936 Emperor Sect Elder

"His strength has naturally skyrocketed, otherwise he wouldn't have such strength."

"But this time he killed me, the elder of the Meng Family Emperor Sect, so he must die!!!"

The Meng family patriarch said with a steely expression.



As the heads of these Emperor Clan families negotiated.

The entire void suddenly exploded.

A monstrous pressure of destruction swept in from the distant void.

It instantly enveloped the entire Mengshi Villa.

"How is this going?"

The powerful men of the Great Emperor clan present frowned.

"No, it's the demon statue deep in the forbidden area of ​​Mengshi Villa that's coming out."

The leader of the Meng clan suddenly exclaimed, his expression changing.

"Hurry up and stop it, otherwise the entire Mengshi Villa will be destroyed!!!"

"Once this demon statue breaks out of the seal, all life will be ruined and blood will flow like a river!!!"

This group of Emperor Clan clan leaders said one after another.

They jumped into the air and rushed towards the palace.


Suddenly, a deafening explosion spread directly throughout the entire Meng family.

A main hall of Mengshi Villa was reduced to ruins, and a huge and ferocious stone statue stood among the ruins.

This stone statue is a statue of a demon god that is 10,000 meters high.

Wearing a battle armor, his whole body was surrounded by a terrifying evil aura.

It's like an unparalleled demon god descending.

And this stone statue is the Demon Race created by the ancestors of the Meng family in the past dynasties.

There is a legend among the Meng family that the Meng family is the reincarnation of a clone of the ancestor of the Meng family in ancient times.

And this legend has been circulating among the Meng family.

Because the Meng family possesses a drop of blood essence left by the ancestor of the Meng family and a jade slip that records the practice and martial arts skills of the ancestor of the Meng family.

As long as you can get these inheritances.

Then it is possible to obtain the power of the Meng family's ancestor and become a truly strong man.

The Meng family also relies on these legends.

They dominate the five Great Emperor states and dominate other forces.

And this stone statue is the clone sculpture of the ancestor of the Meng family.

At this time, the stone statue opened its eyes.

A terrifying evil spirit burst out from it, containing endless demonic power.

"Welcome the Golem!!~||!"

At this time, Menghao knelt in front of the stone statue and shouted.

Then all the members of the Meng family knelt down.

"See the Demon Ancestor!!!"

The clan leaders of the Emperor Clan shouted in unison.

Their eyes looked at the golem with piety and fanaticism.

It was as if they were offering sacrifices to something.

"Everyone from the Meng family comes in.

Menghao said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, all the millions of Meng Family disciples in the Meng Family Villa entered the demon statue.

"Reporting to Emperor Meng, Meng Qiankun has left the Meng Family Imperial City!!!"

Soon a strong man from the Meng family came to Meng Hao and bowed and shouted.

"What? Left?"

"Damn Meng Qiankun, your wings are really strong."

"You even dare to disobey the orders of the (rich) Emperor Meng!!!"

I heard the report from the powerful Meng family member.

The faces of these Emperor Clan clan leaders looked very ugly, and they were all cursing angrily.

They didn't expect that Meng Qiankun would become more and more courageous now.

Even Emperor Meng dared to disobey the regiment.

"He must have sensed something."

"Otherwise, he would not dare to leave Meng's Imperial City without authorization."

Menghao said coldly.

"Mengdi, what should we do now?".

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