"Hey, these guys actually chose to give up the city directly, and they just ran away???"

"That's just too much of a bag!"

At the same time, with the retreat of the Tang army, accompanied by the Ming army directly arriving at the border city, and just looking at the Tang soldiers who had completely escaped, the current Marshal of the Blue Dragon Legion, Li Chengan, said with a trace of disdain in his eyes.

In the face of the words spoken by Li Chengan, the marshal of the Blue Dragon Legion at this moment, Yu Qianhui, the marshal of the White Tiger Legion beside him, said so calmly: "Normal, you don't look at how huge the number of soldiers they are carrying. "

"That's an army of 3 million!"

"With such a huge number of soldiers, if the main army of the Tang Empire is allowed to confront it, there is something to say. "

"But how many Tang soldiers do you have in this border?"

"The number of Tang soldiers in the border is only tens of thousands at most, even if it is a few hundred thousand more. "

"But in the face of our 3 million army, what are they going to do to contend with it?"

Yu Qianhui, the marshal of the White Tiger Legion, shook his head slightly at this moment.

At this moment, Marshal Yu Qianhui of the White 977 Tiger seems to be a normal situation for the current soldiers of the Tang Empire to directly choose to abandon the border city.

After all, everyone wants to survive, and if the entity they have can completely compete with them, then forget it, but unfortunately, they don't even have half of their strength.

With such a little strength, you still want to compete with their large army?

Foolish people talk in dreams, then the final outcome is naturally to live and escape.

Listening to the words of Yu Qianhui, the marshal of the White Tiger Legion, Xu Zhihao, the marshal of the Vermilion Bird Legion beside him, nodded slightly: "It makes sense, the number of soldiers we have now is here, and the soldiers in the three legions." "

"Who can compete with us in the entire land of Shenzhou?"

"I'm sure that even the Great Qin Empire doesn't dare to compete with our three major legions, and even the Great Qin Empire must use an independent army to confront our three major legions. "

I saw that Xu Zhihao at this moment just said with a smile.

He was sure that the three major legions that their Ming Empire was currently mobilizing were the most powerful existence in the entire land of Shenzhou.

Which empire would dare to pat its chest and say that it could easily fight against their three empires?

It seems that there really is no empire that has the courage to do this, and it can be said that it can ignore the three major legions in the Ming Empire.

So at this moment, Xu Zhihao really has the qualifications to say such a thing.

Listening to the words from Yu Qianhui and Xu Zhihao, I saw that Li Chengan's eyes at this moment were filled with emotion.

"That's what I said, but I still hope that we will go directly to fight with the Tang Empire. "

"After all, the previous Tang Empire belonged to those who looked down on us. "

I saw that Li Chengan at this moment said with a look full of anger in his eyes.

Li Chengan is also (adbd) is clear that the group of guys in the Tang Empire completely belong to the Ming Empire that looks down on them, although they say that their Ming Empire has completely risen, but the impression left by their Ming Empire on the Tang Empire is that it is a relatively weak existence.

Especially when the Tang Empire directly carved up the Qing Empire with their Ming Empire before, the impression that the Tang Empire had on their Ming Empire, although Li Chengan, the marshal who is now in the middle of the world, does not know the real details, but it can also be understood that the group of guys in the Tang Empire can also be regarded as the kind of existence that looks down on them in the Ming Empire.

Perhaps they were surprised by the rise of the Ming Empire, but what was their impression of the Ming Empire?

I don't know, but the only thing that is certain is that the impression that the Ming Empire has in many countries is a rising empire, and I am afraid that no one knows what the background of the Ming Empire looks like.

As for the situation that their Ming Empire wiped out the Qing Empire? (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

I'm sorry, the Qing Empire is just an ordinary empire among many empires, one of the weakest empires, the Qing Empire destroyed by their Ming Empire may show the strength of their Ming Empire, but their Ming Empire may not belong to a particularly powerful empire in front of the Tang Empire.

In short, overall.

If their Ming Empire wants to truly rise completely in the entire Kyushu Continent, and directly become an empire that can dominate the entire world, then a truly powerful empire must be destroyed.

The Tang Empire is not bad.

If their Ming Empire wants to truly and completely become the empire that can dominate the world, maybe their Ming Empire can try to destroy the Tang Empire first, and the Tang Empire will be completely destroyed, then their Ming Empire will completely become the best contender to unify the entire Kyushu Continent.

Listening to Li Chengan's words at this moment, Xu Zhihao and Yu Qianhui, who were beside him, nodded slightly.

"Then, let's attack!"

"Destroy the Tang Empire!"

I saw Yu Qianhui, the marshal of the White Tiger Legion, wave his hand.



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