Just when the young emperor was already in a state of panic and began to draw troops from all over to prepare for the rebellion of Wu Sangui, Geng Jingzhong and Shang Kexi, a worse news came.

"Your Majesty, what should we do? The Iron-hearted Marquis of the Ming Dynasty led an army of 300,000 soldiers to the border and may cross the border at any time."

"The Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang, sent General Tianbao Yuwen Chengdu to send 300,000 troops."

"The First Emperor of Qin, Ying Zheng, sent General Meng Tian to lead 300,000 Meng's troops to the expedition."

"Even the Yuan Dynasty, which is also a grassland tribe like us, sent the young prince Wang Baobao of the Ruyang Palace to lead 300,000 troops to rush to the border of the Qing Dynasty through Xixia."

"At present, among the several major dynasties, only the Song Dynasty has not made any moves. The other major dynasties are all ready to move and have sent large armies to take advantage of the civil strife in the Qing Dynasty to come and share a piece of the pie."

Prince Kang reported.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we are in a very dangerous situation now!"

"All the major dynasties have treated our Great Qing as a piece of fat meat, and they want to take advantage of our misfortune and bite off a piece of meat from our Great Qing!"

Nurhaci said.

"Enough, stop talking."

The little emperor shouted impatiently.

After everyone shut up, the little emperor closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds. When he opened his eyes again, he was a little decadent, as if he had made a difficult decision.

The next moment, the little emperor spoke.

"The situation is unstoppable. We should preserve our strength. I have decided to withdraw from the interior of the country and return to the grassland without confronting the major dynasties head-on. I wonder if you have any objections?"

"Your Majesty, the foundation of our ancestors cannot be lost. The Qing Dynasty was won by our ancestors with hard work and blood. How can we just give up?"

Hearing the words of the little emperor, Prince Kang immediately stood up to object.

"I second your motion. Your Majesty, please think twice."

Other ministers also seconded the motion.

"If you disagree, then tell me how the Qing Dynasty should deal with the rebellion of Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi, and Geng Jingzhong, as well as the armies of the major dynasties."

The little emperor asked.

When the little emperor said this, the whole court fell into silence. They also knew that the little emperor's decision was right, but they were just unwilling to accept it.

After a while, the little emperor saw that no one spoke for a long time, so he sighed and spoke again.

"Alas, how could I be willing to give up the foundation laid by my ancestors."

"But my Qing Dynasty was originally the weakest among the major dynasties. Now Wu Sangui is rebelling, and the troops to suppress the rebellion are insufficient. Where can my Qing Dynasty get the troops to deal with the armies of the major dynasties?"

"It is my incompetence. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Go, make preparations, I have made up my mind to withdraw from the interior of the pass, and there is no need to discuss it anymore."

The little emperor waved his hand and said.


Prince Kang was still a little unwilling and wanted to say something.

But before he could finish, he was interrupted by the little emperor.

"Uncle, there is nothing to say but. The Han people have a good saying, if you keep the green mountains, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood. Our top priority is to preserve our strength."

"Alas, I obey your order."

Prince Kang bowed his hands unwillingly and accepted the order.

The court meeting ended and the news spread quickly.

Lin Fan's Jinyiwei who stayed in the capital soon learned that the Qing Dynasty was going to withdraw from the interior.

Without hesitation, Jinyiwei passed the news to Lin Fan at the fastest speed.

Ten days later, in the giant city of Changbai Mountain, in the city lord's mansion, Lin Fan read the news sent back by Jinyiwei.

It is not convenient to call it a giant city all the time, so it will be called Lingxiao City in the future.

After reading the news from Jinyiwei, Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh.

"Haha, this little emperor is really decisive. He knew that staying here would lead to a dead end, so he just ran away with his men."

"But when he ran away, things became troublesome!.

"I guess after the Qing Dynasty withdrew from the interior, the major dynasties would definitely divide up the territory of the Qing Dynasty as quickly as possible. It would definitely not be that easy for me to get a piece of the pie, not to mention that what I want is to take over the entire Qing Dynasty."

"Trouble, it's really fucking trouble!"

"No, I've been busy for a long time, how can I let others pick the peaches! . "

This is something Lin Fan absolutely cannot accept.

So on that day, Guan Yu's First Corps, Zhang Fei's Second Corps, Zhao Yun's Third Corps, and Ma Chao's Fourth Corps were all dispatched, leaving only Huang Zhong's German-equipped division and more than 30,000 Jinyiwei behind.

The four corps took over the land abandoned by the Qing Dynasty while rushing to the border.

