"Boom !!"

In an instant, when the missile once again fell on the ground, an unprecedented explosion sounded in the entire palace of the Japanese Invaders.

With this missile bombardment, it sounded again and again in the entire crown of the Japanese invaders, and there were still countless Japanese who died under this missile bombardment.

Compared to the death of the Japanese who only belonged to the palace before, there are more Japanese who died under this missile at this moment.

Because the first missile only completely killed the emperor and the high-ranking people in the Japanese country, but the palace of the Japanese country did not belong to anyone who could enter, so the number of Japanese soldiers killed by the first missile was not particularly large, but the status of those who were killed was a little higher.

But now it's different, because the palace of the Wako Kingdom has been completely blown into ruins directly, so the ordinary civilians in the 367 Wako Kingdom can also enter and exit the palace of the Wako Kingdom at will, so when this group of Wako directly enters the original palace location, then at this time, a large number of civilians of the Wako Kingdom have gathered in the palace of the Wako State that has been turned into ruins.

At this time, Ip Man's ability to go down without missiles again, the damage caused by this can naturally be regarded as unprecedentedly tragic.

Under the attack of this missile, the lives of tens of thousands of Japanese pirates were completely dead.


The heat wave generated by the explosion of the missile also continued to pour out wildly in all directions at this moment.

In the face of the heat wave of missiles, the group of pirates on the very edge was also completely swept to the ground because of the so-called strong heat wave a while ago, and even the power contained in this heat wave directly caused this group of pirates to suffer heavy losses.


In an instant, one after another began to show an unprecedented scream, and at the same time, one after another began to roar frantically.

Bursts of screams began to resound throughout the imperial capital of the Wako Kingdom.

All the pirates centered on the Imperial Palace began to scream as if they were crazy.

After a few moments, all the Japanese in Kyoto instantly understood what was going on.

But when the Japanese in Kyoto, the entire country of Japanese invaders, understood what this situation was, and all the Japanese went crazy in an instant.

The emperor of their Wako country was actually bombed, and even the emperor of their Wako country is now very likely to encounter an accident, just this news can already make all the Wako feel a burst of unprecedented horror, as for those ordinary Wako who died?

I'm sorry, but at this time, no one cares about their deaths at all, and all the Japanese in Kyoto in the entire Wako Kingdom are only concerned about one thing, that is, did the emperor in their Wako country have any major accidents?

But unfortunately, there has been no news so far, which means that the emperor in their Wako country is likely to have met with an accident, and it is even very likely that he has been completely killed.

As soon as they thought of this, the guys in Kyoto in the entire Wako Kingdom instantly felt a wave of fear and horror that they had never felt before.

After a while, this news also spread as quickly as possible from the entire Kyoto of the Japanese Invaders to the Waiko Country.

Even some foreigners in the Wako country have begun to pass on the news to the world, although the Wako country does not belong to a normal country, but the Wako country is currently one of the great powers in the whole world today, so there are naturally some foreigners in the Wako country, so when these foreigners just watched the emperor of the Wako country be completely killed by such an unknown existence, and also killed tens of thousands of Wako people, then these foreigners naturally began to pass the news back to their country。

As these foreigners began to pass on the news to their domestic knowledge, all the newspapers in the whole world instantly felt a burst of confusion.

The Imperial Palace of the Wako Kingdom and the Emperor of the Wako Kingdom were directly blown to pieces?

If it's just the palace of the Wako Kingdom that was blown up like this, then it would be fine, but the Emperor of the Wako Kingdom was directly blown to pieces like the Imperial Palace, then this one is different.

This represents what is known as a major chaos before the entire Wako state is about to occur.

After all, the entire Wako country obeyed the orders of the emperor, and the whole world knew this.

But at this moment, the emperor of the Wako Kingdom was killed so directly, so what happened to the next Wako Clan?

The next thing that will affect is not only what belongs to the Wako country, but also the whole of Southeast Asia, and once the whole of Southeast Asia is affected, then it is very likely that it will affect the whole world.

Soon, the whole world began to report the news about what had happened in the Wako Kingdom, and not long after. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The news that the Imperial Palace had been bombed and that the Emperor of the Wako Kingdom had been killed was transmitted to the world as quickly as possible.


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