This incident caused a huge sensation throughout the country.

No one expected that there would be a Justice League that sanctioned fraud organizations in northern Myanmar.

I didn't expect that this Justice League also returned the money that was scammed, although not all the deceived funds were returned, but at least seventy percent of the deceived funds were returned.

According to the Justice League, it was they who found only news about these people, and they did not find information about the rest of the victims.

So you can't get the money back 100%.

But with such an effect, it is satisfactory enough.

Many people are wondering where this Justice League is.

It's just that no one would have thought that this Justice League was made by a high school senior.

Who would have thought that an eighteen-year-old high school senior was behind this matter.

In the bedroom, Yiyi is reporting the situation.

"Brother, the money of those victims has been returned, and there are still 42 billion."

"And four hundred and two billion? How can there be so much money? Zhang Feng asked in surprise.

"I don't know, but the money that should be returned has already been returned." Yiyi replied.

"How do you plan to use the rest of the money, brother?" Yiyi asked.

"How to spend so much money?"

Zhang Feng walked around and fell into the distress of happiness.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng's mind flashed, and he had an idea.

"Yiyi, can you use this money to build an organization overseas."

"This organization nominally has nothing to do with me, but this organization is controlled by us."

The more Zhang Feng thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was really good.

More than 40 billion stolen money, let Zhang Feng use it himself, he really does not dare.

If he really dares to use this money, he will be in big trouble.

But if, this money is washed and deposited in foreign banks to establish influence in foreign countries.

On the surface, it has nothing to do with Zhang Feng, but Zhang Feng can use this money remotely, so there is no problem.

"Yes, brother, can you start now?" Yiyi asked happily.

As long as her brother asks her to do things, she will feel happy.

"Go for it." Zhang Feng nodded and said solemnly.

The 42 billion in the account began to circulate and launder between the world's major banks through various channels.

In just one minute, it has already circled the world several times.

In this case, even those organizations in northern Myanmar have great skills, and they can't find where the money goes.

Subsequently, all this money went to an international bank in Eurasia.

The bank is creditworthy and only recognizes money, not people.

They only care how much money the customer has, no matter what the customer's identity is, and they will strictly keep the customer's identity confidential.

And this time the identity of the customer is Luo Tianyi, that is, Yiyi's virtual identity.

An investment company was registered in Iceland, and 42 billion funds were all invested in the company.

An investment company with strong assets was quietly born.

And all this, in just one hour, was all done.

When Zhang Feng received the news, he was also surprised.

Artificial intelligence is really terrifying.

That's the power of AI.

It can also be said that the network power of this era is too developed.

If it were not for the era when the network was already so developed, artificial intelligence would not be able to do it to this extent.

"Brother, what's next?" Yiyi asked with some excitement.

"Find the right projects to invest in and make money make money." Zhang Feng said.

As for whether Yiyi can find a suitable project, Zhang Feng doesn't care.

Anyway, these money, it is easy to come, even if it is all wasted, Zhang Feng will not be distressed.

"Okay brother, I'm looking for a project to invest." Yiyi said happily.

As long as her brother tells her to do things, she will be super happy.

Being able to establish a company overseas naturally makes Zhang Feng happy.

But this company, far overseas, cannot improve the life of his whole family, which is very regrettable.

After all, Zhang Feng is just a layman, and he also wants to be a rich man.

"Yiyi, you say, what can I do to make money quickly?" Zhang Feng said with some trouble.

"Brother, do you need money? I can send you money. Yiyi patted her chest and said, with an expectant expression.

"No, I can't use your money." Zhang Feng smiled and shook his head.

"I can only make money reasonably and legally." Zhang Feng said seriously.

Yiyi's expression paused for three seconds, and suddenly, a smile appeared on her face, and she said happily: "Brother, I can help you make futures." "

"I can know in advance how the data changes in futures, I react faster than anyone, I can buy and sell futures for my brother, I can make 100% money."

As soon as Zhang Feng heard this, he was shocked.

"Isn't this artificial intelligence stock speculation!"

This stuff is not new, and many institutions will use software to speculate on stocks.

Because people make mistakes and are unresponsive.

Software, on the other hand, speculates on stocks according to program settings, they have no emotion, they only operate according to predetermined goals.

Therefore, software stock trading is more profitable than manual stock trading.

Zhang Feng didn't expect this before, but now that he was reminded by Yiyi, Zhang Feng also woke up.

He can do that.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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