The goal of Guan Yu's First Corps was to stop the 300,000 troops of the Ming Dynasty's Iron-hearted God Marquis.

The goal of Zhang Fei's Second Corps was to stop the 300,000 troops led by Yuwen Chengdu of the Sui Dynasty.

The goal of Zhao Yun's Third Corps was to stop Wang Baobao300,000 Yuan cavalry led by Ma Chao.

The goal of Ma Chao's Fourth Army is to stop the 300,000 Meng Family Army led by Meng Tian of the Qin Dynasty.

As for whether 60,000 four can beat 300,000, Lin Fan said he was not worried at all, after all, the artillery of the German-equipped division is not vegetarian.

Before, he did not directly attack the Qing Dynasty, and Lin Fan just wanted to let the Qing Dynasty and Wu Sangui consume each other first, so as to reduce his own losses.

But now there is no way. The little emperor turned the table over and didn't play anymore. He took people away directly. If he didn't take action at this time, the peach would be picked by others.

The four major armies acted quickly. In just three months, they took over 1/3 of the territory of the Qing Dynasty and blocked the army of the four dynasties from continuing to advance.

At present, Guan Yu's First Army is confronting Tiedan Shenhou, Zhang Fei's Second Army is confronting Yuwen Chengdu, Zhao Yun's Third Army is confronting Wang Baobao, and Ma Chao's Fourth Army is confronting Meng Tian.

At the beginning, the four great dynasties did not take Lin Fan's four armies seriously because of their superiority in military strength. However, after fighting with the four armies and being bombarded by Italy, they suffered a great loss.

None of them dared to act rashly again.

However, the four great dynasties could not spit out the fat meat they had already eaten. So the current confrontation was formed.

And this is what Lin Fan wanted to see.

First: Lin Fan now has insufficient troops. Even if he took over the entire Qing Dynasty, he would not have enough troops to guard it.

Secondly: Except for the Yuan Dynasty, the other three countries are also Han countries. Lin Fan did not want to go to war with them unless it was absolutely necessary. After all, he was also a Han Chinese.

As for the young emperor Kangxi, in these three months, he had already withdrawn from the interior of the country and entered the grassland with more than 600,000 troops he could mobilize, as well as millions of Manchus.

Wu Sangui, who had the most troops among the three anti-kings, was directly beaten by the Iron-hearted God of the Ming Dynasty and had no temper in the end. He could only choose to surrender.

Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong were not much better. Shang Kexi encountered Yuwen Chengdu, and Geng Jingzhong encountered Meng Tian's Meng Family Army. In the end, both of them chose to surrender.

Since then, the Qing Dynasty has completely become a thing of the past and withdrew from the list of the six great dynasties. 2/6 of the territory fell into Lin Fan's hands, and the remaining 4/6 of the territory was equally divided by the four great dynasties.

In the following days, Lin Fan first carried out land reform, tax reform, population statistics, and opened up trade routes to encourage people to do business.

First, Lin Fan nationalized all the land and distributed it according to the number of people. The people only had the right to use it but not the ownership, so as to prevent land annexation and let the people have fields to plant and food to eat.

Tax system reform, Lin Fan abolished all previous taxes and uniformly collected taxes according to the number of people. The more you earn, the more you pay, and the less you earn, the less you pay. The tax rate is uniformly set at 12% of the people's income.

Lin Fan occupied 2/6 of the territory of the former Qing Dynasty. According to statistics, there were more than 15 million people, including more than 6 million adult males, more than 2 million elderly people, and more than 7 million women and children. After that, Lin Fan completely abolished slavery, and trafficking in human beings was a direct death penalty.

Then Lin Fan also started the conscription work. He recruited more than 1.5 million people from more than 6 million adult males and added them to the five major legions, each with more than 300,000 people.

It took half a year to get these done, and Lin Fan began to vigorously develop business. Through the system's copy function, he made a piece of paper, and there were countless pieces of paper. He made a piece of soap, and there were countless pieces of soap.

White sugar, MSG, salt and various seasonings are ready-made, and the system rewards them. Through copying, a large number of commodities flowed into the major dynasties, and Lin Fan made a lot of money.

Finally, a year later, Lin Fan decided to establish a country and become emperor. The country was named Daxia, and the time was set one month later.

Moreover, since the products made by Lin Fan were sold to various major dynasties, and the major dynasties could not do without the products sold by Lin Fan, therefore, on the day when Lin Fan became emperor, all the major dynasties would send envoys to congratulate him.

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