Lingxiao City, 19 days before Lin Fan became emperor, the original city lord's mansion was also changed into a palace.

Envoys from various dynasties have also arrived one after another and are staying in the guesthouse in the city.

Among them, the envoy sent by the Ming Dynasty is Tiedan Shenhou, the envoy sent by the Sui Dynasty is Yu Wenzhi, the envoy sent by the Qin Dynasty is Prime Minister Li Si, the envoy sent by the Song Dynasty is Prime Minister Gao Qiu, and the envoy sent by the Yuan Dynasty is Princess Minmin Temur, a Han Chinese name, Zhao Min.

Envoys from other small countries also came to congratulate, the one from Dali was Zhennan Wang Duan Zhengchun, the one from Dajin was the young prince Yang Kang, the one from Xixia was a princess, and even the young emperor Kangxi asked Wei Xiaobao to come and congratulate.

Seeing the name Zhao Min, Lin Fan suddenly became interested.

You should know that when Lin Fan watched the TV series The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber in his previous life, he liked several female characters who played Zhao Min very much.

Now that I can see the real person, what are you waiting for! .

Without hesitation, Lin Fan went out of the City Lord's Mansion and headed for the guesthouse.

Walking in the prosperous Lingxiao City, Lin Fan's face was full of pride.

The current Lingxiao City is no longer the Lingxiao City of the past.

The current Lingxiao City, due to the goods that Lin Fan made before, is now a gathering place for merchants from all over the world. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most prosperous city in the world of comprehensive martial arts.

However, the houses in Lingxiao City are only rented and not sold. After all, this is the Chengchi rewarded to him by the system.

Arriving at the guesthouse, Lin Fan walked in directly.

After asking about the residence of the Yuan Dynasty envoy, Lin Fan went there directly.

Looking at the two killers guarding the door, Lin Fan knew without guessing that these two people should be Lu Zhangke and Hebi Weng under Zhao Min.

"Who are you?"

The two people who found Lin Fan asked.

Ignoring, Lin Fan directly slapped the two people down with two slaps, then walked to the door and knocked.

The next moment, the door opened.

Zhao Min looked at Hebi Weng and Lu Zhangke who were knocked down by Lin Fan and asked.

"Who are you, why are you here, and why did you attack my subordinates?" Zhao Min asked.

"I was upset with them, so I attacked them unconsciously."

"As for the reason for coming to you, of course I admire your title of the most beautiful woman in the Yuan Dynasty, and I came to see your beauty." Lin Fan said.

"You haven't told me who you are yet?"

"Is it important?"

"Is it not important?" Zhao Min asked back.

"Well, I am the owner of this city, Lin Fan, the future emperor of Daxia."

"Can I go in and talk now?"

"Your Majesty, please."

Walking into the room, Lin Fan found a seat and sat down.

"Minmin Temur, the Princess of the Yuan Dynasty, greets His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Xia."

"No need to be polite, I haven't become the emperor yet, just call me Lin Fan."


Zhao Min stood up, glanced at the handsome Lin Fan, and then heard him ask.

"I wonder what you want to see me for."

"Two purposes."

"One of the purposes has been mentioned before, which is to see you, the most beautiful woman in the Great Yuan Dynasty."

"The second purpose is that I hope your brother Wang Baobao can withdraw his troops."

"After all, the place your brother occupies now is separated from your Great Yuan by Xixia, and long-term garrison is not in the interests of your Great Yuan."

"Then I wonder what conditions you can offer, so that we won't give you the land we occupy for nothing."

Zhao Min said.

"How about I promise you the position of queen?"

"Not enough, after all, I am not the daughter of the Emperor of the Great Yuan Dynasty, but just a princess of the Ruyang Palace."

Zhao Min said.

"Almost. I am willing to grant you the position of Queen only because I admire your ability and your beauty."

"You should know that with my current military strength, it is not difficult for me to take back all the land of the Qing Dynasty from the major dynasties, let alone your Yuan Dynasty."

Lin Fan spread his hands and said.

"Then can't you add a little more for my sake, so that I can explain it better."

