Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 462: First comes a Borg, then ten Fletchers, and finally twenty Catsharks

June 9, 1942, at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, north of Baotou, Weapons Experimental Research Bureau.

"Hey, I'm finally back. This trip to the headquarters was really tiring! Wang Dexing, go say hello to the deputy director first, and then go to the heads of each department."

"If there are any important documents that need my priority, just bring them to my office."

"By the way, help me get a meal when you pass by the canteen. I can't stand it even if I'm an iron man after tossing all morning without eating."


After the performance ended perfectly, Huang He immediately led Wang Dexing and his nine-member guard team to take a special plane back to the Suiyuan Military Region.

That morning, he took a short rest and went straight to the director's office to start dealing with the backlog of work that had been piled up for many days.

After several hours of busy work, it was time for dinner.

Just when Huang picked up a piece of watermelon and was about to savor the pre-meal fruit prepared by the canteen in the bureau, his office door was suddenly pushed open.

The visitor was the army reorganization expert who had not been seen for a long time.

"Eat, eat, eat, all you know is eating. Now the entire Pacific battlefield is in a mess, and you are still in the mood to eat watermelon leisurely in the office."

"The Japanese Navy is really an opponent that cannot be underestimated. I don't know if our comrades can fight with the Combined Fleet in a specific sea area after receiving the French warships."

"Okay, put the melon down. Wash your hands quickly and come to see the latest intelligence our military region has just received."

Compared with the hot North China, the temperature in Baotou in early June is generally moderate.

However, due to objective reasons such as geographical location, terrain characteristics and climate type, the temperature here at noon is simply outrageous, and in some cases the highest temperature can even exceed 30 degrees.

Considering the health of scientists, the Suiyuan Military Region specially supplied the Weapons Experimental Research Bureau with watermelons grown in the Hetao area to relieve the heat and produce body fluids.

It is worth mentioning that the seeds used by local people are all from the migrant workers' factories within the system.

This thin-skinned, juicy, sweet and refreshing watermelon has a strong adaptability and can thrive even in saline-alkali land. Its various abilities are similar to those of the Zaojia 8424 cultivated by Academician Wu.

Freedom to eat watermelons is just around the corner!

Looking at the anxious army reorganization expert in front of him, Huang He hurriedly put the watermelon he had just eaten two bites aside, and then wiped his hands with the towel on the tray.

After cleaning, he took the brown paper bag handed over by the other party, and then took out the original intelligence and began to check it carefully word by word.


You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it.

In fact, before officially opening the file, Huang was more or less indifferent. In early June, another battle took place in the Pacific, wasn't it the Battle of Midway?

This battle is too classic. He knows the details of the game between the commanders of the Japanese and the ugly, and even the altitude at which Best chose to drop the bomb.


Reality is often more magical than fiction. Huang He was shocked after just glancing at the title of the intelligence.

"Oh my god, Nanyun and Yamaguchi are both excited? Even the ammunition replacement fairy can survive? 3.5 to 2.5, this is actually the record they achieved in Midway?"

"The flying dragon was saved by damage control, and it took a whole battle to be barely broken? Best, what are you doing!!"

"Hiss, if you calculate it this way, the main aircraft carrier of the Pacific Fleet of the ugly country is only a severely damaged and non-combatable Enterprise, which is really a family of loyal Yorktowns."

Huang He's shocked tone made the army reorganization expert waiting on the side feel a little more melancholy.

When big countries fight, it is often a matter of one hair moving the whole body. In his opinion, the Japanese who have completely damaged the navy of the ugly country may really force Master Luo to the negotiation table.

Once Ah Chou signs an armistice agreement with the devils at the cost of ceding some of its interests in Southeast Asia, the Republic of China is likely to face greater pressure in the future.

"Hey, you know why I'm so anxious now."

"I really don't know what the ugly people are doing. Why can't they be more stable at the critical moment? If the devils are allowed to recover a lot of blood, who knows how long this battle will last."

"Don't be stunned. Talk about your views on this naval battle and subsequent wars. This is your best field."

Hearing this, Huang He took out a piece of white paper from the drawer of his desk. Then, with his super memory, he drew a picture of the strategic situation of Japan and the ugly in the Pacific battlefield.

After a moment, he looked at the army reorganization expert with a slightly solemn face, and analyzed in a relaxed tone:

"The defeat in the Battle of Midway and the heavy damage to the Pacific Fleet are indeed a big loss for the ugly country. But! The limit of the Japanese Navy lies here. They will never continue to attack eastward."

As soon as these words came out, General Nie immediately cast a puzzled look.

