940 Mengshi Villa


Suddenly, the void tore apart.

A huge palm suddenly arrived.

This palm contained such terrifying energy that it shot down towards Meng Hao.

Boom boom boom!!!

This palm carries the overwhelming power and crushes it down.

It instantly enveloped Menghao's whole body.

The aftermath of the terrifying energy spread, shattering all the people present in the Meng clan.

The entire Mengshi Villa was razed to the ground.

Meng Hao, the second elder of the Meng clan, and others were all wiped out.

In the blink of an eye, the huge Mengshi Villa turned into ruins.

The entire Imperial City was stunned by this scene.

Their eyes widened.

The news of Menghao's destruction quickly spread throughout the 07 Imperial City.

Meng's Villa is the largest family in the Imperial City and has a rich foundation.

Especially the inheritance of Meng's ancestor, Meng Shen.

This led to the entire Meng family becoming more prosperous and prosperous.

Everyone in the Meng family practices the martial arts and martial arts left by the Dream God.

All will gain huge benefits.

Moreover, their Meng family worships a mysterious priest every year.

Enshrine his body and help him protect the prosperity of the Meng family.

Now that Meng Hao, a direct lineage of the Meng family, had been killed, this naturally attracted the attention of all forces in the entire imperial city.

At the same time, a mysterious priest was born in the Meng family.

At this moment, there was a heated discussion throughout the Imperial City.

"I didn't expect this mysterious priest from Mengshi Villa to show up."

"Now we have a good show. It is said that Meng's sacrifice is very strange."

“And he also likes to select young boys and girls as his nourishment.

"After he absorbs these children, his strength will grow very quickly."

"And according to some ancient records."

"The mysterious priest of Mengshi Villa has been growing extremely fast recently."

"It has entered the realm of reincarnation, and there is even a faint tendency to challenge the title of Emperor Monarch."

"And it is said that he is ready to leave the Imperial City and go to the Hongmeng Sea to explore."

"Once he goes to the Hongmeng Sea, I'm afraid the entire world of Kyushu will fall completely."

"The so-called Divine Domain will be completely transformed into a deserted land."

For a time, the powerful men from all the major forces in the entire imperial city were discussing about the mysterious priest of Mengshi Villa.

At this moment, there is a palace in Mengshi Villa.

"See the sacrifice!!!"

A group of Emperor Clan strongmen knelt down respectfully.

In front of him stood a man in black robes.

"Is what you said true?"

The black-robed man looked at these powerful Emperor Clan men with a solemn expression.

"It's absolutely true. Everyone in the entire Imperial City knows about this."

"Now our Mengshi Villa has become the focus of ridicule and discussion among many forces in the Imperial City."

“They are all speculating whether Meng 740 Villa has offended a certain Transcendent Level sect force.

This group of Emperor Clan strong men spoke.

"My Mengshi Villa has never provoked any powerful forces."

"It must be the work of outside forces."

“You should investigate this matter immediately.

"I want to ensure the safety of the entire Imperial City and do not allow any external forces to deal with the Imperial City."

The man in black robe had a solemn face and shouted coldly.


This group of Emperor Clan people shouted.

Soon, many powerful people gathered outside Mengshi Villa.

Most of them are the top forces in the imperial city. .

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