"Your Majesty, let me tell you one by one. "

I saw that Qin Hui at this moment just exhaled deeply and said.

"Your Majesty, although the current Great Song Empire is said to be next door to the Ming Empire, don't forget that the current Great Song Empire is not only next door to the Ming Empire. "

I saw that Qin Hui at this moment said softly.

"Our Great Song Empire is still bordering the Great Tang Empire, if our Great Song Empire directly chooses to aid the Great Ming Empire, then the Great Tang Empire will definitely directly target our Great Song Empire. "

"The Tang Empire can't beat the Ming Empire, is it possible that the Tang Empire can't beat our Song Empire?"

"Two-one-three" "Even if our Great Song Empire was attacked from the Tang Empire before the Ming Empire, but all the soldiers of the Ming Empire are in the Tang Empire, where will the soldiers of the Ming Empire come from to support us?"

I saw that Qin Hui at this moment said in silence.

"And the most important thing is that even if the relationship between our Great Song Empire and the Great Ming Empire has been married, if it can be weakened in this way, even the emperor of the Great Ming Empire probably likes this thing very much. "

"As long as our Great Song Empire is not destroyed, what if we are suppressed by the Tang Empire?"

Qin Hui shook his head slightly.

Facing the words from Qin Hui, I saw that the Great Song Emperor nodded silently at this moment.

That's right, for the Great Song Emperor at this moment, he was particularly impressed by Qin Hui's words, especially that sentence.

That is, the Tang Empire can't beat the Ming Empire all of a sudden, is it possible that the Great Song Empire can't beat them?

The resources possessed by their Great Song Empire are indeed quite rich, after all, the last thing their Great Song Empire lacks is money.

When there was too much money in the treasury of their Great Song Empire to pile up, then their Great Song Empire naturally had to choose to use the money in this treasury to directly start buying materials and other things from several other empires.

But in the face of the purchase application from the Great Song Empire, several other empires basically did not choose to refuse.

Why should they refuse?

Due to the fact that the situation in the Kyushu Continent is a bit special, all the empires in the entire Kyushu Continent will basically have some war readiness in reserve.

This thing is to deal with the war, in order to deal with the sudden war that causes them to have insufficient supplies in the country.

Therefore, each empire will basically prepare these things, but not all empires will fight directly.

The situation in the entire Kyushu Continent has not changed for a long, long time, if it were not for the Qing Empire, which the Ming Empire directly wanted to destroy, I am afraid that the situation of the Kyushu Continent that has not changed will continue to continue.

So the resources accumulated in these empires can't just be used forever, right?

These resources have to be used or they will break down.

Therefore, the major empires sometimes sell some resources and the like, and the most reassuring buyer is the Great Song Empire.

Because all the empires in the entire Kyushu Continent knew why the Great Song Empire would buy these things.

Unlike several other empires, the reason why the Great Song Empire will buy these things is purely because the national conditions of the Great Song Empire are a bit special, and the Great Song Empire is the richest empire in the entire Kyushu Continent, and it is difficult to say if it is the weakest, but it definitely belongs to the weakest group.

So when the Great Song Empire was the richest, how should they use the money they had in the country?

So some rich people in the Great Song Dynasty directly started to buy, buy, buy, buy, they were no longer willing to buy things in China, they all bought directly in several other countries0 .

Regarding the imperial court in the Great Song Empire, they all belong to the same shape.

The court of the Great Song Empire also belonged to buying, buying, buying, and several other empires were also very willing to sell these things to the Great Song Empire in exchange for some money.

Anyway, even if the Great Song Empire had these things, they couldn't completely transform these things into real strength, so why didn't they sell these things to the Great Song Empire?

Some of the resources in the Great Song Empire are the largest in the entire Kyushu continent.

Then you let them let the Great Song Empire assist the Ming Empire to attack the Tang Empire, and when the time comes, the Tang Empire will defeat the Ming Empire, and the Tang Empire will see that it can't save the strategy, and they are likely to come directly to fight their Great Song Empire.

Anyway, the strength of the Tang Empire can still fight the Great Song Empire, even if it does not belong to all the power possessed by the Tang Empire, but the remnants of the defeated soldiers in the Great Tang Empire can still hang and beat them in the Great Song Empire, which sounds a little unrealistic, their Great Song Empire is also one of the eight empires that belong to the Eight Classics, how can it be so weak?

But 1.6 The strength of their Great Song Empire is really so weak, so what can it do?

Therefore, if their Great Song Empire went to support the Ming Empire like this, the Tang Empire, which was in a state of anger, found that it could not turn the tide of the war, and it was very likely that it would really come directly to attack their Great Song Empire.

As soon as he thought of this, the Great Song Emperor instantly completely dispelled the thoughts he had in his heart.

"Alas, it seems that Emperor Daming needs to explain it well. "

I saw that at this moment, the Great Song Emperor shook his head slightly and said.


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