"Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty. "

At the same time, I saw that Uncle Nine at this moment did not hesitate to choose Aite Zhu Houzhao.

Facing Aite from Uncle Jiu, Zhu Houzhao, who was dealing with things, flashed a trace of curiosity in his eyes, and replied, "Well, what's wrong?"

"What happened?"

Zhu Houzhao flashed a puzzled gaze and looked at Ninth Uncle's Aite.

Obviously, for Aite from Uncle Nine at this moment, Zhu Houzhao really didn't know what the other party was going to do.

Regarding the question that Zhu Houzhao had at this moment, Uncle Nine took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty, the current zombie army has been successfully refined, and it is waiting for Your Majesty to review." "

That's how Uncle Nine said the situation they were currently facing.

After listening to the words from Uncle Jiu, I saw that Zhu Houzhao, who was dealing with things at the moment, saw that his eyes lit up instantly.


"The zombie army has been successfully refined?"

In an instant, Zhu Houzhao's eyes were filled with an unprecedented excitement.

In the excitement that Zhu Houzhao had at this moment, Uncle Nine nodded slightly and said: "That's right, Your Majesty, the current zombie army has been successfully refined, but then Your Majesty needs to order them personally." "

Uncle Nine opened his mouth with such an explanation.

After listening to the explanation from Uncle Jiu, Zhu Houzhao said with a serious look in his eyes: "Go and call Wang Yinyang over!"

"I'll leave the rest to him, and I have something to do first. "

Zhu Houzhao just said directly to the brocade guard beside him.

If there is nothing else, then the task of the Ming Empire must definitely be handled by him, the emperor, himself.

But now it's different!

Therefore, the command of the zombie legion of the Ming Empire has been successfully refined, so he, the emperor, must be present in person to see what the zombie legion belonging to the Ming Empire is like?

As for government affairs?

I'm sorry, just leave it to Wang Yinyang to deal with it.

For Wang Yinyang, Zhu Houzhao still believes in it, the other party can be regarded as the last saint!

Generally, whatever happens will basically be directly handed over to the other party to deal with.

Now this is just a small matter, so the current Zhu Houzhao naturally has no opinions at all.

Soon, a brocade-clothed guard rushed directly towards Wang Yinyang's mansion at the fastest speed.

And when the brocade guard went to ask Wang Yinyang to deal with the next government affairs, Zhu Houzhao, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, went directly to the place where the fire qilin was at this moment.

After a while, why Zhu Houzhao, who was riding the fire qilin, began to run as fast as he could towards the place where the zombies were refining.

"Drive, drive, drive"

"Speed up!"

Zhu Houzhao said to the fire unicorn under his crotch. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Roar, roar, roar..."

"Boom, boom..."

Soon, Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn, began to rush directly towards the place where the zombie army was trained.

And when Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn, rushed out of the palace like this, all the civilians in the entire Kyoto outside the palace learned that their Emperor Majesty was riding a fire unicorn like this, and all the guys used in the entire Ming Kyoto looked at their Emperor Majesty with incredible eyes.

Obviously, for this group of ordinary people at this moment, when they just looked at the fire unicorn that was bubbling with flames all over their bodies, the most important thing was that the appearance of the fire unicorn was exactly the same as what they knew, and their emperor His Majesty was riding on the fire unicorn like this.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live!!"

One ordinary person after another chose to kneel down without hesitation in the face of this scene.

"Sure enough, our Emperor His Majesty is indeed the true son of heaven!"

"Even this legendary fire unicorn can be subdued, our Emperor His Majesty really belongs to the Holy Monarch!"

At this moment, one ordinary person after another looked at Zhu Houzhao riding the fire unicorn with a look of admiration.

For this group of ordinary people at this moment, their idea is very simple, since their Emperor Majesty can surrender this legendary divine beast Qilin, and can also let this legendary divine beast Qilin act as their Emperor Majesty's mount, then their Emperor Majesty is definitely not a simple character.

You must know that the characters who have the mount of the divine beast Fire Qilin, according to their understanding, all belong to the immortal-level existences of the Eight Classics, and only in various temples can you go to the Fire Qilin to sit.

What now?

Their Emperor Majesty is actually riding the existence of a fire unicorn, doesn't this mean that their Emperor Majesty is the son of the real Cangtian (Li Zhao)?

Their Majesty belongs to the Ming Empire given to them by God!

As soon as they thought of this, all the common people in Kyoto once again showed their admiration to their Emperor His Majesty Zhu Houzhao.

"'Plop plop..."

The sound of kneeling on the ground resounded throughout the entire Ming Kyoto.

And at this moment, Zhu Houzhao just rode the fire unicorn and left Kyoto under the gaze of all the ordinary people in the entire Ming Dynasty.

But about the Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao's possession of the Fire Qilin Mount, at this moment, with the Ming Kyoto as the center, it was once again transmitted in the direction of the entire Ming Empire and even several surrounding countries.


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