"Looks like it's really okay!"

At the same time, I saw that the current Zhu Houzhao was talking to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

That's right, for the current Zhu Houzhao, it can be completely unfolded.

You must know that the soldiers in his zombie army themselves are preparing to destroy the country, and he is ready to lead the soldiers in his zombie army directly to the battlefield of the Tang Empire.

At that time, the soldiers in his zombie legion will directly attack at night, and the other legions will attack directly during the day, and then the two legions will directly attack the entire Tang Empire together, and what will the Tang Empire use to counterattack at that time?

It can be said that the damage caused by the Ming Empire to the Tang Empire at that time is completely tragic, at least Zhu Houzhao has absolute confidence, that is, the Tang Empire will never be able to fight back against his Ming Empire.

Even at that time, the Tang Empire is likely to be completely destroyed by them directly, which is Zhu Houzhao's idea.

It was with this idea that he went to destroy the Tang Empire. 03

But that's no longer the case.

Ip Man actually asked him to lead the soldiers in his chariot regiment to go directly to the world where Ip Man was to completely kill the guys in the entire Wako country.

If it is true that he can directly kill all the guys in the Japanese country in Ip Man's world, then it seems that this is completely good news for Zhu Houzhao.

That's right, for the current Zhu Houzhao, this is a good news that belongs to Tianda.

Because the level of force in the world where Ip Man lives is not particularly high, the level of force in the world where Ip Man is located is at most just some guys from the innate realm, and not even from the innate realm, because the strength that Ip Man had before was at most an acquired realm.

Ip Man's strength in the other party's world is already very good, but in the end, Ip Man's strength only belongs to the acquired realm, which means that the strength he has in that world is at most a powerhouse belonging to the innate realm.

The powerhouse of the Innate Realm is very powerful, but unfortunately, the strength of the soldiers in his zombie army is even stronger.

And most importantly, the soldiers in the zombie army can absorb blood!

Don't forget that the soldiers in the zombie army can become stronger by absorbing blood, and if the soldiers in the zombie army can absorb blood to become stronger, then it means that the soldiers in the zombie army may not be able to reach a level in the opponent's world.

Even if he insisted on being so casually sent directly by him to the Tang Empire to attack the Tang Empire, then the soldiers in the zombie army would not be able to absorb tens of millions of people, right?

What was the population in the Tang Empire?

Although Zhu Houzhao is not particularly clear, he can also understand that it is absolutely impossible for the soldiers in the zombie army to absorb the blood of tens of millions of people like this.

But in another world, it is different, in another world, the zombie legions can completely absorb all the populations of the entire Wako country.

Because the guys in the Wako Kingdom are, to a certain extent, not human beings at all in Zhu Houzhao's opinion.

Since the other party does not belong to human beings at all, then Zhu Houzhao does not have any pressure at all.

Zhu Houzhao directly asked the soldiers in the zombie army to kill in the Wako country, as long as the soldiers in the zombie legion were killed in this Wako country, the group of guys in this Wako country might not be able to fight back at all.

Anyway, for Zhu Houzhao, as long as he throws the zombie legion directly into the world where Ip Man is located, first, the crisis in the world where Ip Man is located will naturally be completely lifted, second, he can make the soldiers in the zombie army stronger, and third, he can let the soldiers of the zombie army directly deter the world's controversial powers.

At the very least, the land of Shenzhou in that world can usher in a good breathing time.

Thinking of these points, Zhu Houzhao exhaled so deeply.

"No problem, I choose to promise you. "

"Later, I'll just put the soldiers of the zombie legion into your world. "

"You can directly act as an agent for these things and go directly back to 033 on the land of Shenzhou, and then the entire Wakou Kingdom will be completely turned into a human purgatory. "

Zhu Houzhao's eyes flashed with a hint of murderous aura. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Japanese Invaders, then it is time to completely destroy them.

In the past, he didn't have such an ability at all, so he was really angry at the shameless attitude of the guys in the Wako Country.

But now it's different, now that he, as the emperor of the Ming Empire, he has the ability to completely wipe out the entire Wako country.

Since this is the case, then Zhu Houzhao at this time said that the next step is to let the entire Wako country pay the price!

Listening to Zhu Houzhao's words, Ye Man's eyes were filled with an unprecedented excitement: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you for your help!"

Ye Man said with excitement in his eyes.

For the excited words that Ip Man has at this moment, everyone in the current chat group was directly and completely shocked.


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