Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 463: Junior of junior, welcome home!

As the representative products of the Lower Dumpling Period, the four-level equipment of Borg, Fletcher, Catshark and Freewheel had an incredible output of 45, 175, 77 and 2751 ships respectively during the entire war.

Their huge number and exquisite craftsmanship make them an indispensable combat force for the U.S. Navy's Pacific and Atlantic fleets.

This is why Huang He dares to speak. After all, allies will only consider signing the Lend-Lease Act if the number is sufficient and their own forces are full.

If he asked for the extremely rare North Carolina and Essex right from the start, wouldn't Master Luo jump on the spot and shout that TG is taking advantage of the situation?

Instead of creating a lose-lose situation, it would be better to ask for a high price and let A Chou pay back the money on the spot.

Anyway, it's not the Fourth Master and the Eighth Master who are anxious, so let's talk slowly.

After getting the answer he wanted and eating the watermelon on the table, the Army reorganization expert stood up and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, he suddenly remembered one more thing that he almost forgot to explain, so he quickly turned back and reminded Huang He:

"By the way, there's one more thing. Your junior's junior arrived in the mountain city last night with the representatives of the Chou Kingdom, and is now staying in the guest house of the Eighth Office."

"If nothing else happens, comrades in the Air Force should be able to send him to the Weapons Experimental Research Bureau soon."

"The border area and the headquarters specially asked me to remind you that you must do a good job in reception. It is not easy for people to come all the way back to the country. Don't let the returning tourists be wronged."

As soon as these words came out, Huang He immediately began to calculate in his mind, trying to analyze the precise identity of the other party.

But he soon gave up.

There is no way, my junior's network of contacts is not that wide. It is no exaggeration to say that if there are no special restrictions on nationality and other conditions, the names of people who meet the criteria can even fill an entire A4 paper.

"Huh? Who is it?"

"The Fifth Division didn't tell me in advance. I don't know about it at all."

Considering that Huang He had gone on a business trip to the headquarters some time ago and had just returned to the Weapons Experimental Research Bureau today, the army reorganization expert simply stopped joking.

"I only know the surname is Guo. You can ask yourself about the specific details."

"Let's go, see you in a few days. Regarding the development of a new individual anti-tank rocket launcher, I'm waiting for you to have good news."

"Okay, be safe on the road."


Two days later, Baotou Donghe Airport.

At a high altitude more than ten kilometers away from Prairie Steel City, a passenger plane converted from an air train transport aircraft gradually lowered its altitude and flew slowly towards the military airport in the northwest.

In the cabin, a thin and elegant young man was reading a letter. His eyes were extremely complicated, as if he was recalling some past events.


I received your letter and heard that your return is approaching. This is really happy news.

Now everyone is busy with mechanics, and the bureau's work is at the world's advanced level in terms of goals, content, and all aspects of scientific research conditions.

In a sense, this is a well-deserved paradise for scientists.

Come on! Come on!

I have prepared an office for you. It is a south-facing room on the second floor, and there is a row of pitch pines outside the window. Your house is only a five-minute walk from the workplace. It is very close to my senior and me. It is considered a close neighbor.

Not much to write anymore, let’s meet and discuss in detail.


Welcome home! "

An unknown journey is often accompanied by unknown challenges.

But every time he reads the letter sent by his senior, a warm current will rise in the heart of the elegant young man, helping him to dispel all confusion and uneasiness about the future.

"Senior! Director Huang! Wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

Just when the young man was secretly determined to have a big fight with his friends in the coming days, the plane had already arrived over Baotou Donghe Airport.

Recalling the repeated instructions from his superiors before departure, the captain decisively turned on the in-flight PA system, and then gently reminded the only passenger on this flight:

"Mr. Guo, we are about to arrive at our destination. Don't forget what I told you before, and be sure to pay attention to safety."

Hearing this, the young man immediately took his eyes away from the letter. He adjusted his posture according to previous training and made preparations for landing.

A few minutes later, the passenger plane landed steadily and began taxiing on the concrete runway.

Finally, the captain parked the aircraft directly in front of the designated hangar according to the guidance of the tower staff.

"Hahaha! Junior, I've finally waited for you! I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you so much! As per the old rules, you take my car, I'll take you around the city first, and then we'll go back to the bureau."

