1033 contend

The power unleashed by a would-be Great Emperor is enough to destroy the world.

Even though the Great Emperor of this star has just been promoted to Great Emperor,

But the average Great Emperor is difficult to compete with.


Xiao Yifeng roared angrily.

The power of the stars in his body surged.

At the same time, he mobilized the power of his physical body, the power of weapons and the power of the Starfire.

With one punch, the starry sky trembled and the sky collapsed.

The two clashed together again.

There was another earth-shattering battle, with bursts of thunder and roar.

Then a dazzling starlight rose into the sky.

The energy in the sky turned into a whirlpool and spread.

123 “Ah……..”

Then a shrill scream sounded.

Then the star Great Emperor flew out.


He fell to the ground and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

And Xiao Yifeng stood in the void.

His body is filled with terrifying star power, as if he is a bright galaxy.

Starlights flickered, as if the Star Domain appeared in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

Obviously the star body of the Star Great Emperor was impacted by the power of the Star Sky Ancient Seal.

All the internal organs in his body were severely destroyed.

He was seriously injured and his strength fell to the First Grade Emperor (ahfh).


Seeing that the Xingchen Great Emperor was injured, Xiao Yifeng stepped forward.

His pupils shrank, his body rushed out like lightning, grabbed the neck of the Great Emperor of Stars, and shouted condescendingly:

"Tell me where the Starry Sky Ancient Road is, otherwise you will definitely die!!!"

The Great Emperor of the Stars said nothing, and his face was ferocious and twisted.


Xiao Yifeng directly broke the neck of the Xingchen Great Emperor.

He threw the other party's body on the ground, turned around and left.

In the Star Hall, Xiao Yifeng sat cross-legged on the bed.

"You are lucky that you are still alive."

The Heavenly Demon emerged from the star map.

"You still dare to show up. It seems you have forgotten your situation."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the Heavenly Demon and said indifferently.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense."

"Hurry up and take out the star map. I want to devour the power of the stars inside to restore my strength."

The Heavenly Demon said indifferently.

“What a beautiful thought!!!”

Xiao Yifeng refused.


The Heavenly Demon stared at Xiao Yifeng, snorted angrily, but said nothing.

"This star chart is something left by my parents."

"If you want to swallow the power inside, just dream."

Xiao Yifeng curled his lips and hummed coldly.

This star map was a relic left by his mother, so naturally Xiao Yifeng would not take it out.

"This star map contains the supreme secret of the stars. If you can understand this star map, it will be of great help to you in understanding the Great Dao of the stars.

"If you don't take it out now, you won't have a chance in the future."

The Heavenly Demon looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"Don't worry, it won't take long."

"I can understand the secrets in this star chart, and then the Wenxing chart will belong to me."

Xiao Yifeng snorted with disdain.


The Heavenly Demon snorted contemptuously.

In the next few days, Xiao Feng stayed in the Star Palace to practice.

This star map is indeed the second most valuable treasure in the Starry Sky Continent.

The mystery made Xiao Yifeng feel infinitely profound and mysterious.

In particular, it contains the power of the stars, the Great Emperor.

It also gives him a feeling of enlightenment and rapid progress. .

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