831 Nine Styles of Shura

He waved his hands and directly performed the nine Shura postures.


There were bursts of thunderous roars in the void.

The Shura evil spirits all over the sky gathered together, like a huge dark cloud hovering here.

In an instant, a vast ocean of Shura formed in the void.

Endless evil energy rolled and surged, like a tsunami sweeping across.

Xiao Yifeng pinched the seals "-Three" with both hands, and all the Shura power in the Shura Holy Stone in his body burst out.

All the overwhelming Shura evil energy rushed towards Xiao Yifeng and merged into his body.

Xiao Yifeng seemed to have turned into the God of Shura.

Its body bloomed with terrifying Shura demonic flames.

There was a dark flame surrounding him.

The aura of the whole person is growing crazily.


I don’t know how long it took, but the sky in the Shura world suddenly exploded.

A bloody sun was born.

This bloody sun contains a monstrous killing energy, like a bloody sun.

This is the scorching sun in the Shura world, the bloody sun.

The Blood Sun born in the Shura Realm represents the Blood Sun Palace.

As the bloody sun descends, countless Martial Artists in the Shura world feel their bodies tremble and feel an inexplicable fear.

"Starry Sky Great Emperor, Tian Lai suffers death!!!"

Suddenly, a roar that shocked everyone came from the bloody sun.

In the bloody sun, a figure in blood robe walked out.

This blood-robed man was surrounded by endless killing energy.

His strength has reached the level of half-step perfection, and he is only one step away from being a quasi-immortal.

"Who are you?"

"Why do you want to trouble me?"

Xiao Yifeng stared at the blood-robed man with a cold look in his eyes.

"Are you the Great Emperor of the Starry Sky?"

"Hmph, today I will take your life and use it to pay tribute to my son's spirit in heaven!!!"

The man stared at Xiao Yifeng with a fierce look on his face.

A monstrous murderous intent erupted from his body.

Boom boom boom!!!

Following the words of the man in blood robe.

A terrifying aura erupted from his body.

The roar of the void suppressed by this breath continued.

The blood-robed man's whole body erupted with an extremely rich blood light.

His whole body was directly wrapped in blood, like a bloody man.

He slapped Xiao Yifeng fiercely with his palm.

A monstrous blood-red claw tore through the void...

With the power to destroy the world, he suppressed Xiao Yifeng and wanted to destroy him.

"Shura Sword Cut!!!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted sharply and used the Shura Sword, the strongest of the nine Shura moves.

Boom boom boom…

In an instant, the bloody claws collided with the Shura sword.

There was a thunderous roar and explosion.

The entire star collapsed and shattered instantly.

Waves of terrifying energy spread out, raging in all directions.


The next second, the bloody claws shattered directly, and the Shura Blade continued to slash at the opponent.

Immediately the expression of the man in blood robe changed.

He activated a secret technique and forcibly blocked the Shura sword slash.


Don't wait for the other party to react.

Xiao Yifeng's body disappeared directly on the spot.

His body appeared in front of the opponent like a ghost, and he punched him out again.

This time Xiao Yifeng activated the power of the domineering body and the title combat skills.

It explodes with the power of the physical body and the power of the stars in his body.

The power of his punch was comparable to that of a quasi-immortal. .

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