1035 God’s will

"This is all God's will!!!"

An old man sighed sadly.

"That's right, we can't avoid this starry sky catastrophe, we can only try our best to resist it."

Another old man said in a deep voice.

"When the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky fell, our group should have been buried with him.

"Now we have to endure this catastrophe in the starry sky again. Our lives are really miserable!!!"

The other Great Emperors "One Zero Zero" in the starry sky expressed their feelings one after another.


At this moment, the void trembled and a roar sounded.

A terrifying killing momentum burst out.

Suddenly the expressions of everyone present changed.

Then they saw two figures tearing through the void and coming.

These two people are Galaxy Great Emperor and Tianwu Great Emperor, the two commanders under the Starry Sky Great Emperor.

The two of them stood on either side of Xiao Yifeng, staring at the starry sky at the Great Emperor.

These two commanders are both Great Emperors in the quasi-reincarnation realm.

Moreover, his body exudes a monstrous aura of blood, and he has obviously experienced a bloody storm.

"Who are you? Are you trespassing in forbidden areas?"

At this time, Saintess, the Star Palace Spirit Ice Soul, came out, stared at the two people with a pair of eyes and shouted coldly.

She stepped into the quasi-reincarnation realm with all her strength, and there was an aura of frost lingering all over her body.

His face was indifferent, with a hint of pride.


Looking at the spirit of the Star Palace.

The expressions of Galaxy Great Emperor and Tianwu Great Emperor changed slightly.

"Meet the palace spirit!!!"

Immediately, the Galaxy Great Emperor and Tianwu Great Emperor looked at the palace spirit and bowed directly and shouted.

"Dian Ling?"

Xiao Yifeng was stunned when he heard the name of this palace spirit.

He did not feel any aura fluctuations from this palace spirit.

But he didn't expect that the star hall spirit was actually the legendary hall spirit.

"Why are you here?"

At this time, the palace spirit looked at Galaxy Great Emperor and Tianwu Great Emperor and said in a deep voice.

"Report to the palace spirit, we will have some relief in the summer."

"It is said that the Starry Sky Ancient Road has been opened, so I came here to take a look."

"I didn't expect to encounter this."

Galaxy Great Emperor looked at the palace spirit and said respectfully.

"This is already the entrance to the Starry Sky Ancient Road."

"This star map was left by the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky back then."

"This star map is the key to entering the starry sky catastrophe area!!!"

The palace spirit said calmly...

After hearing these words.

The expression of the Great Emperor in the starry sky changed again.

Their eyes sparkled as they looked at the star map, with a somewhat longing look in their eyes.

"I didn't expect that the starry sky catastrophe is coming soon, and we have nothing to hide."

"Since this star map was left by the Great Emperor."

"Then let's take it as our own, so maybe we can survive the catastrophe of the starry sky."

"Otherwise, we will definitely die."

The two Great Emperors looked at each other and said one after another.

"Yes, this is the only opportunity, I absolutely can't miss it!!!"

The other Great Emperors of the Starry Sky all agreed with what these two people said.

Then the twenty-eight Great Emperors of the Starry Sky all made 1.6 moves, trying to decipher the mystery in the star map.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't disturb the Star Great Emperor's cultivation, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!!!"

At this time, the expression of the star hall spirit sank.

"Star Great Emperor?"

The twenty-eight Great Emperors of the Starry Sky were all stunned when they heard the words of the palace spirit.

They all glanced at the young man sitting cross-legged on the futon in the Star Hall and practicing. .

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