844 Profound Heaven Academy

"I want them to know the price of offending Profound Heaven Academy!!!"

Profound King said word for word.


Profound Heaven nodded.

The next morning.

Tianzhou Martial Palace.

in a room.

A figure sat cross-legged on the bed.

It was Jian Yun who had just won the championship last night.

There were four maids standing outside the room where Jian Yun was.

They are the ones from Profound Heaven Academy who are responsible for serving the major genius disciples.

"Master, please come in."

At this time, one of the maids opened the door and walked in.

Immediately, Jian Yun stood up and walked into the house.

"Master Sword."

"Congratulations on winning!!!"

When Jian Yun entered the room, his father Profound Heaven stood in front of Jian Yun and said with a smile.

"Father is welcome."

Jian Yun cupped his fists and spat.

"I have already had someone notify Senior Brother Jianyun, and Senior Brother Jianchen will be here soon.

Profound Heaven looked at Jian Yun and smiled.

"Father, don't bother. There's no need for Jian Chen to come over..."

"I can take care of him on my own."

Jian Yun said lightly.

"What? Jianchen is coming?"

Profound Heaven looked shocked and stared at Jian Yun.

"Don't you want to challenge Jian Chen?"

Profound Heaven asked.

"No need, there is no intersection between me and him, and there is no need to be hostile.

"What's more, I feel that the second position on the Profound Heaven list is not suitable for me."

Jian Yun said directly.

"Are you afraid that you can't defeat that sword star?"

"After all, he has the title of Sword Star and is a natural evildoer."

"It takes a lot of courage to challenge him."

Profound Heaven said directly.

"I'm just worried about them bullying my sister.

Jian Yun said indifferently.

"Don't worry, I will protect the little girl Ling'er."

"Not only will Jian Chen not appear here this time."

"Even their Mysterious Heaven Sect will disappear because of the mistakes he made."

Profound Heaven said coldly, with a terrifying murderous intent filling his body.

This Profound Heaven is the real Quasi-Emperor, with unfathomable strength.

If Profound Heaven is willing, it can level the entire sword realm.


"No need to say more, you immediately summon all the disciples to gather in the square."

"I want to announce something personally."

Profound Heaven said directly.

In the blink of an eye, half an hour later.

Jian Yun and Profound Heaven came to the martial arts arena of Profound Heaven Academy.

At this time, hundreds of people had gathered in the martial arts arena.

They are all outstanding among the new disciples of Profound Heaven Academy.

At this moment Jian Yun is standing here.

His expression was indifferent, and his eyes shone with a captivating light.

"Today is the last enrollment for my Profound Heaven Academy."

"This recruitment is divided into three stages. In each stage, 80 people will be eliminated, and the remaining 80 people will enter the second round of competition.

"And this round of competition only allows Martial Artists below the Sixth Grade Supreme Realm to participate."

"So I hope you will work hard to stay."

Profound Heaven looked at these geniuses and said.

Suddenly, the entire Profound Heaven Academy (Nohao) Martial Artist was in hot discussion.

They were all discussing the rules of this final round of assessment.

"Father, what is this competition?"

Profound Heaven looked at his father Profound Heaven and said.

"The final selection competition consists of three items, namely alchemy, formation, and swordsmanship."

"Among the three, alchemy is the most difficult, Law Manifestation is easier, and swordsmanship is extremely difficult, but the winning rate is relatively high!!!"

Profound Heaven said.

"Who are you going to send to participate in these three competitions?".

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