937 Eastern Wilderness

At this time, the patriarch of the Meng family looked at Meng Hao and said directly.

"Let me think."

"You guys immediately gather people from the Great Emperor clans in Eastern Continent to go to the Eastern Wilderness.

"Tell them that Meng Qiankun colluded with foreign enemies and brutally killed ordinary Martial Artists in Dongzhou."

"As a result, Dongzhou suffered heavy losses and we need them to cooperate with us in destroying this traitor.

"At the same time, let them send a group of experts to Mengshi Villa.

"I want to make it difficult for dreams to fly."

"I'll leave all this to you."

Menghao thought for a while and said.


The patriarchs of the Emperor Clan nodded.

They 460 left here.

The next day, Xiao Yifeng just walked out of the door, his expression was condensed.

"Master, it's bad, something big happened in Dongzhou!!!"

At this time, Meng Rou rushed to Xiao Yifeng and shouted.

"Did something happen again in Dongzhou?"

Xiao Yifeng said softly.


Mengrou nodded.

"Let's go and have a look."

Then Xiao Yifeng took Mengrou to Mengshi Villa.

Now all the Great Emperor clans in the entire Eastern Continent are alarmed.

They gathered here one after another, waiting for Meng Qiankun to appear.

In this Mengshi hall, a huge table is placed with all kinds of rare food, wine and delicacies.

At this time, the great elder of the Meng family was sitting on the main seat.

Next to him was a young man wearing white clothes.

"This time Meng Qiankun escaped, our Mengshi Villa was disgraced.

"I decided to make Meng Hao the new master of Mengshi Villa!!!"

The great elder of the Meng family shouted coldly.


Menghao's expression changed slightly.

Although he is the master of Mengshi Villa.

But it was not his turn to inherit this position.

What's more, he had just become emperor.

If it weren't for the statue of the Meng family's ancestor.

Meng Hao is not even qualified to enter the Emperor Realm.

He himself knows very well that his potential is limited and he may not be able to become a Martial Emperor after all.

"Menghao, what do you think?"

"My decision should (ahaa) make no sense to you.

The great elder of the Meng family looked at Meng Hao and snorted coldly.

"Yes, the great elder of the Meng family."

"It doesn't make any sense to me."

Menghao said directly.

Although he is interested in the owner of Mengshi Villa.

But he knew that he was too weak to bear the responsibility for the purpose of Meng's Villa.

After all, he had just stepped into the Emperor Realm.

If he was said to have any ability to serve as the master of Meng's Villa, I'm afraid no one would believe him.

"In this case, I declare that Meng Hao has officially taken over as the master of Mengshi Villa and is in charge of Mengshi Villa!!!"

The First Elder of the Meng clan said as he looked at the many patriarchs of the Emperor Clan present.

"Congratulations to the wise nephew Menghao, congratulations!!!"

At this time, the other Emperor Clan clan leaders smiled and congratulated.

"Okay, the succession ceremony will be held tonight."

"Three days later, I will tell Dongzhou and let everyone in Dongzhou know that Mengshi Villa has changed people!!!"

The great elder of the Meng clan shouted coldly.

He walked directly down from the main seat and sat on the chair.

"But before that, I have one thing to solve."

"Who in Meng's Villa is willing to help Meng Hao eradicate Meng Qiankun."

"Whoever can successfully ascend to the top of Mengshi Villa and take charge of Mengshi Villa."

The great elder of the Meng family said with twinkling eyes.


In an instant.

Meng Hao's eyes lit up, and he looked directly at the most mysterious and powerful team in Meng's Villa. .

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