98 hit hard

The great elder of the Dream Clan shouted coldly, with a cold light in his eyes.


At this time, Mengyao's grandfather suddenly appeared~.

He directly swung a long sword and slashed at Mengyao's father.

On the spot, Mengyao's father was struck by a sword and flew out, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he was severely injured.

"Father Mengyao, you are going too far. What are you doing?"

Grandpa Mengyao looked at Mengyao's father and scolded him.

"Old man Meng, what do you mean?"

Mengyao's father stared at Grandpa Mengyao with a gloomy expression.

"Humph, don't you understand yet?"

"Yao'er's life and death depend on someone else's thoughts."

"If you do anything to hurt Yao'er again, he will kill Yao'er immediately."

"When the time comes, the Dream clan will be destroyed because of this, and the foundation that our ancestors of the Dream clan have worked so hard to create will be destroyed. w

Grandpa Mengyao shouted with a cold expression.


"I don't believe that an outsider dares to deal with our Dream Clan."

"Besides, he doesn't have that ability at all, Yao'er has the restriction of dreams sealed in her body.

"Only by being at the Emperor Level can this restriction be forcibly opened."

Mengyao's father hummed unconvinced.

"Shut up, both of you!!!"

Mengyao's mother said coldly.

She looked at Grandpa Mengyao: "Are you telling the truth?"

"Absolutely true."

"My ancestors of the Dream clan have long guessed that Yao'er may have some kind of powerful curse in her body.

Therefore, the restrictions in his body were specially set up as a protective shield to prevent him from encountering danger or even being forcibly lifted by others.

Grandpa Mengyao said.

Mengyao's mother frowned slightly and said:

"So, Yao'er is hopeless now?"

"That's right, only those with Emperor Level strength can open the restrictions in her body and save Yao'er.

"But even if a strong Emperor Level takes action, it will only delay her lifespan for a few years.

"It can delay it for a few years at most."

Grandpa Mengyao said with a compassionate look.

"So Yaoer is hopeless?"

Mengyao's father's face twitched and he said with a look of reluctance.

"That's not true, Yao'er is not hopeless, she just needs to find the Dream Fruit.

"With the help of the power of the Dream God Fruit, she may still be saved."

0…Please give me flowers…‥

Grandpa Mengyao said directly.

"Dream Fruit?"

After listening to what Grandpa Mengyao said.

The expressions of all the Dream Clan people present changed, including Xiao Yifeng and others with strange looks in their eyes.

Dream fruit?

What is this?

Xiao Yifeng was secretly confused.

"The Dream God Fruit is a sacred fruit in the legend of my Dream clan."


"It was obtained accidentally by my Dream Clan ancestor."

"It is said to be a Spirit Medicine that births spiritual wisdom and knows how to practice."

"Once you take the Dream Fruit, you will have the opportunity to be born with wisdom and have wisdom and memory beyond ordinary Martial Dao Monster."

Grandpa Mengyao spoke.

"There is such a magical fruit."

Xiao Yifeng said in surprise.

"Master, this dream fruit is of extremely high value.

"If we can win this dream fruit, it will be a great blessing for little Qiuqiu."

"And this Dream God Fruit was born from a spiritual tree at the beginning of ancient times."

"It is very difficult to find the Dream Fruit and capture it."

At this time, a cold voice came from the black and white armor in the Xuanming Pearl. .

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