845 test

Profound Heaven looked at Jian Yun and said.

"Let them all come together."

Jian Yun said directly.


At this time, the expressions of everyone present changed.

"Master Jian, these three tests are very difficult."

"Are you sure you want them all to come together?"

"What if the entire army is wiped out?"

The maid on the side couldn't help but speak.

“They are all the future pillars of Profound Heaven Academy, and the death of one of them is a huge loss.

"No matter what, I won't let them die.

"Go and get ready."

After Jian Yun finished speaking, these maids left here directly.

307 "You guy..."

Profound Heaven looked at his son and sighed, shook his head, turned around and left.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, nine deafening explosions sounded in the void.

In an instant, groups of fireballs exploded.

Endless hot flames filled the world.

Dozens of streams of light rushed out from the flames.

They were all physically injured.

Obviously they failed to persist in these three competitions.

Then all thirty-six people were sent out of Profound Heaven Academy.

All the Martial Artists who participated in the assessment were eliminated this time.

Now there are only five people left standing in the ring.

These five people are all Seventh Grade Supreme level Martial Artists.

They are all powerful, young, and all talented geniuses.

Swish swish!!!

At this time, a rapid sound of breaking through the void suddenly came from the distance.

Then a group of men wearing mysterious clothes arrived.

The leader was a young man.

He has a tall and straight figure, long flowing hair, fair and handsome face, and is dressed in a mysterious robe.

His body exudes a domineering majesty that dominates the world, like a sharp sword.

He is none other than Jian Chen, the young sect master of the Mysterious Heaven Sect and the only son of the sect master of the Heavenly Sword Sect.

"Jian Chen is here!!!"

"I didn't expect him to come to this competition!!!"

"As expected of the future heir of Heavenly Sword Sect!!!"

At this time, the disciples of Profound Heaven Academy (ahac) around looked at this Jian Chen and couldn't help but sigh.

"Jianchen, I've been waiting for you for a long time!!!"

At this time, Profound Heaven stood directly on the ring and looked at Jian Chen and said coldly.

"The young master of the Mysterious Heaven Sect is really brave."

Jian Chen sneered, looking at Profound Heaven with an icy cold light flashing in his eyes.

"If you dare to hurt my sister, you will pay with your life today."

Profound Heaven shouted indifferently.

"Profound Heaven old man, you are dead today!!!"

"Your Profound Heaven Academy will also perish!!!"

Jian Chen shouted with a gloomy look, his eyes filled with bloodthirsty murderous intent.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's do it!!!"

Profound Heaven roared angrily, and he took a step forward.

A palm struck hard at Jian Chen.

Tremendous energy swept out of his hands.

This Profound Heaven is old though.

His strength has reached the Fifth Grade Great Emperor Realm.

“Profound Heaven means!!!”

Profound Heaven shouted with a cold expression.

Then he pointed.

Suddenly, a bright and dazzling huge finger tore through the sky and suppressed Jian Chen.

The overwhelming destructive energy surged.

It seems like it can destroy the heaven and the earth.

Jian Chen's expression changed as he watched the Profound Heaven finger crash down.

He used his secret skills and brandished a sharp sword.

Just strike out with a sword.


The two collided together.

Like two comets colliding together. .

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