After a while, when all the guys in the Songshan sect had prepared all the cheats and all the valuable things in their sect and were ready to send them to Kyoto, Yue Buqun at this moment directly led Zuo Lengchan, who was the head of the Songshan faction, to the next place.

Where do you go next?

Yue Buqun felt that he could take down the Wuyue Sword Sect first, his Huashan faction was already a member of the imperial court, after all, he, the head of the Huashan faction, belonged to the national teacher in the current imperial court!

Then the Songshan faction of the four sects other than his Huashan faction has also surrendered to the imperial court, and the next thing he needs to do is to let the other three sects submit to the imperial court one after another.

As long as their May Sword Sect surrenders to the battle in the imperial court like this, then all the sects in the entire Jianghu should be honest in the future.

If they are not honest, let alone the Jinyi guards in the court, Yue Buqun will choose to use the 03 power possessed in the Wuyue Sword Sect to completely kill those who refuse to take refuge in Chaotian.

At the moment when Yue Buqun, who was accompanying this moment, began to make some movements in his smiling and proud world of rivers and lakes.

In another world, at this moment, Ye Man looked at the missiles he had in front of him with a satisfied gaze.

"Not bad, very good!"

At this moment, Ye Man's eyes said with a sense of satisfaction.

"Hehe, Woko!"

"I'm going to make you pay for it next!"

I saw Ye Man's gaze just like that, with a hint of murderous intent, he said.

These missiles were the missiles he had exchanged with Tonydak, and he would use them to go directly to the Wako Kingdom and drop them all at the Imperial Palace.

He wanted the emperor of the Wako Kingdom to be blown up, and he also wanted the high-ranking people of the Wako Kingdom to be blown up.

In the era they are in, the war has completely started, although Ip Man has not directly become the front line of the war to see it, but he can also understand that he can also get from those news what the attitude of the guys of the Wako Kingdom towards the common people in their Chinese land is like.

For these Japanese people who are no different from animals, that Japanese people can not belong to anyone in the eyes of Ip Man, he completely killed all these animals!

"Let's do it, Ip Man!"

I saw Ye Man's gaze with a hint of firmness in his eyes.

Soon, Ip Man began to receive all the missiles in front of him into his chat group space, and as Ip Man began to receive all the missiles in front of him into the chat group space, Ip Man began to prepare directly to go to the Wako country.



At this moment, when Ip Man was preparing to directly bomb the hometown of the Japanese Empire, the Ninth Uncle who had it in the Ming Empire was looking at the army he had in front of them at this moment.

"Boss, have you succeeded?"

At this moment, I saw that Uncle Nine at this moment was looking at the group of soldiers in front of them with a look of expectation, or a group of zombies!

After listening to Uncle Jiu's inquiry, I saw that the head of the Maoshan faction beside Uncle Jiu nodded with satisfaction: "That's nature, these zombies in our eyes are completely different from the zombies we know." "

"Or maybe these zombies in front of us are completely a copy of the zombies we know, or maybe they belong to an upgraded version!"

I saw that the head of the Maoshan faction at this moment nodded so satisfied.

"Look, we have now refined such a terrifying zombie for the Ming Empire, so I believe that our Maoshan faction can definitely rise completely in today's Ming Empire!"

"The Maoshan faction is going to be completely prosperous in my generation!"

The head of the Maoshan faction said with a burst of excitement at this moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For the head of the Maoshan faction at this moment, but when he just looked at the group of zombie legions in front of them, then the head of the Maoshan faction knew that their Maoshan faction would definitely usher in real prosperity.

The situation is already here, all the Taoist priests of their Maoshan faction have refined a zombie army for the Ming Empire, then the emperor of the Ming Empire will definitely reward them, and they don't want any particularly big rewards.

As long as the current Ming Emperor supports their Maoshan faction, for example, give them a mountain and let them establish the Maoshan faction, they can also completely abide by the laws of the Ming Empire.

After all, they usually don't go to the bottom of the mountain, and most of the time they spend 653 staying on the mountain honestly, and they naturally won't violate the laws of the Ming Dynasty.

The most important thing is that their Maoshan faction can use this to completely win prosperity!

As long as the Ming Empire becomes stronger, then their Maoshan faction will naturally become stronger at that time.

Listening to the words spoken by the head of the Maoshan Sect at this moment, many of the disciples of the Maoshan Sect beside him showed an excited expression.

"Senior brother, maybe you can go and inform the Ming Emperor, we succeeded!"

The four-eyed Dao Leader beside Uncle Nine also showed an excited expression.

"That's right, that's right, you can go and inform the Ming Emperor. "

The head of the Maoshan faction also looked at Uncle Nine with an excited gaze at this moment.

Facing the gaze of many Maoshan Sect Taoist priests, Uncle Nine at this moment also exhaled deeply slightly.

"No problem, I'll go and inform Emperor Ming. "

Uncle Nine said with a serious face.


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