939 incitement

The heads of the Emperor Clan all agreed, their eyes shining brightly.

"This guy is quite good at inciting people."

"As expected of a being who has lived for millions of years, his methods are powerful enough."

"In this way, if he wants to be the master of Mengshi Villa, I am afraid that no one in Mengshi Villa will resist him.

Xiao Yifeng muttered secretly.

Meng's Villa, in the main meeting hall.

"Do you really think you can "Zero Five Seven" easily destroy Meng's Villa?"

Meng Hao looked at the Great Elder Meng and the others and said coldly.

"What do you mean?"

The great elder of the Meng family stared at Meng Hao and said coldly.

"Don't you think it's strange that our villa has encountered such a big thing this time?"

"Why didn't Meng Qiankun show up? Not even Meng Hao's brother showed up."

"And you just happened to choose to unite to besiege the Meng family today, don't you have any doubts?"

Menghao looked at these Emperor Clan masters and said coldly.



Immediately, the expression of the Great Elder Meng's family sank, and he glanced around, with a solemn look on his brows.

"Great elder, be careful."

Then Meng Hao quickly reminded the great elder of the Meng family.


At this time, the second elder of the Meng family kicked him out.

Menghao flew out on the spot.

"How brave you are to dare to murder the leader of the Meng clan!!!"

The second elder of the Meng family pointed at Meng Hao and rebuked angrily, with cold murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

Great Elder, kill Meng Hao and avenge me!!!"

Menghao was lying on the ground, blood dripping from his mouth, and he spoke in pain.

"You can't kill him!!!"

At this time Xiao Yifeng spoke.


The Great Elder Meng's expression darkened, and he glanced at Xiao Yifeng with an icy cold light in his eyes.

"The people of Mengshi Villa listened to the order, killed Meng Hao, and took back the master seal of Mengshi Villa."

"Then kill the traitor Meng Qiankun."

The Great Elder of the Meng Family looked at the people present at the Meng Family Villa and shouted directly.

Immediately, the powerful men from all the major forces in Mengshi Villa took action directly to kill Meng Hao.


At this time, there was a burst of thunder from the depths of Mengshi Villa.

Endless thunder exploded, swallowing up all these powerful empires.

"what happened?"

The Great Elder Meng and the powerful men from all sides in the empire looked at each other with concentration...

Their eyes swept towards the depths of Mengshi Villa.

Waves of terrifying destructive pressure swept from the depths of Mengshi Villa, making people suffocating.

Waves of boundless pressure descended, and the entire Mengshi Villa trembled under the suppression.

"Could it be that the ancestors of Meng's Villa appeared?"

"Perhaps the ancestors feel the disaster today."

"Someone has been specially sent to protect the young master!!!"

At this time, the great elder of Mengshi Villa murmured to himself.

They took Menghao directly back to the forbidden area of ​​Mengshi Villa.

At this moment Menghao was brought here.

There is a huge boulder suspended here.

This stone monument is several thousand meters high and stands in the valley.

Exuding terrifying coercion, it captures 2.2 people's hearts and souls.

At this time, eight words are engraved on this stone tablet——

I am the dream god!!!

"Is this the Monument of the Dream God?"

At this time, Xiao Yifeng's pupils shrank and he looked at the stone tablet with a sparkle in his eyes.

Eight characters are clearly engraved on this stone tablet.

"Father, are you dead after all?"

Looking at these eight words, Meng Hao's eyes flashed with tears. .

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