995 Terrible martial arts

This is the reason why Xiao Yifeng is so powerful now.





The ancestor of the Yang family once again displayed several terrifying martial arts skills, but they were all destroyed by Xiao Yifeng.

The ancestor of the Yang family flew backwards, vomiting blood from his mouth.

His body was covered with blood and he was dying.

This scene fell in the eyes of other people watching the "080" battle.

Their eyes were all wide open and their expressions were dull.

The ancestor of the Yang family, the leader of the seven ancient clans in Beizhou,

Now being forced by a young man of about twenty years old, he has completely lost his fighting ability and is even about to die.

This is simply beyond everyone's knowledge.

They couldn't believe it was true.

"Who are you anyway?"

The ancestor of the Yang family lay on the ground and looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted in a deep voice.

"Do you think I will tell you?"

Xiao Yifeng smiled playfully, waved his Burning Heaven Finger, and blasted directly towards the ancestor of the Yang family.

The ancestor of the Yang family gritted his teeth and used a forbidden martial skill.

Suddenly, a mysterious power burst out from his body, instantly entering the body king.

On that spot, the Yang family ancestor's body burned with terrifying flames, as if he was going to burn out the void.


The aura of the ancestor of the Yang family soared directly, reaching a new height.

He pinched the mysterious seal with both hands and pressed it fiercely.

Suddenly there was a roar in the void all around.

Flames all over the sky emerged out of thin air.

These flames formed a huge thing.

This behemoth is hundreds of meters long, like a volcanic giant.

"This is one of the forbidden martial arts of the Yang family - the fire spirit beast!!!"

The ancestor of the Yang family stared at Xiao Yifeng with a ferocious expression.

There was blood flowing from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes were filled with strong hatred.

"The Yang family's forbidden martial arts - the fire spirit beast!!!"

Hear what the ancestor of the Yang family said.

The expressions of the leaders of the ancient clans, sects and kingdom experts who were watching the battle changed.

There was a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Boy, today I will crush you to ashes with my own hands to avenge the Yang family!!!"

At this time, the ancestor of the Yang family shouted angrily.

Terrifying flames were released from its body, and its momentum surged crazily.

This fire spirit beast exudes terrifying and hot energy.

It rushed directly towards Xiao Yifeng...


Facing this fire spirit beast born from the forbidden martial arts of the Yang family.

Xiao Yifeng shouted with a cold and solemn face:

"Xing Yan!!!"


As Xiao Yifeng's voice sounded.

A ball of golden flames burst out from the star pattern between his eyebrows.

This ball of fire was suspended in the void and exploded directly.

A red flame swept out.

The fire spirit beast was instantly enveloped.

In the blink of an eye, the fire spirit beast was swallowed up by the terrifying flames.


Immediately afterwards, there was another roar and explosion.

The fire spirit beast controlled by the ancestor of the Yang family was completely exploded by a blow from the Burning Heaven Finger.


at the same time. 2.5 The ancestor of the Yang family was affected by the terrifying power of the Burning Sky Finger.

His body was injured, and he spat out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth, and his internal organs were shattered to pieces.

An arm of the ancestor of the Yang family was shattered on the spot, which was too tragic to look at.

"The ancestor of the Yang family was defeated?"

At this moment, all the powerful people in Beizhou who were watching were watching the ancestor of the Yang family being hurt to such a miserable extent. .

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