"It looks like there will be earth-shaking changes in Ip Man's world at that time. "

At the same time, I saw Yue Buqun, who was in the world of smiling proud rivers and lakes at the moment, said with such a slight sigh.

For Yue Buqun at this moment, the zombie thing is not a strange thing to him.

Although he Yue Boquan has not really seen zombies, after all, he also belongs to the existence of the Taoist sect!

His Huashan sect itself belongs to one of the Taoist sects, so he knows a little about zombies.

Zombies are completely evil, although the legendary Yellow Emperor's daughter Drought is also a zombie, but Drought is different from ordinary zombies, and Drought does not need to suck blood at all.

Ordinary zombies live by sucking blood, and the most important thing is that zombies have a special ability, that is, they can ignore some ordinary knife and gun attacks.

How terrible are some beings who ignore ordinary sword and gun attacks?

Yue Buqun could completely imagine that at that time, the battlefield of this group of zombies would definitely belong to the killing gods, and the most important thing was that the group of zombies could become more powerful by sucking blood.

Once these zombies become more powerful through bloodfeeding, how terrifying is the power they have at that time?

I'm afraid that all the guys in the entire Wako country will be killed directly and completely.

"It's terrible. "

Yue Buqun shook his head slightly.

For the next world, the Ming Emperor will directly send the soldiers of the zombie army directly to the world where Ip Man is located, and most importantly, directly kill all the tens of millions of Japanese people in the world where Ip Man is located.

Yue Buqun just felt a burst of emotion, because the world that Ip Man was in would definitely undergo earth-shaking changes next, and what was more fundamental was that the entire Wako Kingdom would be completely transformed into an adult-like purgatory.

"It's a bit cruel, but it's the right thing to do. "

Yue Buqun shook his head slightly.

Although the current Ming Emperor's behavior is a bit cruel, it is a very normal behavior.

Because he also heard the words from Tony Dark, since the guys of the Wako Kingdom had caused such a great killing to their Divine Land, why couldn't they just fight back?

Yue Buqun felt that this was simply very correct.

It's just a little cruel, but you must not leave any kindness to the animals.

Cruelty must be left to livestock.

"Looks like I'm going to have to work harder here. "

"The entire martial arts must be completely pacified as quickly as possible!"

Yue Buqun said to himself with a serious voice in his heart.

The problems that Ip Man has in that world can basically be solved, and as the leader of their chat group, Zhu Houzhao, at this moment, you are ready to lead the Ming army directly to the world where Ip Man is located.

At that time, the strength of the army of the Ming Empire will become even stronger, so what kind of scene will happen at that time?

Yue Buqun could completely imagine that what would happen at that time would definitely be an incredible scene.

Anyway, when the time comes, the strength of the other party's Ming Empire is definitely beyond imagination, and the most important thing is that there is no harm if there is no comparison.

His Ming Empire also belongs to the Ming Empire, and the result is that the strength of his Ming Empire is really a bit weak, and even a single river and lake has not been completely pacified.

He knew that in the world where their group leader was located, their group leader directly led the troops to directly pacify the entire rivers and lakes, and in the entire Ming Empire, there was no so-called sect in the entire martial arts. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because all the sects were directly and completely pacified, only one after another remained, perhaps belonging to the mountains and rivers.

Then with Zhu Houzhao as an example, Yue Buqun naturally felt that the action he had now was indeed a bit slow, and he had to speed up.

"'Take action!'"

"We need to speed up, we're a little bit behind now!"

Yue Buqun just said with a serious voice.

Listening to the words from Yue Buqun, Zuo Lengchan's eyes at this moment were filled with a deep bewilderment.


"What lags behind?"

A trace of dazedness flashed in Zuo Lengchan's eyes.

Obviously, because Zuo Lengchan didn't know what was going on at all.

In the current Zuo Lengzen's view, isn't it normal for them to have this action now?

Directly gather all the entire Wuyue Sword Sect, and let the next three sects directly become a part of the imperial court, and then they only need to give orders to the entire Jianghu in the name of the Wuyue Sword Sect, and then the power they have in the Wuyue Sword Sect can completely solve the vast majority of the power in the entire martial arts.

Then when the time comes, isn't it necessary for the current Ming Emperor to completely pacify the entire martial arts?

But why did Yue Buqun still say that it was very slow?

Zuo Lengzen really doesn't understand.

Regarding the incomprehensible look in Zuo Lengchan's eyes, Yue Buqun said calmly.

"You don't care, all out!"

"Completely solve the Wuyue Sword Sect as quickly as possible!"

"Daming rivers and lakes are calm!"

At the same time, I saw Yue Buqun's eyes just like this, with a serious expression.


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