899 Divine Fruit

"Oh, the Dream Fruit is a divine fruit born in ancient times."

"That looks like it should be quite precious."

Xiao Yifeng murmured to himself.

"The Dream Fruit is not only precious, it also contains powerful and pure medicinal effects."

"If you let the black and white armor eat it, you will definitely gain transformation and advancement.

"Even some of the mysteries and magical abilities of ancient times contained in it can be slowly inspired. "Zero Zero Three"

"Then the master can use it to enhance his strength."

The weapon spirit in the black and white armor said.

"It turns out that this Dream God Fruit is so precious, no wonder this girl Mengyao is so nervous."

"This Dream God Fruit is probably more important to Mengyao than her life."

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully.

"Master, you can't take away the Dream God Fruit."

The weapon spirit in the black and white armor shouted quickly.

"Don't worry, I'm not that shameless, since this Dream Fruit is so important to you."

"Of course I won't rob it, I promise you.

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Thank you Master!!!"

The weapon spirit said.

"Girl Mengyao, don't worry, I will definitely help you get the Dream God Fruit."

"Leave this matter to me. You can have a good rest."

Mengyao's grandfather spoke to comfort him, then turned and left.

"How are you, Mengyao? Are you okay?"

Then Mengyao's mother came to the bed and looked at her unconscious daughter and said with a concerned look on her face.

"Mom, I'm fine."

Mengyao shook her head.

"Yao'er, how did that kid enter your room just now?"

"Your room is heavily guarded. Even the eldest brother can't break in quietly. This is against common sense."

At this time, his father looked at Xiao Yifeng with doubtful eyes and said coldly.


"What method did he use to avoid all the guards and enter your boudoir?"

Mengyao's mother said.

"Humph, no matter what method he uses."

"My daughter is like this now, and I want her life to pay for it!!!"

Mengyao's father shouted with a cold face, his eyes flashing with deep anger.

"What do you want to do?"

Mengyao's father was about to rush out to fight for Xiao Yifeng.


As a result, Mengyao's mother scolded fiercely.


Mengyao's father was stunned...

"Meng Lao, I know you are very strong."

"But if there really is a stalemate, do you think you can stop the power of the seal in Mengyao's body from exploding.

"You will also die miserably by then."

Mengyao's mother looked at Mengyao's father and said coldly.


After hearing Mengyao's mother's words, Mengyao's father's expression changed.

His expression looked very solemn.

"Then let's just forget it?"

"Yao'er's life has been completely ruined. Should she just give up like this?"

Mengyao's father gritted his teeth and roared, looking at Mengyao's mother with red eyes.

"We will definitely avenge this."

"And the kid Mengyao hasn't reached that level yet."

Mengyao's mother said coldly.


Suddenly, Mengyao's mother's expression changed. She glanced into the void and shouted:

"Who? Get out!!!"

"Mengyao, don't be nervous, it's me!!!"

Mengyao's father said.

Then the void twisted and tore.

A vast and majestic pressure swept out from it, suppressing Mengyao and her mother.


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