He was a pure army man, and his personal position in the army was more inclined towards modernization, so he didn't know much about the details of naval warfare.

As if he saw his colleagues' confusion, Huang He pointed to the mainland, Midway Island, Oahu Island and the west coast of the Ugly Country with his pen and continued to explain:

"As far as I know, Midway Island has no ready-made ship maintenance facilities. In other words, the large ships in the combined fleet cannot use it as a forward base to continue the attack."

"So if they want to seize Oahu, the Japanese still have to start from their homeland and lead the army to launch a landing battle thousands of miles away."

"It's a distance of thousands of nautical miles. If the devils dare to deploy troops on a large scale, the submarine forces of the ugly country will definitely have a lot of gains, and they may even produce more than double-digit 21-level ace captains."

At this point, the army reorganization expert has completely understood the deep meaning of his colleague's words.

After the Battle of Midway, the Ugly Pacific Fleet did need to rest for a long time before it could recover its combat effectiveness, but the Japanese also had no ability to pursue the victory and expand the results.

After all, Oahu is a sea fortress surrounded by large-caliber coastal defense guns, and it is also stationed with a serious main force. The difficulty of landing operations is really not easier than going to heaven.

Then, combined with the current status of various countries, the trend of the war in the next year is immediately clear.

In one word, hold it!

The Ugly country will defend the Australian continental defense line to avoid being cut off by the enemy's possibility of counterattack. But don't consider Guadalcanal, and non-strategic locations must be selectively abandoned.

The British and the Russians continued to hold on, but after the largest party A stopped supplying, they had to consider self-reliance or find a new thigh.

French chicken? Old Dai must be very happy now.

In the next year, he can have freedom to roam freely in Africa. Without the pressure brought by Operation Torch, as long as the main force is not caught by the Germans, almost no one can stop its ambition to dominate Africa.

As for TG, it should honestly use its advantages to do business.

As long as it is an ally, we will accept everyone.

"Well, it seems that I worried for nothing. According to the current situation, the ugly people may take the initiative to seek help and let us help share some of their pressure."

"Yes, so you should be calm. Instead of caring about others, you might as well think about how to resettle the victims."


After the doubts in his heart were resolved, the mood of the army reorganization expert was much better. He even picked up a piece of watermelon from the tray and talked to Huang He about the drama a few days ago.

However, the leisure time did not last too long. Just as they were reminiscing and chatting, Wang Dexing's voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"General Nie, Director, there is a call from the border area, urgent!"

As soon as these words came out, Huang He immediately jumped up from his chair and opened the door for his correspondent. After receiving the telegram, he immediately came to his colleague and started to check it with him.

After a while, the two looked at each other and saw smiles on each other's faces.

"Haha, when you mention the devil, the devil will appear."

"I never expected that we just mentioned the possibility of the ugly country asking for help, and the other party sent a formal document. Huang He, what price do you think we should offer?"

"Do you have anything that the organization needs to help you fight for?"

The content of the telegram sent by Wang Dexing was not complicated. In general, it can be summed up in one sentence: Rabbit, I am Ah Chou, my buddy can't stand it anymore, help quickly!

In fact, it is not difficult to understand the other party's psychological journey of asking for help. After all, among the major participating countries in the world at this stage, only the Fourth Master and the Eighth Master can suppress the Axis with their own strength.

What's more, the Eighth Route Army Air Force has the strategic bombing capability to directly attack the Japanese mainland, and is the best choice to attract firepower.

If you don't ask TG for help at this time, do you have to look for preserved fruits? Without military assistance from our side, I'm afraid that the bald head will have to consider the relevant matters of establishing an exiled government.

Hearing this, Huang He touched his chin and began to think seriously.

In theory, the border area should take advantage of the weakness of the ugly country to recall its scientists who are studying in North America. However, with the awakening of the brave tiger system, it is not a problem for the wanderers to return to the country.

As for weapons, what the current ugly country army has, the Fourth Master and the Eighth Master also have the same type of equipment, so there is no need to add unnecessary details.

After eliminating various wrong options, a bold but reasonable idea emerged in Huang He's mind. He smacked his lips and tentatively proposed to the army reorganization expert:

"Let's do this. I think it's a good choice to continue to complete the navy."

"If the ugly people take the initiative to make an offer, we will ask for a Borg-class escort aircraft carrier, ten Fletcher-class destroyers and twenty Catshark-class submarines. By the way, there are also Liberty Ships, which are also good transport ships."

"This price should be reasonable. We are risking our lives to buy them time. It's not too much to ask for a main surface ship."

"Okay, I'll help you communicate with the border area. But the specific results still depend on your eldest brother to fight for it." (End of this chapter)

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