"This, this, this!"

"What the hell is going on?!"

At the same time, when the palace was completely blown to pieces at this moment, all the Japanese civilians who had it outside the palace looked at everything they had in their field of vision with a bewildered gaze.

Since most of the palaces used in the Wako Kingdom were made of wood, when that missile fell directly in the Wako Palace, the lethality of the missile was far more than estimated.

At the very least, the entire palace was completely blown to pieces by this missile, and even the area outside the palace was affected by the missile possession.

The guys who have it outside the palace don't know anything about the power of this missile, but it doesn't prevent the guys who have it outside the palace from just watching this scene in their field of vision.

The guys who had it outside the palace were directly blown to pieces at this moment, and the palace that belonged to the entire Wako country was directly blown to pieces.

For the fact that the current palace of the Wako Kingdom was directly blown to pieces, for the civilians of the Wako Kingdom who have it outside the palace of the Wako Kingdom, this can really be regarded as very sad news.

Because all the guys understand one thing, that is, the emperor of the Wako country is in the palace!

The emperor of their Wako country was also completely blown to pieces with this explosion, and whether the emperor of their Wako country could still survive is a question.

It was precisely because these Japanese civilians could understand that the emperor of their Japanese country was likely to have encountered an unprecedentedly heavy weight in their eyes.

"Hurry up and save people~!"

"Let's see if there's anything wrong with the emperor!!"

At this moment, one after another would-be robbers shouted so loudly at this moment.

Listening to the words spoken by the would-be ones one after another, those ordinary would-be robbers came back to their senses in an instant.

"Oh, yes, yes, hurry up and go to the palace!"

"Let's see if there's anything alive!"

In an instant, I saw one ordinary widow after another shouting so loudly.

While one after another ordinary pirates shouted loudly and frantically, those pirates continued to pour towards the palace like a tide.

They want to see if there is any living existence.

At the same time, Ye Man, who was watching from afar, watched from afar, with a calm gaze at the moment.

"Looks like we're going to have to get another missile to kill all of these guys!"

When Ip Man looked directly at the ordinary would-be would-be robbers, Ip Man's eyes flashed with this thought.

Although these ordinary widows seem to be very innocent, Ip Man doesn't believe that these widows are really very innocent.

He is a big believer in the fact that no snowflake is innocent under an avalanche.

When the Wako Kingdom attacked their Shenzhou land on such a large scale, and plundered the resources used in their Shenzhou land in the Wako country like this, could it be that their own homeland in the Wako homeland did not enjoy the resources from their Shenzhou land?

No, no, no, Ip Man would never believe such a thing.

He believed that when the entire Wako Kingdom invaded their Divine Land in such a big way, the resources and the like that they possessed in the Divine Land were definitely enjoyed by the guys who possessed it in the native Wokou Country.

After all, so many Japanese robbers have robbed so many things, it is impossible for them all to be used up by the soldiers in the Japanese Invaders, right?

No way, it was definitely completely used up by the guys in the Japanese homeland.

Since this is the case, then Ip Man naturally won't be so pitiful to the group of guys he has in front of him at this moment. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"I'm going to kill you all again!"

In an instant, Ip Man's eyes looked at the group of would-be robbers rushing towards the palace with a deep anger in his eyes.

"'Don't blame me, blame yourself for being involved. "

I saw that the current Ip Man just exhaled deeply and looked at the group of widows in his field of vision.


In an instant, Ip Man once again directly took out a missile and threw it fiercely in the direction of the Wako Palace in front of him.


At the same time that Ip Man threw himself towards the palace in front of him again, the group of Japanese civilians in the palace began to dig up everything and all the buildings that had been reduced to ruins like crazy.

Just when this group of ordinary pirates began to go crazy and keep digging together, the pirates saw a missile in the sky directly.


"What is this?"

I saw that some of the current would-be robbers just showed a hint of puzzled expressions.

At the look of incomprehension in the eyes of the current Wakos, some of the eyed Wakos suddenly had a terrible thought in their minds when they saw what the missiles had.

"This is like a cannonball, could it be that this is a cannonball that belongs to the big one?"

In an instant, when this idea came to the mind of this widow at this moment, the missiles in the sky fell again.

"Boom !!"


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