830 The power of the emperor

And this palace is the residence of the Li family, one of the seven top families in Xuanming Prefecture.

In a room in Li's house.

The head of the Li family was lying on the bed.

At this moment, his eyes were opened, and there was a bright light in his eyes, and a terrifying imperial power was faintly released from his body.

"Father, you finally wake up!!!"

A man wearing white clothes, with short hair and a resolute face looked at his father.

"You two brothers and sisters have worked hard these past few years."

"Now that Xuanming Province has surrendered to the Star Palace, your strength has also improved rapidly~.

"It seems that the Star Palace is quite reliable -"

The man muttered to himself.

His eyes glanced outside the door.

At this time, three burly men wearing black armor stood at the door.

Their eyes were sharp and their bodies exuded a strong smell of blood.

Apparently he had lived on the battlefield for a long time and experienced life and death.

These three people are worshiped by the Li family.

All three of them possess the peak strength of the Emperor Realm.

"What are the three worshipers doing for you?"

The man glanced at the three people.

"Master, the Xingchen Palace has already attacked Xuanming Prefecture."

"It is said that the background of this Star Palace is extremely terrifying, even the Star Cloud Mountain Village has been destroyed."

"Now Star Palace has officially declared war on Xuanming State."

"According to our survey."

“This time, the person sent by the Star Palace is Xing Yun, the deputy master of the Star Palace, the son of the Star Sky War Emperor, and he is accompanied by a Transcendent Level expert.

"The power of that Transcendent Level man is unfathomable. Even we can't judge how strong he is."

The three Li family ministers looked at the man and said one after another.

"How brave, just a small secular power in the starry sky."

"How dare you invade my Li family's territory."

"It's just looking for death!!!"

The man's eyes flashed with a captivating cold light, and the terrifying power of the emperor erupted from his body, covering the entire room.

"Father, I will personally lead the army to defeat the Starry Sky Palace.

"Then take the woman back and hand her over to her father."

"Let her know the consequences of disobedience and resistance to marriage!!!"

The man's eyes shot out with a biting cold light, and he shouted word by word.

"Okay, it's up to you to handle this matter."

"You must capture it alive."

"As long as I capture him alive, I will immediately leave the seclusion and go to the starry world."

The man said with a gloomy look.

0......Please give me flowers......


The man nodded.

"By the way, I heard that the Martial Dao Conference in Xuanming Prefecture will be held soon."

"Xingyun and the daughter of Xingyun should also participate when the time comes."

"Go and find out for me the whereabouts of Xingyun's daughter and Xingyun."

"I want to know the current whereabouts of the two of them."

The head of the Li family said with a cold face.



The three Li family ministers nodded.

Then they turned and left the room.

And in the Starfall Palace headquarters in the Northern Wasteland.

Xiao Yifeng sat in the main seat.

He placed Xingyun's body in the center of the hall.

The mark between his eyebrows shines brightly.


Suddenly, Xingyun's body shot out of a star in front of him.

This star bead is the ancient starry sky bead obtained from Xing Yue's body.

"Starry Sky Ancient Pearl!!!"

"Stars Great Emperor, you are indeed still alive!!!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the star bead.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Then Xiao Yifeng spoke softly. .

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