"Zhu Houzhao. "

With the question at this moment, when he chose Aite Zhu Houzhao so directly and without hesitation, Zhu Houzhao's eyes suddenly looked at Ip Man's Aite with a wave of doubt.

"What happened?"

Zhu Houzhao asked Ye Man at this moment with a sense of doubt in his eyes.

Looking at Zhu Houzhao's news, Ye Man took a deep breath and said: "Your Majesty the Emperor, I have completely blown up the emperor of the Wako Kingdom and the palace in the Wako Kingdom with two missiles, so it is very likely that the entire Wako Kingdom will completely fall into madness in the future." "

"According to what I know so far, the next Japanese soldiers will transfer all the soldiers of the Japanese Invaders in the world back to "660". "

"Then is it possible to ask His Majesty the Emperor Ming to transfer the soldiers of the zombie army to this world?"

"Although I don't know to what extent His Majesty's zombie army has been refined, I also know that zombies are bloodsucking. "

"So can you use the guys from the entire Wako Kingdom to support Your Majesty's zombie army?"

At the same time, Ye Man's eyes just opened with this thought.

Faced with the thoughts that Ip Man had at this moment, Uncle Nine in the chat group was completely taken aback by this moment.


"You have this idea. "

In an instant, I saw that the current Ninth Uncle was also directly frightened by Ye Man's idea.

Although Uncle Nine doesn't know how much population there is in the Wako Country, Uncle Jiu can also understand that the population in the Wako Kingdom should be tens of millions.

So tens of millions of people are so directly feeding the zombie army?

What does the end result look like?

There is no doubt that when the time comes, the soldiers from the zombie army will be able to completely suck out the tens of millions of people in the entire Wako country.

You know, this is a zombie!

Maybe the artillery fire of the soldiers from the Wako Kingdom is very fierce, but don't forget that the most basic point of the soldiers in the zombie army is that all of them belong to zombies, since they belong to zombies.

Then some ordinary bullets must be of no use to persist at all, and these ordinary bullets can be completely ignored.

Then the soldiers of the zombie legion can completely rely on this to kill the entire Wako country.

At that time, the soldiers in the zombie legion can completely wipe out the entire Wako country, and the most important thing is that the zombie legion under the hands of Emperor Zhu Houzhao of the Ming Dynasty will definitely directly and completely enter a new level.

That's the blood of tens of millions of people, what level will this bring the soldiers in the zombie army into?

No one knows, but the only thing that is certain is that the soldiers of the zombie legion can win a new metamorphosis, provided that they enter Ip Man's world.

For this idea that Ip Man has at this moment, let alone Uncle Nine at this moment, all the guys in the chat group were directly taken aback.

Tony Stark, who came from the Marvel world, was looking at the line of words that happened to Ip Man at this moment, and Tony Stark's eyes were so dignified like never before.

"I have to say, this guy called Ip Man has this idea is really crazy. "

"But his idea seems to be really actionable. "

At the same time, I saw that the current Tonysdaq was talking to himself with a thoughtful thought in his mind.

That's right, for the current Tonysdaq, if it is really possible to let tens of millions of Japanese countries directly feed the zombie army, perhaps this sounds very, very cruel. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But for Tony Dark, what does the presence of the Wako in that world have to do with him?

The most important thing is that the situation made by that group of pirates can be said to be really cruel, is the harm they caused to the land of Shenzhou fake?

If you allow the Japanese to make a move against the land of Shenzhou, you will not allow the land of Shenzhou to fight back against the Japanese invaders?

It's obviously impossible, so since the current Ip Man just went to the emperor of the land of Shenzhou in other worlds to ask for help, isn't this a normal situation?

At least at the moment, Tony Stark doesn't seem to be a very excessive thing0 ...

"It's interesting, I just don't know to what extent this zombie army will be raised. "

Tony Stark was talking to himself with a whimsical thought in his mind at the moment.

"Ip Man, I wonder if I will be able to go to your world?"

"Of course, I can't go until His Majesty the Emperor leads his zombie army here, to that world. "

"I'm going to see how far the soldiers of the Zombie Legion will evolve after sucking the blood of all the soldiers in this Woko Nation. "

At this moment, I saw that Tony Darker at this moment was looking directly at Ip Man at 5.0 with a curious gaze.

Faced with the inquiry from Tony Darkk at the moment, I saw that the current Ip Man agreed without hesitation: "No problem, you can come to my world." "

In this regard, Ip Man said that there is no problem at all.

And Zhu Houzhao, who is currently in the Kyushu Continent, was completely taken aback by the idea that Ip Man had.

"But this, it doesn't seem impossible. "

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao said to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes.


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