"In order to welcome you to join us, a table of Shandong cuisine has been specially prepared in the cafeteria."

“I’ve been eating General Tso’s Chicken for so long. Today I’ll help you recall the taste of my hometown. You’re in for a treat.”

As soon as he walked down the escalator of the plane, the elegant young man heard a burst of familiar laughter. Looking towards the source of the sound, I saw a handsome intellectual holding the car door with one hand and looking at him with a smile on his face.

Watching the two juniors who were standing in front of him, they were stunned on the spot. Like a forest, they stepped forward and hugged each other's necks.

"After being separated for so long, your response is still as slow as ever. We have limited time, so get in the car and set off quickly. Don't let the comrades in the bureau wait too long."

"By the way, do you have any large luggage? My security team can help you get it."

The sudden physical contact made Master Guo suddenly come back to his senses.

I was in a daze because I never expected that my hometown would value me so much. Just for the simple task of picking up the airport, the border area arranged a dozen soldiers to take charge of security.

However, I am just a student who has not graduated with a Ph.D., is it necessary to go to such a big fight?

Temporarily suppressing his confusion, he looked at his surroundings and said to the waiting seniors:

"Except for necessary materials and books, I only have a small change of clothes and daily necessities in my luggage, so don't bother me."

Before he finished speaking, knowledge waved his hands like a forest, and two warriors with vigorous movements trotted towards the passenger plane and carried out several suitcases.

Before his junior could react, he directly pulled him into the back seat of the Beetle, and then motioned to the driver to drive to Baogang.

After a set of smooth operations, Master Guo entered the main road of the city in a daze.

"How did you feel when you came to Baotou for the first time? You may not believe it. It only took more than half a year to complete the construction of this city from scratch."

"When I was in Suiyuan, I was inspired by the wonderful prospects every day. I think you will have the same experience in the future."

Maybe it's because when I was in school in Chou Country, I was often driven around the city by my seniors. Master Guo, who was still a little nervous at first, obviously calmed down a lot after getting in the car.

Looking at the bustling and heavy-industrial street scene outside the window, as well as the trucks passing by from time to time, he said with emotion:

"Baotou is really an incredible city. Every resident here is full of vitality. This is something I couldn't even imagine a few years ago."

"My previous hunch was indeed correct. My career, destination and achievements must all be in Suiyuan!"


Two hours later, the two ended their trip to Baotou and took a bus to the Weapons Experimental Research Bureau.

Stepping into the gate and passing by the laboratory building of his department, knowledge stopped like a forest, and he proudly introduced to the junior students next to him:

"The building in front of you is the mechanics center of the bureau, and it is also where we will work together in the future."

"Here, almost all the top scientists in the Republic of China are gathered. If a university is established based on this, the comrades in the building can even form a reference matrix."

“After I came back, Caltech was only ranked second in my heart!”

The senior’s heartfelt pride made Master Guo full of expectations for his future work and life. At his urging, the two continued to move forward and walked quickly straight to the director's office.

After arriving at the destination, knowledge opens directly out of the door like a forest. Unfortunately, Huang He was not in the room at this time due to work reasons.

Seeing this, he picked up the phone on the table and said to his junior brother:

"You can sit down wherever you want, and I'll call the director to come back. You can just take whichever of the materials on the bookshelf and table you want. Don't be polite."

With the approval of his senior, Master Guo casually picked up a folder from the table and prepared to kill time before the master came back.

But just by looking at the title of the book, a sense of surprise and surprise rushed into his heart.

"Ah! Transonic flow discontinuity solution? Isn't this the topic I have been studying recently? It turns out that Director Huang has also made achievements in the field of sound barrier. What a close friend!"

As soon as these words came out, learning was like a knowing smile in the forest.

As early as in college, when he first met Huang He, he felt like he had met a close friend. Even though many years have passed and the two have completed their studies in different countries, this feeling has not changed.

This is probably the hexagonal warrior, which is ubiquitous in all fields of mechanics.

Just when knowledge was like a forest falling into memories, Master Guo had already opened the folder. Then, in the reference column, an exciting opening statement came into view.

"This article does not need to refer to any literature. The article contains relevant theories about power systems, which can be found in general aerodynamics textbooks. The "Hypersonic Velocity Similarity Ratio" is also proposed in this article for the first time." (End of Chapter)

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