Ming Empire is obviously a prelude to directly preparing for the next action against the Tang Empire.

After all, they had just reached a treaty before this, and they directly chose to act against the Tang Empire and directly carve up the entire Tang Empire.

Not long after they reached this treaty, the Ming Empire directly chose to take action, so he felt that their Great Sui Empire also had to take action.

"Come on, get ready for action!"

"This time we have to make Datang pay!"

At this moment, I saw that Yang Guang at this moment just spoke with a serious voice.

"Yes. "

In the face of Yang Guang's order, a respectful voice came into Yang Guang'er 413.

Faced with this respectful voice, Yang Guang chose to ignore it directly at this moment.

Yang Guang just looked directly at the maps that the spies of the Great Sui Empire had collected in the Tang Empire over the years.

"Tang Empire, you have to pay the price next!"

"This time, I'll see how you can survive the attack of the two empires!"

Yang Guang's eyes flashed with a hint of unprecedented excitement.

For Yang Guang at this moment, if he directly let his Great Sui Empire directly attack the Great Tang Empire, then the result at that time will basically make no difference, because the strength of the Great Tang Empire is not inferior to his Great Sui Empire.

So even if his Great Sui Empire has been constantly attacking the Tang Empire over the years, there has been no major crisis in the Tang Empire.

But this time it's different, this time the Ming Empire and his Great Sui Emperor (ADDH) will join forces to attack the Tang Empire, what will the Tang Empire take to see the attack of their two empires?

The combined attack of their two empires is not comparable to that of today's Tang Empire.


"Li Shimin, Li Shimin, I'm going to see how you solve it!"

I saw Yang Guang laughing like this at this moment.

At the same time that the Great Sui Empire was also preparing to mobilize the army to solve the Tang Empire, the emperors of several other empires also learned about what happened in the Ming Empire.

As the most powerful emperor of the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng said to himself with such a serious face at this moment.

"It seems that the emperor of the Ming Empire is going to choose to do it. "

"The battle for the unification of Kyushu is about to begin. "

Ying Zheng's eyes were so serious.

"The Great Qin Empire must not be left behind in this war!"

A voice full of murderous intent echoed in the Xianyang Palace.

At the same time, a trace of deep expectation flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

For Ying Zheng at this moment, although it is said that the next time is for the Ming Empire to show its edge, it does not mean that his Great Qin Empire cannot act next.

The Great Qin Empire must be in an advantageous position in the next moves, after all, the strength of the Great Qin Empire itself will not be left behind, and then the Great Qin Empire also has that power that can take the priority position in the next chaos.

In that case, why didn't the Great Qin Empire make a move?

Therefore, at this moment, Ying Zheng seems that in addition to the Ming Empire to show its edge in the melee, then the Great Qin Empire can also show the power of Great Qin in the next chaos.

At this moment, when the Great Qin Empire was preparing for the next melee, the Great Yuan Empire, which was also one of the most powerful empires, learned the news that the Great Ming Empire had, and Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Great Yuan Empire, looked deeply at the news transmitted back by those spies at this moment.

"It seems that this Ming Empire is not simple. "

"The next Ming Empire is afraid that it will set off an unprecedented turmoil in the entire Kyushu continent. "

At this moment, I saw Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Great Yuan Empire, speaking with a serious face at this moment.

As the emperor of the Great Yuan Empire, one of the most powerful empires in the world, he actually has a keen sense of perception.

For this movement of the Ming Empire at this moment, this all means that the Ming Empire will definitely launch an unprecedented major surprise attack at this moment.

He believed in his vision, the Ming Empire would definitely start a war in the entire Kyushu continent next. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, which of all the actions that the Ming Empire has at this moment is not in the service of war?

First the sudden transfer of the army, and then the transfer of grain and grass, is this an ordinary transfer?

No matter how you look at it, it looks like a serious military operation!

"It seems that this Ming Empire tasted some sweetness after destroying the Qing Empire. "

Emperor Kublai Khan shook his head slightly.

"Now it's up to you to deal with the other seven empires at the moment. "

Kublai Khan's gaze flickered slightly.

Kublai Khan did not have any doubts about the strength of the Ming Empire at this moment, so he had to see which empire the Ming Empire would take the lead in making a move.

In this way, as the Ming Empire began to operate, all the empires except the Great Song Empire began to act like crazy at this moment.


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