Zhao Min rolled her eyes at Lin Fan and then spoke.

After hearing Zhao Min's words, Lin Fan thought about it and then spoke.

"Well, you should first ask people to call the envoys of the Ming Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, and the Sui Dynasty, and discuss the specific conditions together, so that I don't have to look for them again."

Lin Fan said.

After hearing Lin Fan's words, Zhao Min nodded, and then arranged for people to invite the envoys of the other three dynasties.

Soon after, the Iron-hearted God Marquis Zhu Wusi, Yu Wenzhi, and Li Si arrived one after another.

"We greet His Majesty the Emperor of Daxia."

The three of them bowed.

"No need to be polite. I called you here today because I want to talk to you about something."

Lin Fan said.

"I don't know what it is, why do you have to come here in person?"

Li Si, the prime minister of the Qin Dynasty, asked.

"It's nothing serious, I just want the former Qing territory in your hands."

Hearing Lin Fan's words, several people looked at each other, wondering where Lin Fan got the confidence from, thinking that they would spit out the meat they had eaten.

Seeing the reactions of several people, Lin Fan spoke again.

"Don't rush to refuse."

"First of all, if we are not Han people, with my current military strength, I can completely send troops to take back those lands, and there is no need to talk to you at all."

"If there is really no other way, I can only choose to send troops, and you should know in your hearts that you can't stop my army."

Threat, naked threat.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Daxia, you are too arrogant. If our four dynasties join forces, you will never have a chance of winning with the strength of your country. "

The Iron-hearted Marquis Zhu Wusi looked at Lin Fan fiercely and said.

"My Lord, have you forgotten the feeling of being covered by artillery fire? What if I tell you that I have 10,000 such cannons? "

"Don't think I'm lying to you. With the national strength of Daxia, if we can build one, we can build 10,000."

Lin Fan said indifferently.

When Lin Fan said this, the four people, including Zhao Min, were all frightened.

They couldn't believe it. If it was really like Lin Fan said, he had 10,000 such cannons, they couldn't imagine what terrible consequences would happen if they were enemies with Lin Fan!.

"Okay, okay, don't be so nervous, I haven't finished speaking yet."

"In this way, I won't let you hand over those lands in vain. I will provide you with the drawings for making flintlock rifles, and then compensate you four dynasties, 1 million stones of grain for each dynasty, what do you think? ”

Although 4 million shi of grain seems to be a lot, it is nothing compared to the land occupied by the four great dynasties.

Besides, let’s not talk about it for now: Lin Fan has made a lot of money recently, and these 4 million shi of grain are nothing to him, just a drop in the bucket.

Just take the system’s copy function as an example, the terrifying 1:10 copy ratio.

So, the grain that Lin Fan really has to pay is only 400,000 shi.

“Your Majesty’s flintlock rifle, is it the kind of musket equipped in your Majesty’s army? .”

Yu Wenzhi asked.

“Yes and no, although the flintlock rifle is not as good as the 98K equipped in my army, it is also several levels stronger than the musket you are equipped with now. "

Lin Fan said.

Although the answer given by Lin Fan did not satisfy them, it was not unexpected.

After all, no one would give their best trump card to others.

But they also knew to stop when they were ahead. If they waited for Lin Fan to send out the army, they would get nothing.

"Okay, His Majesty the Emperor of Daxia, I agree to your conditions on behalf of the Ming Dynasty, and my Ming Dynasty army will withdraw within five days."

Zhu Wusi said.

"We also agree, and we will also withdraw the army within five days. "

Zhao Min, Yu Wenzhi, and Li Si also spoke up.

As for the opinions of the emperors of the major dynasties, they believed that their emperors were not fools and would make the same choice as them.

After all, they couldn't keep it even if they disagreed.

Sure enough, after they reported to their own emperors, the emperors of the four dynasties made the same choice as them.

In this way, Lin Fan used a blueprint of a flintlock rifle and 4 million shi of grain to trade back all the land originally owned by the Qing Dynasty.

Oh, and a queen's position was also added.

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