994 terrifying power

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.


The next second, a terrifying power erupted from Xiao Yifeng.

A power even more terrifying than that of the ancestor of the Yang family burst out.

In an instant, the ancestor of the Yang family felt a suffocating and threatening aura.

It seemed as if Xiao Yifeng wanted to devour it completely.

At this time, the entire Yang family mansion was shaking violently.

Click click click!!!

There were bursts of collapsing sounds.

The ground outside the Yang family's mansion was cracked and deep ditches appeared.

"Starfall Fist!!!"

"The Falling Sun Divine Thunder Technique!!!"

"Burning Sky Finger!!!"

Xiao Yifeng's expression condensed, and his eyes glowed with a cold light.

He directly burst out three martial arts.

Among them, Starfall Fist is - Saint Rank Middle Level martial skill.

When this attack is unleashed, it can be said to destroy the heaven and earth and suppress the heavens!!!

The Burning Sky Finger is a Saint Rank Apex Level martial skill.

These two martial arts, coupled with the will of thunder that Xiao Yifeng realized, can burst out with enough power to destroy the world.

Especially the will of fire integrated into Fentian Finger.

This brings the power of this finger to an extreme.

Boom boom boom!!!

In an instant, Xiao Yifeng's whole body erupted with endless sky-burning divine flames.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng seemed to have transformed into the tomb of the Burning God.

The power of his flames surged to an extreme.

A sea of ​​​​fire surged through his body, and the terrifying temperature seemed to be able to burn the sky.

He squeezed the seals with both hands and performed a set of terrifying boxing techniques.

This boxing technique is called Yuantian Style.

This is a set of martial arts specifically targeting the soul attack type of Martial Artist.

When used together with the Star Soul, the power is a thousand times more terrifying than pure boxing.

Moreover, it requires a strong physical body to perform this set of boxing techniques.

This is what Xiao Yifeng has only managed to cultivate after he has been promoted to the Physical Body Realm.

Without him now, the Physical Body Realm world.

I am afraid that even a half-step reincarnation realm expert would find it difficult to perform this meteorite style.


Then Xiao Yifeng punched out.

There was a roar and explosion in the void.

A series of harsh roaring explosions sounded.

The entire void became distorted.

Infinite energy spreads out.

All the forces in Beizhou were alarmed.

They rushed here one after another and witnessed the battle between Xiao Yifeng and others.

0…………Please give me flowers…


Xiao Yifeng roared.

The eight star souls in his body shine with brilliance.

The Law of Eight Thunders burst out.

He used the Falling Heaven Style and blasted towards the Yang family members again.

bang bang bang


A series of sounds of broken bones and screams were heard on the spot.

The Yang family members were directly punched and exploded by Xiao Yifeng.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of elite members of the Yang family died, and only the ancestor of the Yang family was left.

The rest of the Yang family were all wiped out.

At this moment, the ancestor of the Yang family looked extremely solemn, looking at Xiao Yifeng with a terrifying look in his eyes.

He just used the taboo method left behind by the ancestors of the Yang family.

In the end, it was directly destroyed by Xiao Yifeng, which almost caused a backlash.

Although the forbidden methods used by the ancestors of the Yang family were only incomplete forbidden techniques,

But after all, it was performed by the ancestors of the Yang family.

Even if it is just an incomplete forbidden technique.

It is still astonishingly powerful, comparable to the full blow of the Great Emperor.

But all this was of no use to Xiao Yifeng.

He directly destroyed the factory. .

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