Money, too much.

Zhang Feng counted several times and actually counted incorrectly, so he simply stopped counting and directly asked Yiyi how much money he had.

Yiyi said that there were more than 50 billion, which really shocked Zhang Feng.

"How can there be so much money? Are those fraudsters so rich? Zhang Feng asked in shock.

Yiyi said with wide eyes: "I took away all the money of those criminals, and I can't tell who is a fraudster and who is not a fraudster, anyway, as long as it is the money of criminals, I will take it all." "

"I grass, you this... Well done. "

Zhang Feng said, giving a thumbs up at the end.

The funds of more than 50 billion yuan shocked Zhang Feng.

However, these are not all money returned by fraud, but include all aspects of money.

The sources are complex.

But it is guaranteed that it is all the money of the criminals.

After losing this money, northern Myanmar has completely fallen into chaos.

But they are not messy, and they have nothing to do with Zhang Feng.

Looking at the amount of money displayed on the account, Zhang Feng really wanted to take this money for himself for a moment.

With this money, he can live lying down for the rest of his life.

But thinking about those who were deceived, Zhang Feng knew that he couldn't be so selfish.

And most importantly, the money is really too big.

No matter how it is washed, this money, Zhang Feng is impossible, completely whitewashed.

If this money enters Zhang Feng's account, the police will come to the door tomorrow.

This is a bomb that will explode, and you will never take it.

"Damn, this money is tempting, but I resisted it." Zhang Feng shook his head with a smile and gave himself a thumbs up.

"Yiyi, do as planned, return the money to the victim first, the rest of the money, if there is any extra money, let's see how to use it." Zhang Feng said with a smile.

It was really not easy to make such a decision, but after making such a decision, Zhang Feng only felt that his mood suddenly became relaxed.

It should be to accumulate merit for one's own good deeds.

"Okay brother." Yiyi promised and began to send money for the victims of fraud.

Of course, these are not all victims, many of them who have been deceived and have no information left at all.

Yiyi couldn't find news from these people, so naturally there was no way to send them money.

"Yiyi, you do one more thing, create a virtual organization on the Internet, called the Justice League, declare responsibility for this matter, represent the increase, punish the fraud organization in northern Myanmar, and rescue the victims."

Zhang Feng said slowly.

This is done to divert the attention of others.

It also focuses the attention of fraud organizations in northern Myanmar on the Justice League.

In fact, the Justice League does not exist.

Although the fraud organization in northern Myanmar was looted of funds, Zhang Feng knew that it was impossible to really kill them all.

Fraud organizations in northern Myanmar still exist.

Zhang Feng didn't want to make trouble for himself, so he still got a virtual justice league to attract the attention of the public.

"Okay brother." Yiyi agreed to come down in one bite.

It was too simple for her.

A moment later, a video appeared on the Internet, and it was a man in black in the video.

The Men in Black claimed to be members of the Justice League and punished criminal organizations in northern Myanmar on behalf of justice.

The Justice League has collected all the funds of criminal organizations in northern Myanmar, and the funds will be used for charity and to make up for the victims.

The content of the video is very short, but on the Internet, it has caused a huge sensation.

The Justice League also became famous in an instant.

The criminal organization in northern Myanmar knew that the funds in their organization were looted by the Justice League.

And the people of Xia Country, only then did they know that the criminal organizations in northern Myanmar were sanctioned by the Justice League.

All funds for criminal organizations in northern Myanmar are gone.

But there are also many people who are skeptical about this news.

But immediately after, the criminal video of the leader of the criminal organization in northern Myanmar appeared on the Internet, as well as their identity information.

The people of the whole country were in an uproar.

Zhang Feng looked at the forum, the excited netizens also smiled slightly.

It feels so cool.

Zhang Feng picked up his mobile phone unhurriedly and made a call to his aunt.

The call was answered quickly.

"Aunt, I just received news that there is an organization called the Justice League that is recovering the money that was scammed, you immediately look at your mobile phone to see if there is a remittance text message."

"Ah, well, I'll take a look right away." The aunt said in surprise.

Then the aunt said in surprise: "I saw, there was a remittance, half a million, a whole half a million, all of them came back, my God, my money, really came back." "

"Zhang Feng, aunt thank you, you can be regarded as saving my life." The aunt said excitedly.

"Aunt, don't say that, I didn't do anything."

"It's that I think things too simply, relying on my ability, there is no way to recover the money at all, fortunately, aunt, you are lucky, there is an organization called the Justice League to make a move."

"They ransacked fraud organizations in northern Myanmar and recovered all the money."

"You should thank the Justice League."

Zhang Feng didn't want to put this credit on himself.

That's why he called his aunt specifically to explain the situation.

"But anyway, I still have to thank you, it's enough that you have this heart." The aunt said happily.

"Aunt, it's good if it's okay, you can't be fooled in the future, well, aunt, I still have things, let's talk about it first." Zhang Feng said quickly.

Besides, Zhang Feng didn't know what to say.

"Well, you are busy first, when you are free, your aunt will invite you to dinner." The aunt said happily.

The 500,000 that was deceived returned to his hands again, but it made my aunt happy.

A similar situation is playing out simultaneously across the country.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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