Soon, Zhu Houzhao's figure once again came directly to the station of the zombie army.

When Zhu Houzhao's figure came directly to the station of the zombie legion, the group of Maoshan Taoist priests who currently had in the zombie legion station had been waiting here for so long.

Without him, just because Uncle Nine has already reminded him, the next Zhu Houzhao will directly lead the soldiers in the zombie army to switch directly to other worlds.

So on this point, the head of the Maoshan faction does not have any opinion, what is the opinion on this?

There are no opinions at all.

After all, this is a piece of good news for today's Ming Empire.

Therefore, the head of the Maoshan faction did not have any opinions at all, and just directly began to completely mobilize all the disciples in the entire Maoshan faction, and all the disciples who went out to play were mobilized back again.

Its purpose is to welcome the Ming Emperor Zhu Houzhao.

"Senior brother, does this Ming Emperor really want to mobilize the army in the zombie army and go directly to other worlds?"

The four-eyed Taoist beside Uncle Nine spoke with a curious tone at this moment.

Facing the words spoken by the current four-eyed Taoist 570, I saw that the ninth uncle at this moment replied with a wave of emotion: "Yes, that's right. "

"I'm sure you all know what's going to happen in the future, right?"

Uncle Nine replied with a sigh of emotion at this moment.

Regarding the words spoken by Uncle Jiu, several other Maoshan Taoist priests beside him also nodded slightly.

"That's natural, since we know what will happen in the entire land of Shenzhou in the future. "

A few Maoshan Taoist priests beside Uncle Nine also nodded slightly.

Maybe they didn't know at all, since Uncle Nine learned from Tony Stark what would happen in the future of the land of Shenzhou, then all the guys used in their Maoshan faction naturally knew what kind of tribulation the land of Shenzhou would cause in the future.

Then for this ordeal, all the guys in the entire Maoshan faction naturally felt an unprecedented anger.

They really never thought that those Japanese from the country would do such a thing!

Although they all knew that the guys in the Wako Kingdom were not good people, they really never thought that the guys in the Wako Country would be so cruel!

Regarding the words of many Taoist priests in the current Maoshan faction, I saw that the ninth uncle at this moment just nodded slightly.

"Now that you all know, it means that from the world where war is breaking out, an existence that belongs to the same chat group as us, and the other party has gone straight to Emperor Ming. "

"Then at this time, the Ming Emperor is naturally only ready to send a large army directly to that world. "

"I believe that under the attack of the zombie army, the guys in that world are completely unable to compete with the zombie army. "

"Let the soldiers in the zombie army directly fight against the Japanese in that world, and see if it belongs to the zombies or the group of Japanese who are no different from animals. "

Uncle Jiu's eyes were like this, and he said with a gritted tooth.

For Uncle Nine at this moment, if it is said that this group of zombies can directly teach that group of livestock and widows, Uncle Nine feels that this does not seem to be something that cannot be done.

Because Uncle Nine (adbh) thinks that this is completely the most normal choice, and even the only way they can do it after completion.

Because this zombie belongs to them, they can't support them, but they can make this zombie more ferocious.

Listening to the words from Uncle Jiu, many Maoshan Taoist priests beside Uncle Jiu also have a new understanding of the upcoming Zhu Houzhao at this moment.

"It seems that this Ming Emperor really loves the people very much. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

I saw that many Maoshan Taoist priests at this moment just spoke to themselves.

Regarding what the current Maoshan Taoist priests said at this moment, the head of the Maoshan faction said calmly: "You have to understand a truth, although many imperial emperors in this world may not belong to the imperial emperors of our world, but the blood flowing in their bodies belongs to the Shenzhou bloodline. "

"You have to understand that. "

"We must treat them as we would the emperors of our world. "

The head of the Maoshan faction said with a serious look in his eyes.

For the head of the Maoshan faction at this moment, although the many imperial emperors in this world are not the imperial emperors of their world at all, the blood flowing in the imperial emperors in this world and the power of national fortune in their country are completely different from their world.

Then the emperor in this world is, to some extent, the emperor of their world, that is, the ancestor who belongs to them!

Since they belong to their ancestors, their Maoshan Taoist priests must be treated respectfully.

Regarding the words of the head of the Maoshan faction at this moment, many Maoshan Taoist priests beside him replied respectfully at this moment.

"Yes, sir. "

A respectful voice came out of the mouths of the Maoshan Taoist priests.

At the same time, the figure of Zhu Houzhao, who was riding a fire unicorn, appeared in the field of vision of the Maoshan Taoist priests.


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