1034 star map

With the help of the power in the star chart, Xiao Yifeng's strength is improving bit by bit.

He is getting closer and closer to the realm of domination.

Starry sky.

The ancient Galaxy ship shuttles through the void.

"Sir, this starry sky is full of dangers."

"You must not come out casually."

Chu Yu looked at Xiao Yifeng and couldn't help but asked~.

"Well, don't worry, I won't run around -."

Xiao Yifeng said with a smile.

He glanced forward and murmured to himself:

“I don’t know what’s going on with Starry Sky Myriad Worlds now.”

"I wonder what's going on with the Gate of the Three Realms now?"

Xiao Yifeng sighed secretly.

Now Xiao Yifeng is not very clear about the situation of Myriad Worlds in the starry sky.

He just hopes that the gate to the three realms is still there!!!

Otherwise, if the Starry Sky Catastrophe strikes, the people of Starry Sky Myriad Worlds will be doomed.

Although this ancient starry sky road is just a passage leading to various worlds and planes.

But it is also a passage across the universe, so it is extremely dangerous and terrifying.

Once the Starry Sky Ancient Road collapses, it will mean the end of the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

In the starry sky, on a deserted planet.

Xiao Yifeng is sitting cross-legged in the star palace, absorbing and digesting the power of the stars stored in the star map by the Great Emperor.

This star Great Emperor is a powerful Great Emperor,

The power of the stars he stored in the star map is also extremely huge.

The power of these stars gathered into a vast energy and merged into Xiao Yifeng's body, causing his strength to grow at an extremely fast rate.

In the blink of an eye, seven days passed quietly.

During these seven days,

This desolate planet is directly illuminated by the light of the stars.

Immediately, dazzling stars rose into the sky.

A terrible breath burst out.

Boom boom boom!!!

In an instant, the stars in this desolate planet were directly moved.

Then the light of stars rose into the sky, and finally all merged into this light of stars, forming a huge star map.

This star map contains rich and majestic star power, releasing terrifying pressure.

The light released from this star map penetrated the surrounding space.

Like a bright sun, the fields are dazzling.

This scene alarmed many Great Emperor experts in the starry sky.

0…Please give me flowers…

At this moment, the entire starry sky was shrouded in this star map.

Countless stars were attracted by this star map and rushed towards this desolate planet.

A scene of the birth of a star appears.

"Star map, who is controlling the stars?"

At this moment, the powerful Great Emperors in the starry sky were making guesses.

These Starry Sky Great Emperors all looked extremely excited.

They all regard this star map as a treasure.

They even suspected that the star map was left by a certain Transcendent Level Great Emperor of the Starry Sky.

Such a star map is priceless and extremely precious.

"This shouldn't have been arranged by some Great Emperor of the Starry Sky. Could it have been arranged by some ancestor?"

"But even if it is arranged by the ancestors, it is enough to make any Great Emperor fight for it!!!"

Soon the powerful Great Emperors in the starry sky were talking about it.

They are all guessing who left this star map.

But no one can find the answer.

"The starry sky catastrophe is coming soon."

"If this ancient road in the starry sky collapses, starry sky turbulence will come."

“Not only the Three Realms, but also the Myriad Worlds, may all fall into darkness.

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