"Tony Dark. "

I saw that Zhu Houzhao at this moment directly chose Aite Tony Stark in the chat group.

For Zhu Houzhao's Aite, I saw Tony Stark begin to reply with a hint of doubt: "Huh?"

"I don't know what the Ming Emperor is looking for me?"

I saw Tony Stark just looking at Zhu Houzhao's Aite with a puzzled gaze.

Faced with the words from Tony Stark at this moment, I saw that the current Zhu Houzhao said directly: "It's very simple, that is, I will purchase a batch of missiles from you next, and I don't know if your Tony Stark Group has inventory." "

Zhu Houzhao said straightforwardly.

Since the next Ming Empire wants to bring the entire Kyushu Continent into the rule of the Ming Dynasty, then the missile is absolutely indispensable as a siege weapon.

The walls of several other empires in the Kyushu continent except for the Qing Empire are not a joke, although not all of their walls are the same as the imperial capital, but the national strength they have is not comparable to the Qing Empire, the walls of the Qing Empire are so powerful, so what about the walls of the other ~ empires?

Then Zhu Houzhao directly compared his Ming Empire, the ordinary city walls of the Ming Empire can be described as thick and tall, and the walls of other empires should be similar, perhaps it is very likely to be taller and heavier than the city walls owned by the Ming Empire.

In Zhu Houzhao's opinion, it is not something that belongs to anything - an impossible thing.

Since the walls of the other empires were so thick, he had to procure a batch of missiles.

Using missiles to directly bombard the city walls, or even directly bombing the armies of several other empires, who can withstand the bombardment from missiles?

Maybe those who are more powerful can easily withstand the bombardment from missiles, but not all of them belong to those powerful beings!

Those who are more powerful existences, what do they use to carry missiles?

Even if those ordinary soldiers really have a little strength, what can they do to withstand the bombardment from missiles?

First of all, they even have a big problem with the aftermath of the missile bombardment.

That's right, even if those ordinary soldiers really escaped the bombardment from the missile, the aftermath of the missile explosion is not something that anyone can bear, and the aftermath of the missile explosion can be regarded as a very powerful force.

Or those cultivators can completely withstand it, but the problem is that not all soldiers belong to cultivators.

Therefore, the power of missiles in this aspect of war can be regarded as a divine weapon.

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, Tony Dark, who was cultivating in the Starkey Group, instantly lit up at this moment.

"No problem, no problem, I have as much as you want!"

"Even if I don't, I, the Tonysdaq Group, can produce as fast as possible!"

I saw Tony Stark's eyes just like that, with a wave of excitement in his eyes.

"But the question of personal remuneration is whether it can be exchanged for those medicinal herbs and the like?"

At this moment, when Tonysdak responded to Zhu Houzhao like this, Tonysdak also made a small request.

That is, this time he can still trade missiles with the Ming Emperor, but this time the transaction does not need gold, to put it bluntly, gold belongs to money, is he short of money?

No, no, no, if he is short of money, then who on the whole planet dares to say that he is rich?

His Starkey group belongs to a serious arms group, and the only thing that the arms group does not lack is money, and it can even be said that money is the easiest thing to earn for the arms group.

But there are some things that are not comparable to money.

So this time Tonys Lake he doesn't want gold, this time Tonys Tank wants that kind of medicinal materials that can be cultivated.

Regarding this small request that Tony Stark had at this moment, Zhu Houzhao flashed a trace of curiosity and said, "Oh, why?"

"I wonder if you can tell me something?"

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao said with a curiosity in his eyes.

"If I'm not mistaken, your Tonysdaq group is an arms group on the entire planet, right?"

"Logically speaking, you don't seem to be short of money, so it's understandable that you don't want gold. "

"But why do you want this thing?"

"You can use the money to buy those medicinal herbs. "

Zhu Houzhao's eyes really had a trace of deep incomprehension.

Regarding Zhu Houzhao's curiosity at this moment, Tony Stark smiled deeply and bitterly: "Your Majesty the Emperor, what you said is indeed reasonable. "

"I do have money, and even when I make friends, I never look at whether the other party has money or not, because the other party is absolutely not as rich as me. "

"I have also tried to let them find this thing, and let them find some medicinal materials at a high price, but they said that the year of the medicinal materials found is indeed enough, but it always feels strange. "

"The medicinal herbs in our world are very wrong, or the medicinal power is completely insufficient. "

"I think it's a matter between worlds, completely different from your world. "

"So I'm going to buy a batch of medicinal herbs in your world. "

"Then this time, Your Majesty the Emperor uses medicinal herbs, and I use missiles, how about we make a deal like this?"

Tony Stark said with a wry smile.

Regarding Tony Suck's words at this moment, Zhu Houzhao replied without any problem at all: "Okay!"


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