At this moment, the Ming army came directly to the border of the Tang Empire, and directly occupied the border of the Tang Empire.

With the news that the Ming Empire launched a direct attack on the Tang Empire, the first thing to receive was the Great Song Empire next door.

When the Great Song Empire received the news from the Ming Empire at this moment, I saw that the Great Song Emperor at this moment directly called the current Prime Minister Qin Hui over.

"Aiqing, how do you think I should solve this matter?"

I saw that the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty at this moment handed over the current information to Qin Hui at this moment.

Faced with the information handed over by the Great Song Emperor at this moment, Qin Hui at this moment saw this news with a silence in his eyes.


"The Ming Empire has actually launched an attack on the Tang Empire!"

In an instant, when Qin Hui just looked at the news he had in front of him, Qin Hui's eyes were filled with an unprecedented silence.

Even Qin Hui's eyes were filled with a deep incredulity.

Facing the words from Qin Hui, I saw that the Great Song Emperor at this moment nodded slightly and replied: "That's right, although this news seems a little sudden, but this news is indeed the news that has been passed on at present. "

"The Ming Empire really launched a direct attack on the Tang Empire, so at this moment, when the Ming Empire directly attacked the Tang Empire, what do you think our Great Song Empire needs to do?"

I saw that the Great Song Emperor at this moment was so silent and asked Qin Hui at this moment.

For the Great Song Emperor at this moment, with the current situation that the Ming Empire is directly attacking the Tang Empire, their Great Song Empire must need to react a little.

They really need to react, otherwise their Great Song Empire is really likely to suffer an unwarranted disaster at that time.

You must know that the current Ming Empire is a marriage country belonging to their Great Song Empire, and the princess of the current Great Song Empire has just married the emperor of the Ming Empire, and the relationship between the two countries has just begun, so at this time, the Ming Empire must not have any accidents!

If the Ming Empire had such a direct accident, then this is equivalent to a backer that belonged to their Great Song Empire and disappeared completely.

Among the countries that can have something to do with their Great Song Empire, it seems that only the Ming Empire is left, so the Ming Empire must not have any accidents.

At this moment, the Ming Empire is directly attacking the Tang Empire, does their Great Song Empire need to do it?

Do they need the Great Song Empire to attack the Tang Empire directly with the Ming Empire?

This is what the Great Song Emperor needs to express at this moment.

It's just that for the meaning expressed by the Great Song Emperor at this moment, the current Prime Minister Qin Hui shook his head slightly.

"Your Majesty, our Great Song Empire must not be involved in this war. "

Qin Hui just exhaled deeply and said.

Faced with Qin Hui's words, the Great Song Emperor said with slight doubts: "Why?"

"Why can't our Great Song Empire directly join this war?"

I saw that at this moment, the Great Song Emperor asked such a question directly to Qin Hui.

After listening to the inquiry that the Great Song Emperor had at this moment, he saw that Qin Hui at this moment exhaled deeply and said: "Your Majesty, if our Great Song Empire goes directly to attack the Great Tang Empire with the Ming Empire, maybe the final result is likely to directly defeat the entire Great Tang Empire." "

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"After all, the resources we have in the Great Song Empire belong to the Ming Empire, which cannot be compared. "

"If the Ming Empire sends troops and our Great Song Empire pays money and food, I believe that the Tang Empire will not be able to bear it. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then at that time, there is no doubt that the Tang Empire will be directly defeated by the combined forces of our two empires. "

At this moment, I saw that the current Qin Hui just spoke directly and without hesitation.

For Qin Hui at this moment, as the prime minister of the Great Song Empire, he is still a little bit forced by the strength of the Great Song Empire.

The strength of the Great Song Empire is undoubtedly the weakest existence among the entire eight empires, and even the three empires divided by the Great Jin Empire are stronger than the strength of their Great Song Empire, which belongs to the strength of their Great Song Empire in the entire Kyushu Continent.

But there is one point, the money and grain they have in the Great Song Empire are the most powerful existence in the entire Kyushu Continent.

No empire had more money than their Great Song Empire.

Then the Ming Empire has just annexed the Qing Empire, and the population in the Ming Empire has suddenly become a top-level existence in the entire Kyushu Continent.

The money of their Great Song Empire and the soldiers of the Great Ming Empire are so united, so who can withstand the attack of their two empires?

It may seem like that, but they can't do it.

Facing Qin Hui's words, the Great Song Emperor at this moment still looked at Qin Hui with a puzzled gaze.

"You come one by one, so that you can get to know each other. "

I saw that the Emperor of the Great Song Dynasty said so easily.

Listening to the words of the Great Song Emperor, Qin Hui nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty, let me tell you. "


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