
Regarding Tony Stark's words at the moment, Zhu Houzhao said that there was no problem at all.

What's the problem?

Anyway, in Zhu Houzhao's opinion, there is no problem at all.

As for the problem faced by Tony Stark, Zhu Houzhao pondered his chin slightly and thought for a while, and finally said: "This should belong to the gap between worlds. "

"Although there is also a cultivation system in the Marvel world, it seems that none of those cultivation wires are really a cultivation system that belongs to internal forces. "

Zhu Houzhao just thought about the cultivation system used in the Marvel world, and said to himself like this.

The cultivation system in the "Six-Zero-Zero" Marvel world is the magic that belongs to the Eight Classics, cultivating internal strength in a magical world?

Zhu Houzhao is a little strange when he thinks of this, in addition to the magic system in the Marvel world, there is also a serious technology system.

Then the other party's world still pays attention to some logic, so there is a little gap between some of the medicinal materials in that world and the medicinal materials they have in the world of cultivating internal strength, which is not impossible in Zhu Houzhao's opinion.

"Medicinal herbs, hehe. "

"As much as you want!"

In this regard, Zhu Houzhao can only say that missiles are something that can be produced at any time for the Tonysdaq Group, and although medicinal materials can not be said to be the same as the Tonysrak Group for the Ming Empire, the territory of the Ming Empire is vast?

The territory of the Ming Empire is a first-class vastness in the entire Kyushu Continent, so once something valuable appears in the territory of the Ming Empire, it will naturally be acquired by the official.

And those ordinary people will not choose to refuse in the face of the official acquisition, because Zhu Houzhao will really give money!

Therefore, those medicine pickers often go to the deep mountains and old forests to collect medicinal materials, as long as they can really take some medicinal materials, they can sell them to the imperial court at that time, and finally they will eat and drink for the rest of their lives.

After all, this world belongs to the cultivation world of the Eight Classics, so the imperial court has always attached great importance to medicinal materials, because medicinal materials can not only be used in medicine, but most importantly, they can also allow cultivators to break through their strength.

The power possessed in the medicinal materials is completely capable of allowing cultivators to cultivate, so the medicinal materials accumulated in the treasury of the Ming Empire are an astronomical amount.

So in the face of this deal from Tony Stark, Zhu Houzhao said that there was no problem at all.

used medicinal materials to exchange for missiles, and then he used missiles to attack the capitals of several other countries, and finally he defeated several other countries, and in the end, what they had in their countries became his Ming Empire?

Regarding the transaction between Zhu Houzhao and Tony Stark, several other people in the chat group couldn't help but secretly sigh: "Is this a deal between strong people?"

"Looks like I'm still not as good as waiting. "

Seeing that Ye Man at this moment shook his head slightly.

"But can I exchange some medicinal herbs for this missile?"

Suddenly, Ip Man, who was in the Wing Chun world, opened his eyes so suddenly.

For Ip Man at this moment, if he really has a batch of missiles, it seems that he can use this batch of missiles to go directly to the Kyoto of the Wako Kingdom to bomb their emperor without realizing it.

The strength he has can do this, but Ye Man feels that he also belongs to flesh and blood after all, and if he is really discovered at that time, it will definitely be bad for him.

But once he directly chooses to bomb them with missiles, the power that the missiles have when they bombard, Ip Man has also seen it, it can be described as a madness, and at that time, the entire capital of the Japanese Kou Kingdom may be completely solved, then no one can find him0 ...

As soon as he thought of this, Ip Man couldn't help but feel excited in his heart.

"Tony Stark. "

"I should also have a batch of medicinal herbs here, I don't know if I can also exchange those missiles with you for the medicinal herbs here?"

I saw that Ye Man couldn't help but say at this moment.

In the face of Ip Man's Aite and Ip Man's request, Tony Stak, who was in the Starkey Group, suddenly opened his eyes, and just flashed a trace of excitement and said, "No problem!"

"You want as many missiles as you want, as long as you have medicinal herbs. "

"Then I can make a deal with you. "

In an instant, Tony Stark said without hesitation.

The thought that he would be able to obtain medicinal herbs from several other worlds in the next step made Tony Stark feel a pang of excitement.

Because this means that he can completely push the strength of his 3.9 to a little further ahead.

"Okay, that's it. "

"I'm going to look for some herbs. "

Ye Man said with a firm look in his eyes. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After watching Ip Man trade directly with Tonis Dark, the hero in the stormy world couldn't help but say at this moment: "And me, let me trade some things." "

Xiongba said the same at this moment.

In this way, the chat group began to start an unprecedented transaction, trading things belonging to medicinal herbs and missiles.


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